Hi, I was diagnosed with Bronchiestasis by ct scan 5 years ago but my Consultant says my condition has deteriorated so in addition to rescue 2 week pack of amoxicillin he now wants to go on azithromycin, but before I can start on it I have to have a check on my heart, because I also take the antidepressant citalopram. Does anyone else take this combination of medications? 🤗
Bronchiestasis sufferer who takes Cit... - Lung Conditions C...
Bronchiestasis sufferer who takes Citalopram

Good luck. i don't take Citalopram, so I can't answer your query, but I have had absolutely no side effects since I was put on Azithromycin.
Hi Samye, I take both Citalopram and Azithromycin, the former to take the edge off my anxiety when I can't breathe and the latter obviously as an ongoing antibiotic. Before the Azith. I was on and off my rescue pack every three weeks or so, but have only had to reach for other antibiotics the once in six months! No mention of my heart tho' , but I seem to be fine Hope it helps you too xx
The heart problem he’s talking about is probably Long QT syndrome. Some drugs, including azithromycin & citalopram, can predispose you to LQTS. I’m on citalopram & had an ecg to check it was ok for me to go on azith.

Hi Hanne62 ,Many thanks for reply, I’m hoping it works for me. 🤗
Hope so. I think purely drug-induced LQTS is quite rare, people usually have a genetic propensity. The first ecg showed I was “borderline” but the follow-up was clear. I still have an occasional ecg tho. Good luck with it, azithromycin is very helpful for bx, it reduces inflammation, which helps keep bugs at bay x
Hi Samye, I have been on Azith for 10 years now and wholeheartedly recommend it. If your doc says take it then I would go for it. I have Bronch and AF and Azith literally saved my life. It has given me back my health and for that I am very grateful. Good luck. Maximonkey
Hello Samye. I don’t take Citalopram but the Azithromycin has helped reduce the bronchiectasis with no side effects. I would certainly recommend that you also seek help from a respiratory physio to teach you breathing techniques to help bring up phlegm on a daily basis. Carbocisteine also helps since this makes the phlegm less viscous and easier to bring up.
Hi Lolndol, it’s good to hear that azithromycin has helped you, can’t wait to get my first script! I have been for physio re clearing techniques and I am on daily carbocisteine, but seem to be fighting a loosing battle at moment. Samye 🤗
Keep up with the clearing techniques. You’ve probably been told about the importance of pacing yourself during the day and most importantly to breath through the nose slowly using the diaphragm throughout the day. I find it most relaxing and reduces stress on the lungs. Hope this helps.
Hi Loindol, re ‘pacing myself’, that is the one thing that really gets me down as my energy levels are very low , it’s as if the mind is willing but the body is weak, some days I am just exhausted🙈🤷♀️ . Take care 🤗
I know the feeling. I’m having a bad day today as I also had yesterday. That’s because the day before I didn’t pace myself. I was feeling good and spent a large part of the day doing little jobs. I should have stopped at about 3pm but kept on going. Now I’m absolutely fatigued. This normally takes a few days of doing nothing before I start feeling ok again (but sometimes can take weeks). It’s a mental discipline to stop whilst you’re still ok. This has been a regular pattern since my first attack of bronchiectasis 4 years ago. The azithromycin, Carbocisteine and breathing techniques have helped in reducing the frequency of attacks but the fatigue seems to linger on. All the advice I get from my GP and respiratory physios is to manage myself by disciplined pacing. I don’t know if you or anyone else have received any better advice or help.
Hi Loindol, i am sorry you are having some bad days, but I have to say your last post could have been written by myself as I feel exactly the same re fatigue and it really gets me down, because if I have a ‘good day’ I am then wiped out for days, and I really do not think there is anything we can do about, my Consultant told me to learn to just go with the flow! As some people experience worse problems than others.I hope you pick up soon, but it was comforting to hear from someone who feels like me. Take care
Samye 🤗
I am not on that combination but have been on azithromycin for 18 months, have not had infection since then. No side effects, but it is normal to have an ecg before you go on it as it can effect people with a particular heart condition.