Hello, was diagnosed with asthma in November after ending up with a stay in hospital for a week. Have been using two inhalers as prescribed but have been having lots of chest pain and have what seems like a vice gripping my chest. Drs prescribed steroids for a week, felt so bad after course had finished ended up calling 111. An ambulance was sent out and l was taken back to hospital as blood oxygen levels were low 80s. Am now home with more steroids and antibiotics still have tightness in chest and blood oxygen is under 90 is this okay and normal. Sorry for the long message but am getting worried. Thank you.
Scared: Hello, was diagnosed with... - Lung Conditions C...

You don’t say whether you were diagnosed by a respiratory specialist or your GP. As your condition is obviously not under control you need either to return to the resp con or be referred to one. Visit your GP and get this in motion. GPs are not experts and often out of their depth. Visits to A&E will not solve your problem because their job is to fix you up temporarily and send you home.Good luck, I do hope that you get it under control and feel better before long.

Was diagnosed by a specialist,haven't had a follow up appointment since because of covid. Did make an appointment to see asthma nurse at drs but when I turned up was told that they were on holiday.
I do suggest that you get pro active. Phone the specialist's secretary and also push your GP. Asthma nurses are good with day to day things but you need more care. I'm afraid that we do have to be vociferous in our own interests.
Have you got a spacer to use with your inhalers? The spacer helps you get the full benefits from your inhalers.
I would go along with what littlepom has said. The sooner you get this under control the sooner you will feel better, back to the consultant is your best way forward, communicate precisely what you have said here about your chest pain and oxygen levels etc.
If for any reason things deteriorate more you should call 111 or emergency again.
Try to make contact with the specialist asap.
Hi tiggerlkr,I do hope you get some help and gps cannot always get to the bottom of your condition, I recently had a lung issue and was told by my gp they can't tell me whether I needed to go back on my respiratory medication so I phoned respiratory department and spoke to the physio nurses who helped me enormously.
I'd reiterate oshgosh re using a spacer.also breath in as deep and slowly as poss + hold,b4 exhaling slowly,when take a puff to get it absorbed .it's essential to follow gd technique for them to work.how often ru using inhalers + which do u have