well, had my appointment with new respiratory consultant on Weds last week, she was new to me and vice versa. She actually took the time to talk me through my ct scan done in April 2021, said she would arrange another CT soon so we can compare the two to see what the Bronchiectasis is up to now. I had spirometry done ( last one was ten years ago!!. She was totally horrified at the lack of care I've had from my gp surgery, similarly no asthma review at surgery for 3 yrs) I have, apparently got very long lungs and an enlarged trachea, nobody told me that before! So we await test results and ct scan to work out whether it's out of control asthma or ththe Bronchiectasis or something new.
She has taken me off Relvar and Incruse and I will be getting(eventually) a Trimbow inhaler used twice a day, using tidal breathing & a spacer device. This is a trial to see if it improves things. Can still use my Ventolin as needed, & she was happy to leave me on Fexofenadine 180 and my Montelukast. We need ENT to get me in soon to explore the very bad sinus issues. She will chase up respiratory physios ( on their waiting list since 2022) , but the current waiting list for Pulmonary Rehab( which I am also sitting on) is over two years!!!!!!
On another note, I have sold my current house and will be moving to Northumberland in October (all being well). Just hope I can get better care up there than in north Wales. I've let the consultant know, and hope she can get me a little better before I head north.