I was diagnosed 18 months ago with mild COPD, which has been kept under control with Seretide 250. I haven’t been to pulmonary rehab due to it being cancelled because of Covid. Five days ago I started doing some COPD chest exercises, not because I desperately needed it, but because I just felt I ought to do something! But the last couple of days I have had some increased phlegm. Not loads, but enough to make me cough every so often. It is clear, so I can’t see it being an infection and I feel okay otherwise. The exercises have made me feel that I can breathe deeper, but could they also be causing the phlegm?
Increased Phlegm from exercise? - Lung Conditions C...
Increased Phlegm from exercise?

Hi. I think it is more likely that the exercises are helping you to clear phlegm from your lungs. I would continue as you are given that there is no sign of infection and that you feel well.
Thank you. I don’t normally have a problem with phlegm which is why I thought the exercise was causing it.
The BLF have some useful information on doing exercises to help. They also do a dvd of exercises that you can follow at home if you have a dvd player. Any exercise will help you to stay as well as possible. Best wishes to you.
I agree with what CDPO16 says above and add, make sure you are well hydrated, drinking plenty of water oh I see Annie31 has mentioned this too Keep up the good work.
I agree with CDPO16. I am no expert but I find taking more exercise works for me in that respect! Drinking plenty of water is good too!
Hi, When I used to attend my exercise class I found it really loosened the phlegm making it easy to cough up. I notice that now I regularly go walking each day I start coughing more. It just means the exercise is moving the phlegm allowing me to cough it up. A similar action to using a flutter or acapella. Good for the lungs.
I also have mild COPD I put a treadmill in my garage as you say the deal breathing helps greatly to clear my chest also yesterday I started to use a salt pipe I'll see how that goes goog health
I would be interested to know how you get on with the salt pipe, please keep us posted.
Yes I saw an advert on a site for a Himalaya salt and when I went into it they were advertising a salt inhaler £20 poundish and they show how to make one for free which I did I've only used for 2days but I think that already it's made my getting up of gunk easier there's lots of information of salt remedies on internet keep you posted
At the singing group I run, the singing exercises get us lungies starting to cough up gunge after about ten minutes, even those of us who normally don't cough. That's very good. It clears out the bottom of the lungs where infections can lurk and breed, as well as making the muscles stronger and the breathing more efficient. Keep doing the exercises.
Hi. I had/have a similar response over the past few years since I packed in smoking and commenced exercise, intermittently. breathing is deeper but also exhaling is faster, less obstructed. The mucous loosens up more, that is, mucous that previously was more difficult to cough up. For me it has been a good thing, nothing to worry about. After a period of time it settles down somewhat, which I think may be due to the condition of the lungs improving, considerably. In my case the loosening of the mucous starts 30-60 mins after the exercise. I'm actually pleased from it. Keep the exercise up, you'll be so pleased after 3 months or so, keep a simple log so that you can clearly see your improvement. Good luck.
You were diagnosed mild copd18 months ago? So, you improved from 'moderate' 6 years ago?
That post was 18 months ago. The first mention of mild COPD was six years ago and when I wrote the post I had just had my Spirometry and had a FEV of 69% and assumed that was moderate COPD but my doctors have said that I still have mild COPD when all others factors have been taken into account. I haven’t had any further tests since then and I don’t feel any worse shortening of breath so I may still be at a mild stage (hopefully!) and am trying to keep it that way.