Hi, new member! Nice to be here. I have mildish emphysema and am worried about the effect of low air humidity from indoor heating on my breathing. Do I need a humidifier? And if so, which sort - warm air, cool air or an ultrasonic? Thanks!
Best sort of humidifier for dry indoo... - Lung Conditions C...
Best sort of humidifier for dry indoor heating through freezing Canadian winter ahead

Welcome inapanic. I have a humidity monitor (hygrometer) which measures the room humidity.
Here is a UK info on recommended indoor humidity, you may find if you do same search with Cananda after you may find similar recommendations .
From the research I did years ago, the cool mist was recommended, but if you are feeling chilly you may not want the cool mist. Both cool mist and warm, air need cleaning regularly as they can both grow mould on the filter when its constantly wet. I found this even with the Vicks Paediatric Germ-Free Humidifier.
But for sure you need to keep the air at good humidity as central heating does dry the air out and then sinus probs can arise.
The alternative of course is just to have bowls of water in each room if the air gets too dry.
Let us know what you decide on.
I bought a humidifier some time ago, but I can’t remember the name ...it steamed a bit like a kettle.....in a small room it soaked floor and walls overnight. Maybe I used it wrong , but I tried it a few times.....in the bin it went .
I looked at a very expensive version which claims to kill any bugs, but it still has to be cleaned well. Don’t want mould and bacteria circulating.
Dry air is a problem, in the UK I open the window , but that’s not much use for you in Canada .
Hi inapanic and welcome to the site. Sorry I cant answer your query, I just use the pots that hang on the radiators in the winter. Irene x
I hope that the number of pot.plants that i have throughout the house help with humidity. I am always having to water these and the water goes somewhere. Some thrive in the lower light away from the windows . Dont hsve to be flowering but i have one on dressing table which flowers all the time if you feed it . Last count it had 40 flowers. I was impressed . I dont about tnis fable of removing flowers from bedroom at night. I certainly do not do that ,, i have warm air heating ,not radiators , so there should be some other way of humidifying at the heating system itself At the fan that drives the air through all the ducting .?
Hi there...I’m from Toronto and am trying to figure it out..It’s not recommended to use humidifier to give moisture as MAC bacteria creates biofilms in humidifier and is in the steam...depending on what lung disease you have..What I just tried is adding boiled water to tub ..kettle full to see if it help..No MAC in 10 minutes boiled water..but needs to be changed everyday, so as not to grow bacteria🇨🇦
Thanks for all the great input guys. From what you've said and from what I've read, I think I'm going to stay well away from either hot or cold mist humidifiers! Sounds like mould would be far more dangerous, right? Think I'll just go with well-watered plants and see how that goes. At least the cat will be happy!