Anyone on “Duaklir Genuair”? Some of the side effects seem worse than the reason why I’m on it?
Inhaler: Anyone on “Duaklir Genuair... - Lung Conditions C...

Can't advise you on that inhaler looper but keep in mind all meds come with information leaflet which lists possibly side affects that doesn't mean everyone will get any or all those side affects listed.
Your best option is to try it and see, if it helps you without any excessive side affects all for the best if you find you start to have serious probs with it chat again with your doctor to discuss other options.
Hope it works well for you.
Interesting fact about side effect information, is that it’s a list of pretty much anything ever reported by someone using a drug. That doesn’t mean that the drug actually, 100% caused the symptom reported, simply that the two occurred in close proximity: correlation, not causation. Sodium chloride solution - literal salt water - that’s used to clean wounds and to mix injections or infusions, has no less than 15 possible side effects listed on the patient information leaflet, ranging from rashes, to tremors and even fever. Bearing in mind that blood is essentially salt water, with a concentration of salt almost 4 times higher than normal sodium chloride solution, that fact seems extraordinary, but as there’s often no way to determine whether something is a genuine side effect, if it’s reported, it gets noted down. Better safe than sorry. End result is that virtually every single drug known to man has a long list of ‘possible’ side effects that gets put in the information leaflet, scaring the life out of many people, and often adding to the nocebo effect, whereby if people expect to have side effects with something, they will. There was actually a really interesting study done regarding statins, which have a terrible reputation for side effects, that proved patients reported side effects just as frequently taking the placebo as they did when actually taking the medication itself. When the results were shared with the participants, many found they were then able to take statins without having the side effects they’d said they’d experienced previously and often made them stop treatment. The human mind is an incredible thing, and also an incredible pain in the bum on occasions.
That’s essentially my long winded way of agreeing with Bkin: try it and see what happens. If you do get any side effects, then it’s a case of balancing out whether they outweigh the benefits, but the body can also take a few days to adjust to something new, so unless it’s something serious, my experience of many meds is that it’s good to persist for a few days if you can. It’s entirely possible that you’ll take it and have no trouble at all, though.

Thanks for the long reply, I missed the bit , did you say you were on it or had tried it?
Hi I have been on that for 18 months or so. Have had no side effects at all. As far as I remember I did not read the side effects leaflet at the time..From my experience though Duaklit Genuair is perfectly fine
If you read the list of side effects , there's a chance you will get them all . !!! I don't read them unless I react to something , then look up list to see if that reaction is on the list . Just a thought 🤗🤗🤗
I was absolutely ILL on this inhaler! I was on it for 5 months (kept being told to 'persevere' with it and that my problems could NOT be as a result of it). As I was recovering from a bad case of bronchitis (was hospitalised for it) everyone thought my recovery was just slow. I was given this inhaler on discharge from hospital (no idea why because I was fine on the previous one - Eklira Genuair). After leaving hospital with this new inhaler I couldn't breathe, eat or sleep - lost 2.5 stone in weight and just went downhill fast. Eventually (after 5 long months) I asked if I could change the inhaler (I had tried everything else and was at my wits end). I started SPIOLTO RESPIMAT inhaler and the VERY NEXT DAY I could breathe again!! I couldn't believe how quickly my health improved (even my sons thought I was dying previously). WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT and some people are fine on this inhaler. This is just by way of warning if you take this, or any other inhaler which you think doesn't agree with you, don't 'PERSEVERE' with it (as I was advised to do). We all know our own bodies and how we feel better than anyone else.