Best Laid plans : The world is against... - Lung Conditions C...

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Best Laid plans

Delamere profile image
50 Replies

The world is against me and it's doing a good job. As you all know l had appointment with new Dr on Monday afternoon. Sats dripped over wken phoned Dr mon to say cancel appointment give it to someone else. 5 min later Dr on phone give me an hour l am coming out to you.Nearly had heart failure along with everything else. She arrived with Nurse from NHS direct which is in same building. Unfortunately IV needed however NHS nurse said they coul administer x2 daily if l came to unit. So off l toddle feeling calmer. Was told in A&E yes no problem keep me in for 2 days to make sure l don't have a bad reaction to antibiotics then the rest in healthcentre. Next day disaster different Dr wanted to trial 2 different antibiotics at the same time but one was x3 daily so not possible at surgery however said it could be done over 7 days so big pants well and truly pulled up and l said go for it. How stupid am l different Dr again this am all change again and 14 days in hospital wants me to go back on prednisolone that l have just weened my self off. Told him in no uncertain terms l have had enough have seen 3 different Dr all telling me conflicting treatments that they need to get their communication sorted and contact my respiratory team. He put the icing on the cake by asking me if l knew l had Asthma REALLY. Sorry for long text really needed to vent before l just blow up and take myself home. To make matters worse they left me off meals last night put it right then no breakfast or lunch today to say l was unhappy is putting it mildly

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Delamere profile image
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50 Replies
sassy59 profile image

What an absolute c##k up Delamere! Not good to have you messed about like that. I do hope they all have their heads banged together and sort things out properly. Thinking of you and hope you get something to eat. Xxx

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to sassy59

Thankyou you would have thought after the debacle of last visit and involvement of Nursing director from hospital and practice manager from GP unit things would have improved !

ninelives profile image
ninelives in reply to Delamere

Excellent news

CDPO16 profile image

No wonder you need to rant. What a rediculous state of affairs. I do hope that they have listened to you and got their act together. You went to get treatment not to be treated as a guinea pig. Rediculous too that there were no spare meals for you to have. Sending you a hug and hoping that things work out for the better soon xx

Katinka46 profile image

What a nightmare. So sorry. But thank you for coming on a having a rant. It is what we are here for.

Delamere profile image

I really thought after the problems on my last admission which my GP surgery lodged a complaint about things would have improved !!

What a shame, it was all looking so good. 🙁 You need that little doggie now to put a smile back on your face.

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to

I really do ! Thanks for replying

So sorry Delamere, that is an awful experience. Say you want to stick with the first doctors recommendation, get me food and drinks until I am discharged and arrange patient transport for journey home.

Hope you can soon be in the comfort of your own home.

Feel better soon.

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to

The song l predict a riot comes to mind ! Now they are changing antibiotics again and my veins are protesting. Feel so frustrated. Can't do a lot of the things that keep me safe like exercise eating properly and getting fresh air won't even allow physio to take me downstairs to front door.Worrying l am loosing the will to fight my corner. Thankyou so much for replying

in reply to Delamere

Sending you thoughts of strength and staying power x x

Jaybird19 profile image

So doggy yo hear how you have been treated - or should I say mistreated. Hope it all gets sorted.

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to Jaybird19

Thankyou so much your support means a lot

Jaybird19 profile image

We will all be thinking of you. You need something more to rely on and you not getting it . Quite the opposite . Not getting a meal is disgraceful . I can understand they have not catered for you but they should give you something , Used to be the ward would find something if only snack. I missed my lunch yesterday and got 2 cups of hot chocolate and biscuits yesterday in A&E to keep me going until i got home.

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to Jaybird19

Thankyou so much . They knew l was here l had filled in 3 menu sheets and ward nurse said she passed them on it is another nobody taking responsibility for mistakes case. Which is a pity because it means you can't stop it happening again. Like you l was treated better I A&E

HungryHufflepuff profile image

☹️ This all sounds awful. What a mess up. I feel like I want to send you a food parcel. But I’ll send you lots of sheepy hugs instead 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Thankyou for my Sheepy hugs x

Caspiana profile image

Wow. How are you supposed to cope with three different doctors with conflicting treatment? Don't they read patient notes?? And they should be communicating with each other and you as a team. I don't blame you at all for feeling upset. I hope you are feeling a bit better now. Please let us know how things go. Thinking of you Delamere.

Cas xx 🌿🌼🌱🌻🌿🌼

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to Caspiana

Thankyou so much Cas. It really helps knowing there are people out there who understand the difficulties of managing not only on going health conditions but a mixture of health professionals as well. Round 2 today when l push for home IV and to see the results of my tests and xrays which they have not deemed to share with me yet. Time for the big girl pants x

I am not surprised you are unhappy. Sadly I don't think yours is a unique experience. Sometimes we survive despite them and not because of them. Hope you start to feel better soon.

ninelives profile image

Sending you huge hugs and hope that your respiratory team sort this out.Really asking you if you know you have asthma.

Most docs are very good but sometimes a cuckoo pops up and causes havoc.Can remember a very pompous one asking me the same thing(I was on Xolair at time and had had several respiratory arrests) luckily my respiratory consultant stepped in .

Do hope that you are feeling better ,we are all routing for you.

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to ninelives

Thankyou so much x

HighGables profile image

Just awful the way you have been treated. There must be a consultant that these doctors report to. Seems like one upmanship between them which is when you become just a number. I’ve had the food problem when I’ve been in hospital, again with no one taking responsibility.I really hope you get better and home very soon. Sending positive vibes. Jax🐶x

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to HighGables

Thankyou jax l am usually able to laugh things off but don't feel up for it this time as l have lost faith in consulting team x

HighGables profile image
HighGables in reply to Delamere

I can imagine that. You get to the stage where you just want to scream. Truly hope your back home soon and put all this behind you. I feel more complaints needed, if you have the energy !Jax🐶x

Aingeful profile image

I understand these feelings so well. I too worry that I'm no longer capable of doing the things that keep me healthy. I haven't the energy to walk far let alone exercise. Re the prednisolone, my consultant is weaning me off this after two years.If he then suggests I go back on it,I would react just as you have done. Hope things improve soon.

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to Aingeful

Thankyou for your understanding Pednsilosone always gives such a false high and is so hard to wean yourself off. Also Dr have conflicting views about it some are really reluctant to give it others give it out like smarties. I usually use my own judgement x

ninelives profile image
ninelives in reply to Aingeful

Best of luck weaning off your prednisolone do let us know how you get on.

I have been on it continually since 2004 ,so I have some insight into how you feel.

Lfcpremier profile image

Beggars belief that these medics can be so inept! No wonder you feel so exasperated. I would be ready to explode. Hope that they get their act together soon & at least ensure you get meals at the right time. It does make me despair. Good luck!

Biofreak profile image

I really sympathize. I've come across so many different doctors whose modes of treatment differ widely and I don't think they appreciate what affect all the conflicting ideas of treatment have on their patients. They all think they are right and the patient objections are rarely considered. Anyone would be frustrated and upset. I know I would. As for you not being fed! Well that's unforgivable. No wonder you're upset.

Beachballs profile image

Not surprised you are upset , it’s confusing when their is such a marked conflict of advice, but you are managing it , I had the same on a recent hospital stay. Hope things improve for you and you start to feel better soon. Good luck! 🙏

nina30795 profile image

I wish you strength and courage to get what you need!! You’re in such an impossible position. Hope they come to an agreement and you start feeling a little better soon!!! 😘💜😘💜

stamford1234 profile image

No the World is not against you x

Walkwalkwalk profile image

Oh. How dreadful for you when it was all looking so promising. You are absolutely right and you are the most knowledgeable person about your well-being and you are sounding in control despite the cock ups. I hope that you have a resolution and some food

My very best wishes.


Snackjack profile image

After that experience I am not surprised you needed to have a rant, well you rant away people on this site are always ready to listen. I do hope that things get sorted for you a.s.a.p. Best wishes. xxx

Sops profile image

This sounds terrible, no wonder you are angry. I have spent years saying I DO NOT HAVE ASTHMA and paying a premium for it on insurances. I too am sick of being swopped from one consultant to another. My Azithromycin was cancelled for a summer break and i broke my 16 month shielding to immediately get a really serious infection. Tried amoxycillin as all I have at home, no better.According to:my surgery my last x ray( which was lumber not chest) showed no signs of Bronch but i know well it only shows on a CAT scan. I do hope you are by now getting meals, what was all that about? I hope you are, or soon will be sent on to the comfort of you own home, drugs sorted and some peace of mind. debacle comes to mind.

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to Sops

Hi sops thanks for replying. Sorry for your negative experience for us Bronchs it seems to be the normal. Take care

Sops profile image
Sops in reply to Delamere

Thank you ,

Alberta56 profile image

Dreadful! 😡😡😡👿Do medics want to make Delamere iller? 🤞🤞its sorted PDQ.

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to Alberta56

I think l am on their hit list. Going to disapoint them out of sheer stubborness

Alberta56 profile image

Good! Go, go, go!

Dedalus profile image

This is really pathetic. Hope someone can get this sorted for you soon x

corriena profile image

Oh dear things can only get better hopefully 🤞🙄

HollyBoyd profile image

I can understand your frustrations at not being able to keep yourself fit whilst in hospital and would be much happier with going along twice a day for the infusion. Nothing worse than sitting all day with no exercise or fresh air, happened to me last month , have to start from the beginning once home!! I only hope you will soon get your treatment and that you have at least been given a sandwich !! Thinking of you and sending lots of warm wishes. 🤗

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to HollyBoyd

Thankyou can not tell you how much strength l have gained hearing from people who have been therecand done that. Having all your choices and control of managing your condition really destroys your confidence

HollyBoyd profile image
HollyBoyd in reply to Delamere

Keep fighting Delamere, hope by now you are feeling less stressed and in control xxx🥰

dunnellon profile image

What an unconscionable way to be treated! Feeling as if you have no control and being pulled in different directions causes so much anxiety. Best wishes for a return home soon.

Delamere profile image
Delamere in reply to dunnellon

Thankyou so much

Izb1 profile image

Oh! my word, how pathetic. I do not suffer fools glady and would have had a meltdown there and then. Either do your job or get out would have been my motto and believe me somebody would have found some food for me. My mum used to suffer in silence and was walked all over, until i arrived on the ward. You really should put in an official complaint, otherwise it wont change. I really feel for you, you are probably too poorly to do this for yourself, do you have family that could take up your cause. I hope things look different tomorrow x

Ergendl profile image

What a mess! Hope you finally get a treatment sorted out properly.

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