Hi everyone - just wondered if anyone can advise on COPD and vit D levels. My vit D level is too low ( ha! and I live in Andalucía !! ) wondering if Frequent infections and low energy levels are related to vit d ? Anyone got expert knowledge on this please ?
Low Vit D/ infections / COPD - Lung Conditions C...
Low Vit D/ infections / COPD

Hi my GP prescribed bit d tablets twice a day. Have a word with your GP, have a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette xx xx 🌈
There are quite a few conditions where low vit d is a known issue, including autoimmune conditions like inflammatory arthritis. In most where it’s been identified, including respiratory diseases, we still don’t know if it’s cause or effect just that it’s not an unusual find and seems intrinsic; as you’ve found, it’s not a lack of sunshine that’s responsible for the majority of people with underlying health issues. It’s one of the vitamins that’s always supplemented from birth in cystic fibrosis due to the inability of most with the condition to properly digest and absorb fat soluble vitamins (of which D is one), but knowing that it’s a common feature in those with respiratory disease more generally, I do wonder whether the prevalence of deficiency would be just as high even if they were able to digest and absorb it naturally.
As for whether or not it’s partly to blame for increased chest infections, I don’t know, but low energy levels are definitely possible From my own experience: I have long-standing and unfortunately late diagnosed arthritis and my vit D was very low back on diagnosis in Jan, so they put me on prescription supplements. Whilst a good proportion of the lethargy and fatigue I was feeling was the flare I was having, I did feel somewhat better in myself once my vit D levels were back up to scratch.

Thank you Charlie - that is really informative. I had been taking supplements - but not regularly- the once a week liquid 25,000 UI/2.5 ml. Will definitely get more !
In spite of taking a decent, daily multivitamin, my initial result in Jan was 35, with the normal range being 75 to 200 nmol/L, and I believe anything below 30 is considered pretty dire 😬 The rheum wrote and asked my GP to prescribe their ‘supplement of choice’ and I had 3 months taking 3200iu calciferol every day, which is the equivalent of 80mcg daily. Should have had a final repeat blood test after month 3, so I need to get my finger out my bum and get a test sorted, but although I was back up within normal range at month 2, I suspect I’ll need to go back on some kind of supplement in the longer term. You do have to be careful with vit D though, as it’s one of those vitamins where there is such a thing as too much, and vitamin D toxicity can be pretty nasty. The upper safe limit is the equivalent of 4000iu (100mcg) a day, and in those without deficiency or underlying health issues like ours that predispose towards deficiency, the NHS recommend that supplementing with 400iu a day should be enough for the majority. I would probably ask a medic for advice as to how much you actually need to be taking relative to how low your levels are and make sure you’re on the right thing for the job.

Wow - my test showed 15 - had a long chat with really helpful pharmacist - he suggested the combined vit d and vit k daily tablets. He said we excrete excess vit d - and as I had been taking high weekly dose for 4 weeks then test showed v low - he says my problem sounds like poor absorption. I read also that bring overweight is a poss cause. I am , but not seriously so. Wonder if my doctor had any answers on Friday . Thank you for your reply - every bit of experience and advice us appreciated .
Unless my understanding is wrong, and at the risk of sounding awfully arrogant, that pharmacist is confused: because it’s fat soluble, any excess vit d absorbed from the gut is stored in fat cells rather than being excreted. Strangely, larger people store more vit d than most, but for some reason can’t release it from fat when required, resulting in lower levels that need larger doses of supplements to rectify than someone of a healthy weight. Toxicity is rare, and usually requires people to be taking absolutely massive doses of supplements for at least a month before getting into difficulty, but if we excreted any excess, that wouldn’t be possible to start with.
Anyway, good that you’re seeing the doc on Friday, and hopefully you’ll start feeling a bit better once your levels are where they should be!

Thank you - more useful insight to digest. I am starting to do more exercise - which should help. And am making sure I get more sun exposure . But I really appreciate all this info. Thank you

Hi Charlie, having done a little more reading I see you are quite right, and the more fat you have the more vit d and other good and bad stuff gets stored in them. So weight loss has got to be good all round health wise.
I understand the logic of this so more exercise and better food options will be my goal. With vit d supplements to try and boost levels (here there measurement system says 35-200 are the low/high but mine is 15) . Which could explain repeated infections, and very low energy.
Thanks everyone for info and advice

And - I just read a report today - that I found on a link through this site - aru.ac.uk/news/vitamin-d-li...
Showing hot countries now have low vit d as we all hide from v hot sun or wear sun block. Studies show the damaging (auto-immune?) response to Covid 19 is seen in people with low vit d. And as you ? also potentially linked to more respiratory infections.
I never realized how important vit D was !
Hi, I take 25µg (1,000iu) of vitamin D3 and also ensure I take vitamin K2 daily as well, it ensures the D3 is sent where I need it, my bones.
They're weird measurements of weight, one of them is for micrograms - I think the ųg!
Sorry, that seems confusing.
I read recently that Public Health England reccomend 10 micrograms daily.
Best check with your medical professional though.
I was found to have low vitamin D levels..21 eight years ago was given tablets for 3 months which got me back to normal. I had bone and joint pain which wouldnt go away even with strong painkillers. Gp then decided to run blood test and found low vit d. I had just come back from 3 weeks in Greece. Gp said my body isnt absorbing. My joint and bone pain went away, hurray
My daughter had vitamin D deficiency and she felt very much like you. Vitamin is vary gods for people with lung issues. I take vitamin D everyday. Would advise you to take them. 🙏
if you've been tested for vitamin D deficiency your doctor should have advised on the dose required to bring levels back up. Depending how low will determine the dose.
vitamin D deficiency if left untreated can result in all manner of illnesses due to lowered immunity.