I am sorry to bombard you with questions but I am scared now. Four years ago I was diagnosed with mild copd by a gastro oncologist after a ct scan. I have mentioned it several times to the doctors and a one point had an X-ray which said everything was fine, but my breathing was getting worse. Now I find I have moderate copd, mild to moderate in four years. I gave up smoking 10 years ago. I haven’t eaten properly and have led a very sedentary lifestyle, but I also haven’t had any medication or advice. But I am scared that the rapid rate may continue, or now I know better can I hold it back? Really anxious and struggling to come to terms with this.
Scared: I am sorry to bombard you with... - Lung Conditions C...

Try and exercise and keep moving. Also eat well and healthily. People live long lives with COPD so you can do it.
Pete is bordering on severe but is doing well so stay strong and speak to your doctor about medication. Xxxx
Thank you Sassy59 for replying again. I have been put on Seretide 125 twice a day and been given salamol for emergencies.
Try and speak to your doctor or nurse about your fears and how you feel about things. Wishing you well. Xxxx
You are only just moderate. If your FEV1 was just one percent higher you would still be mild. Not knowing what your FEV1was when you were told it was mild makes it unreasonable for you to panic. It is perfectly feasable for you to have got worse by just a few percent only. No need to panic. You have already done the best possible thing to slow down progression by quitting smoking. The next best thing is regular exercise, being sedentary is not good at all.
The other day BenBLF posted a link to some great exercise videos. I don’t know if you saw that? They’re really good. So far I have only watched and not actually done any exercises but I really must motivate myself to do some. In the past few years my diet and levels of fitness have deteriorated and I really need to do something about it. Exercise and good food are so important for lung health. This was supposed to be encouragement for you but I think I’m trying to motivate myself here 😆
I too have Seretide, and Spiriva, and Ventolin for emergencies.
Hi to give yourself the best chance with any illness is to lead a healthy lifestyle so eat good food and exercise as much as you can. The more you exercise the less amount of oxygen your muscles will need so this will have a knock on effect on your breathing.
Your lung function is still plenty high enough for you to lead a full life still so recognise your illness, make plans to deal with it, then forget it and carry on with your normal life.
Whilst we are all different copd doesn't usually progress quickly and when I was diagnosed mild in my mid 50's my doctor told me something else would get me first ie old age! Don't let it control you - you are far from being an invalid. x

Hi we have all been in your position and it is frightening, but please try to be positive, worrying will do no good. Yooi you must eat properly as well. Stay well and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx love
Ask your GP to refer you to a pulmonary rehab course to kick start getting fitter. I was diagnosed with moderate COPD in 2015, and with the great advice from posters on this site, about exercise and singing and other things, my FEV1 has now moved back to the bottom of the normal range. I took my COPD diagnosis as a kick up the bum call to get fitter instead of "committing suicide by sofa" as someone warned in a post on here. All the best.
Hi Hun, I agree with all Replies to you. I wear a Fit Bit so I can achieve a few more steps at the end of the day, I jot them down in my Diary and do my best at my Twice weekly Exercise Classes. Shopping Day, Friday I walk even with a Stick or Shopping Trolley to maintain my Legs moving, I do all my Exercises etc on Oxygen, Thank Goodness for 02. Stay well, eat Properly and enjoy each day ,even just walking on the spot holding the back of a Chair all adds to your Exercise and keep your Legs Strong, Good Luck Hun. C. xxxx
Have you not got any inhalers ??
Hi Cales, yes I do now from the respiratory nurse, Seretide and Salamol. I picked them up yesterday and had my first dose of Seretide last night. I am not happy that they brushed off the diagnosis of mild copd for so long, so will be asking doctor about it when I see her.
Well I’m glad you now have inhalers but you should have had them from diagnosis surely , I was given spiriva / now braltast as soon as I was diagnosed and then later when I still struggled up hills was given another one that I take twice a day , duoresp I wouldn’t manage without them . Hope you get sorted xx
Hi Cales, the diagnosis was initially made as part of other investigations. I have been back to the doctors several times over the years about my breathing but they just seemed to brush off that diagnosis and didn’t even want to discuss it. They did investigate my heart (ECG) and lungs (X-ray) but kept saying all was fine. This time I had a different doctor and she was the first one to take it seriously and book a spirometer Test with the respiratory nurse and things have gone from there. Hopefully now I will get the right treatment 😀
Definitely I have a respiratory nurse at my surgery she’s brilliant , hope all begins to pick up for you now am sure you will notice a difference once you take your inhalers regularly 😊
Hi mate, I was diagnosed mild in 2015 and border line diabetes type 2, obese,and arthritic knees, had to give up work in 2016,sat and did nothing all day,one year later went from mild to moderate,diagnosed type 2 diabetese,morbidly obese, since then I have changed my diet to low carb, ( between 150 and 200 grams of carbs per day ) 1500 calories max, swim up to 45mins per day 3 times per week, within 18 months lost 4 stone, back to pre diabetes and mild COPD,feel a million dollars and can do loads more than I could 4 years ago,slow but sure is the key,it can be done, good luck in the future.
P S i am a non smoker.
Thank you Jollj, that all sounds really positive and what I needed to hear. So glad you are doing so much better 😀
Hiya ... I was diagnosed with Moderate COPD in 2012 when I was just 51 ... after suffering a number of struggling to breathe issues. Since then I have been on a number of inhalers ... I too was on the Seretide and Spiriva ... the latest I am on is Trimbow (which I take two puffs twice a day) which is a combination of two inhalers. I also take Ventolin - not as a reliever - but as a preventative. I take two puffs of Ventolin BEFORE I take any form of exercise. As my COPD nurse advised ypou need to open your airways to enable you to benefit ... if you leave it too late ... you try inhaling on an inhaler when you're fighting for breath!! In 2017 I had an aspiration pneumonia and after collapsing in the hospital (after coughing up blood a few hours before) I ended up in intensive care having been entubated and put on a life support machine for 4 days. I was in intensive care for 9 days where the first 4 on a life support machine - in hospital 12 days in total. As it happens - I was then diagnosed with Bronchiecstasis! I was sent eventually for the Pulmonary Rehab for quite a few weeks - twice a week. It did me the world of good and helped me understand my condition more.
It's important to keep your lungs working .... it's so easy to fall into the trap of "I can't do that because I get so out of breath!" ... what you need to do is make yourself breathless through exercise to make your lungs work better! It's good to get out of breath through exercise! Remember to take the Ventolin 20 mins before and the best exercise is walking I also use weights whilst I march on the spot whilst watching telly ... it must be hilarious to watch hahaha x
The aspiration pneumonia was very bad - and very rare - and I was told I was less than 60 seconds from the mortuary ... but I am still here and in the last 2 years I have made sure I keep as fit as I can!
Try and keep fit and avoid people with colds and flu - because every chest infection you get is not good!!!
On a lighter note - before the aspiration pneumonia - I actually improved from Moderate to Mild!! So it's not all doom and gloom!!!
Good luck and stay healthy x
Thank you MrsBumble, the pneumonia must have been frightening. I now have that picture of you with the weights, but please don’t watch anything you are likely to be cross with, you may end up chucking them at the tv 😂😂
It was more frightening for my family as it happened in Turkey and they were all here in the UK! Thank god I can speak a little Turkish! I have come close a few times let me tell you hahahahahaha ... you want to try it!! hahahaha ... it's better to do it to music - cause you have the rhythm too then .... let me know if you try it!! x