What a shock rain this morning and I was so pleased to get my results yesterday, but nothing will dampen my positivity. Here goes, the tumour was completely removed, 18 lymph nodes taken 17 normal 1 showing cancer cells, as did some blood vessels. Oncologist next to discuss treatment if any, all in all I'm very pleased that I fought for the op considering I was told my lungs were not in very good shape, strangely enough on my second admission my lungs were not scanned and no visit from respiratory. After 6 months of stress and covid restrictions I am so well and pain free. Hope your day will be as happy as mine. Jane
Results at last: What a shock rain this... - Lung Conditions C...
Results at last

That’s really good news. I’m very pleased for you. Onwards and upwards now.x
That’s so good. Have a good day.give yourself a treat.
I’m sending you a virtual hug to celebrate.
One huge hurdle over and done with, great news indeed. I hope you have a speedy recovery from the Op to be able to complete the next baby steps
Dear Jane, I’m so very pleased for you. That’s really good news. It must feel great to be pain free.
Take care xxxx👍😘🌈
Such a relief for you and I'm glad that you are feeling so well now. Best wishes for your appointment with the oncologist x
It’s great to hear such good news. Be good to yourself.
Excellent news Jane and this mornings drizzle and grey skies are suddenly wiped from my memory on hearing it.🙂😻 and i now know it's going to be a good day. X
Great news. Take care ,hope you have a lovely relaxing day. Xx
I'm so happy for you chubby. News such as this will go a long way to lifting your spirits as well as your well being. Enjoy the news and take each day as it comes.
👏👏👏👏 Brilliant! 😁x

I'm so pleased for you ,it's really good news. Have a great day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxx
Really good news. Hope you are able to celebrate x
Congratulations Chubby, wow that is a lot of lymph nodes they removed but so pleased only 1 had cancer cells.
Do read up on chemo and radiotherapy before deciding and not just agree blindly, I expect the doctors will advise you of the risks of further lung damage with treatment, a very difficult decision I found.
Great news if all your margins were clear around the tumour.
Best wishes for a good recovery from the surgery and the least harmful after treatment.

Thanks for the info, the oncologist is video calling Monday lunch time so I appreciate your input. Was yours bowel tumour and which treatment did you decide upon I have no idea about treatment guess I'll be on doctor Google. I certainly don't want any treatment that will make the emphysema worse. Any help and advice will be good and I know we are not medically trained lol. Jane
No mine was breast cancer, and it does depend where the cancer is, what type of cancer for which treatment is offered. There is different treatment for different cancers.
Perhaps when you speak with the oncologist he will go through that with you, type of cancer, treatment available etc.
Just speaking from my own experience and that of others who I attended after care course with.
Best wishes
So pleased for you Jane x
That is such good news,!
That is really wonderful news. Wishing you all the best for your appointment with the oncologist 🤞
Great news, really pleased that you are now pain free. Wishing you all the best for future treatment
YAHOOOO!!! I am over the moon for you Jane. What fantastic news. I am so glad you went ahead with the removal. Now you can fully enjoy the rest of the year a bit burden off your mind my friend. Lots of happy hugs going your way. xx 💓❤️💓
I’m so pleased to hear your good news, what a relief for you xx
Great news! All the best.
That is amazing news Jane! 😊
That’s great you are feeling pain free!!!
Enjoy your happy day.!!!!🌈💐☀️
Great news- a weight lifted. Enjoy your day x
Fantastic news. Good that you fought for the op - well done. Onwards and upwards. Hugs x
That is great news and I am very happy for you.
Wonderful news 🐞
I am so pleased for you Jane, this is wonderful news x
What great news, so happy for you.🐶 Jax
Brilliant! I’m so pleased for you. 🍀🙏🦋💐