I think it may be a scam? I had 3 e.mails on Healthunlocked saying he had sent me 2 private messages and was now Following me? I checked all, there is no messages. I have now Deleted the e.mails, but I am a bit uneasy about things like this. Please be Vigilant everyone. XXXX
Any one had a Request from a Scottsmiths - Lung Conditions C...
Any one had a Request from a Scottsmiths

You’re not alone Carolina, I’ve received the same email and from someone else who’s name I can’t remember. I’ll keep an eye on things and try and report it.
Don’t worry. Xxxx 😘
There are three with the same introduction.
Click on more at end of message report as spam.
Click mute when prompted, this will stop any further messages from this person, though you may get the other usernames, just do same again.
Don’t reply to any.
I have reported all three probably why there’s no message to read.
Thank you Stone, I was looking for the report/delete, in my instant anxiety I Deleted the 3 e.mails.
I replied this morning not thinking of a scam, I cant find the message now to delete and dont know how to stop this is future, Im not very computer literate, just hope I havent opened myself to problems.
If it’s one of the previously mentioned then the message as probably been removed.
Unfortunately as these people join as members with full access, there is little you can to stop them.
The e-mails in them selves can do no harm, as they are a automated response to a PM, from HU a trusted site.
if you are unsure about the message, just report and mute as explained in my previous reply.
Rather than reply to a message, click on the user name and go to the members profile page and make a choice from the information you see.
Common to most, they have just joined, are members of several forums. The message is repeated with the same introduction.
Hi everyone, I'm sorry to hear this is happening again. Stone has given good advice as always about reporting these unwanted messages.
However those reports will go straight to HU and not to BLF Admins. I'm sure the team at HU will deal with them promptly, but could I ask that anyone who receives this kind of unsolicited message also reports them with the name of the member concerned, to me or Hidden via personal message, so we know who to look out for too.
Many thanks, Annie
YES!! I got a message from a Tyler422 I think it was, I didn't check it but this morning their profile had been deleted and message gone. Scottssmith is / was following my post. I did think it odd. Yes, vigilance, just be careful everyone. xx 😏
Oh dear. It might help with privacy issues if you lock your posts though? x

Hi I had the same email and like you deleted it. Got a few things going on in my life at the moment so completely forgot to report it. 🤐 Bernadette xxx
Yes, I received four emails from HU, 2 PMs and two new followers, Scottsmiths1 and Scottsmiths2. I'll delete them.
Can you report them then Delete them Hun. xxx
As Stone so rightly says BLOCK them - you may have a drop down menu giving you that option. DON'T open them. If you block them you will see who the sender is - usually some garbled rubbish email name. Again, as Stone says, they may just email you under a different email address. Mine are usually from what seem to be some seductive Ukrainian/Russian model (I should be so lucky) or from an alleged ebay site. Joking aside, I cannot stress enough that you should not open them.
You have done the right thing in deleting them. When in doubt dont open a email. Now it needs to be reported to admin. Stop thies horrible people befor they cause any harm.
Funny I had a private message from a johnspe13 asking me to show him round the site?? I did reply saying no need to be shown round?? Mmm