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Constant infections

Carkaisabellacolin profile image

Hi i was wondering if anyone with bronchectasis is taking a low dose of antibiotics everyday? How do you feel? Do you feel it helped with the infections.

As in the last 2months have had infection after infection. My doctors now thinking of this option. My oxygen levels really have been low as well. And constant clugh2😔i always feel like someone has punched me in the sides. Very bruised 😕

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Carkaisabellacolin profile image
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22 Replies

Hi I've seen a big improvement since I was put on Azithromcin 500mg take Monday Wednesday and Friday by lung consultant..respiratory nurse says only a consultant can prescribe these but I don't know if this is right..I also have bronchiectasis+, hope this helps

kenta profile image

Hi I've been on azithromycin for around 2 years now. Same amounts as Ger67. Health improved but not 100% efficient. I am having an exacerbation for the last 3 weeks. But will start azithromycin again .

wheezyof profile image

Yes I have bonchiectasis and bronchiolitis obliterans (greedy me not 1 but 2 lung conditions). Since starting on azithromycin 3x weekly I've had a lot less flare ups.

I don’t know if your GP is trying to manage this or whether it is the consultant. You do need the help of a bronch specialist because GPs unfortunately know v little about it and cannot prescribe some of the drugs which we have. Before you go on to long term prophylactic antibiotics it sounds as though you need a really good clean out with a high dose of the correct ab for the bacteria which is in your lungs for at least 14 days or even by IV. Only a specialist can say so if you already have one give their secretary a ring and get to see them. If you do not have a bronch specialist find one in your area on the internet and take the name to your GP. Insist on a referral asap. Do not take no for an answer. Then when you get the date ring the consultant’s secretary and see if they can fit you at an earlier date.You cannot leave this to continue because with bronch, unless it is managed aggressively it is a downward spiral of infection which leads to further lung damage.

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That's great advice littlepom especially about phoning the secretary about bringing appointment forward

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I’ve been at this game a very long time. The appointments cone from a central office where they sit at a computer and put unknown names in gaps on a chart. The consultant’s secretary has ultimate control over the diary. It is always worth cultivating a good relationship with them.

Sevenstar profile image

I've literally just finished a three month course of Doxycycline low dose , think it's kept everything calm and allowed everything to settle down and so had a lot of respite , no side effects except haven't been able to sit in the sun throughout this glorious Summer (burning is a side effect)

Anyway we will see how long it takes for the next new bug to make itself known, have a holiday booked and already scared about getting a bug on the plane !

Anyway good luck hope it helps you !

peege profile image
peege in reply to Sevenstar

I use Vicks Cold & Flu before, during & after a flight. Spray in to nostrils, don't sniff it up. Really helps with avoiding bugs as it contains anti-viral.

Hacienda profile image

Azithromycin for 2 years, Amoxiclav as a Rescue AB, Both very Good. xxx

Thank you all for the advice. It is my consultant who has suggested the low dose. As we don't want more damage. Its a real pity because i have been running everyday trying to keep fit to help build the immune system . But the frustration that even this does nit really help. Seems that my condition has become worse . I am only thankful that i canrun painful and tiring but i won't be giving up. Thanks all

in reply to Carkaisabellacolin

Nebulising an ab directly into the lungs on a long term basis may be useful. This is what I do as the oral abs pretty useless for me and it keeps me pretty much stable. Couldn’t hurt to ask your consultant

I will ask when i go to see him . For now i will finish the course of antibiotics given. Hope to sleep better. Just the idea of antibiotics worries me that it kills the system long term i have a sensitive stomach and always have problems with antibiotics. But thanks i will chat about the options. As i know i need to improve something

Sevenstar profile image
Sevenstar in reply to Carkaisabellacolin

Get cracking on a good high strength probiotic as well , take it at the opposite end of the day to your antibiotics to maximise the dose , also maybe Olive leaf extract to help you keep your immune system in good shape !

Carkaisabellacolin profile image
Carkaisabellacolin in reply to Sevenstar

That sounds like a good idea . Thank you i will 😎

peege profile image

I have bronch & asthma. I move town three years ago & new respiratory nurse at the GP surgery was useless. Two new ones have temporarily taken over respiratory side of the practice recently and they were marvellous. Told me that anyone with bronch should have twice yearly checks, take a prophylactic antibiotic during winter AND be under a consultant specialist!

I was so relieved I can't tell you. I'd decided that if the useless nurse was still practising then I wouldn't waste my time going in future.

Last winter I had back to back infections so this year I shall be insisting on the 3 x week antibiotics. Azithromycin is my choice. P

Carkaisabellacolin profile image
Carkaisabellacolin in reply to peege

Thank you u have asthma on top of the bronchectasis plus have suffered with clots in my lungs. So treatment has been always tricky.

I decided years ago to move from England and live ib Cyprus for the climate but sadly Cyprus has become a development ground houses flats evetywhere and the dust is paying its toll.

My cunsultant here is very supportive and my recent trip back home in August in england they all suggested the same. Seems i will have to take there advice

hoping2improve profile image

Hi. Also have Bronchiectasis alongside severe asthma. Am taking a daily dose 100mg doxycillan. It has helped some - longer gaps between infections. Hope this helps.Good Luck.

Carkaisabellacolin profile image
Carkaisabellacolin in reply to hoping2improve

Thank you 😁

Bella395 profile image

When you have mixed disease it can be very troublesome because infection is a big trigger factor for asthma and unfortunately this can be a feature of bronchiectasis so you have a double whammy as they say. As has been said, first see a bronchiectasis specialist consultant if you can find one where you live. This is important because he or she will be able to do blood tests for immune deficiency as well as set up a treatment plan.

If you think you have an infection, always send a sample of sputum to the laboratory for culture and sensitivity. This is really important because you need the right antibiotic to treat it. Broad spectrum antibiotics are not always useful.

Azithromycin 250mg three times a week has been shown to be helpful. My OH has asthma and bronchiectasis and takes this daily. However, it is not effective against pseudomonas. He is colonised with it so has nebulized Colomycin twice a day. In the past when the pesky things are having a party we send a sample in and treat accordingly. Recently Ciprofloxacin was advised and his consultant prescribed 750mg twice a day which nobbled them.

Carkaisabellacolin profile image
Carkaisabellacolin in reply to Bella395

Thanks i will defiantly be looking at a better long term plan

peege profile image

Hi again, I just wanted to add that you may need extra Vitamin D3. I know you live in a sunny climate but the sun converting to Vit D in your body only works if you expose most of your body to it IE 10 minutes daily before slathering on sun screen. Anything to keep your immune system working.

Great advice about the probiotics, I take a high dose, 20 billion daily at the mo to keep the good stuff going in gut. I've some standby 50 billion for antibiotic time & also 5 billion for the good times!

In my opinion, the new regime of low dose abs would benefit you, you would avoid new bugs, in turn enabling you to keep up your brilliant exercise regime.

Flu and pneumonia vaccinations wouldn't go amiss either.

Good luck to you. P

Carkaisabellacolin profile image
Carkaisabellacolin in reply to peege

Thank you the vit D i was thinking of that as well as it was low a few months ago . Lots to do 😁 but feeling alot better now

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