I got chest infection on antibiotics also on iron tablets for iron deficiency for breathing today I’ve agonising pain in back in right rib
Pain in rib : I got chest infection on... - Lung Conditions C...
Pain in rib

Does anyone think it could be pleurisy
I would check it out with your health professional tomorrow . Otherwise you could ring 111 for advice before then .
Many reasons for chest pain , I have had pleurisy in the past .
Take care
It could be be.I’ve had pleurisy type pain for nearly 3 weeks.now.
Have you spoken to GP ?
No one answered today😳 I tried getting through for hours I’m first thing in morning
I would check in with your doctor Mutley to discuss your symptom so you can get professional medical guidance for your situation.
If you can speak to your GP in the morning,it may be better if you ring 111.When I rang the other week it said they were too busy to take my call.
I hung on listened and some other options came in..
I spoke to an operator,who put men to speak to someone.
I answered a load more questions.he advised me to go to A N E,which I dud.
If you’re struggling,it may be better to ring this evening.
Take care.
Hope you feel better soon
Hi, 2 weeks ago I had pain like I’d been punched between shoulder blades and it radiated around the rib cage making it difficult to breathe....inhalers doing nothing ..... docs not open , called 111..... hospital, bloods , BP 188/111 (anxious), ECU, chest X-ray .....Peak flow 300.......Nebulised..... the culprit?...... a chest infection......given steroids and antibiotics ....... still not right started taking rescue pack and things are getting better........Wouldn’t have been to the damned hospital if the docs was open like it used to be in the daytime!
Hi and so sorry you in pain. Chest pain could be for all sorts of reasons. I had 2 pulmonary embolisms . When I had chest infection also was on antibiotics. I couldn't take a proper breath in because my right rib was hurting like 😩 badly. Couldn't sleep on that side , curtain movements made it sore is well. First the GP looked/ listened to my chest ,heard me out and after send me to A&E. GP was worried of another PE , even though this didn't fill like it. I was diagnosed with plurasy. Later I released I had this every time I had chest infection - not as bad as this. Check it out with the doctor .
Good luck 👍.
Sorry I’m late in answering . I actually just saw your post & pleurisy came to mind immediately. I see others have said that too & I was just wondering if it was indeed that?? I had pleurisy 10 years ago & was in agony with it!! I hope you're feeling much better now 👍🏼😊