My Christmas wreath inspired by Cas!
At Cas’s request...: My Christmas... - Lung Conditions C...
At Cas’s request...

That’s amazing....I like the little wooden hearts ....beautiful.
Have you made an autumn one ....I have been looking for inspiration , trying to find acorns and berries .
That’s really lovely Dee. Very well done. Thanks for sharing. Xxxx👍💖
That's great Dee, will have to have a go at one x
wow So simple BUT really beautiful !!!!!!
That is beautiful madonbrew if you were selling those I would buy one. Thanks for sharing xx
Aww bless you Pasty!!! That’s really kind of you! I’m really hoping my glue gun has kept everything strong enough for hanging it up!
The only thing is...takes a fair amount of money to buy all the bits and bobs! But I’ve got leftovers for another project now 😊
Have a great day!
I love it as its different and has a simple, effective design.
I love the simple effective design Dee and I guess not too heavy to hang up. I bought one years ago and had to end up only being able to hang it in the dining room on the curtain pelmet . Silver is beautiful x
Thanks Anita! Really hoping my glue gun has been strong enough to keep everything in place. I’ve pinned some of it too. I did buy cinnamon sticks to put on too but decided they’d make it too heavy!
Pity cos I love the cinnamon sticks! Usually add one or two to our Christmas wreath for the front door, along with other bits and pieces. Has to stay outside though, perfumes set me off big time....I sometimes transfer old one if in good nick, they’ve lost their problem, though I do miss the quick gentle whiff as I open and close he door!
It’s a beautiful wreath, Dee 🥰 Cas has been so inspirational on this forum. Thanks for sharing....some of us lazier ones just love a peep! 🌿🌸💛🌟
That’s the only problem with perfumed stuff isn’t it! Amazingly, on the whole, I’m not triggered by scents. That’s a good idea to transfer your old ones!
Thank you..I did enjoy spending the time just making it! Will see what else I can do next!
You are right...Cas does us inspire us lots! 😘
Have a good day!
Dee x
Hi 🙋♀️ madonbrew and you should be really pleased with you say, your first attempt at making a Christmas wreath. You've got artistic bones as well as steady hands 😂!! I'm certain Caspiana will be quite taken aback to know she was your inspiration to start your own crafting. Well done. Gold star 🌟. 🐿🌈

That's really lovely, have a great day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxx
What can one say?ok its JOYFUL to look at and a devilishly clever creation,i always found wreaths a bit depressing and dull but this one lifts the spirits and it looks quite classy too. x
That’s brilliant, very elegant 🐞
That's beautiful
Beautiful, looks lovely. X
I was wondering about putting one on my front door this year with a couple of little bottles of hand sanitiser for my visitors.
Oh that looks brilliant. Well done
Thank you so much Corriena!
I’m really touched by everyone’s lovely, encouraging comments!
Have a lovely day!
Dee x
Very nice. You are very clever.
👏👏👏😄 xx