Face mask filters—textile, surgical, or respiratory—are widely used in an effort to limit the spread of airborne viral infections. Our understanding of the droplet dynamics around a face mask filter, including the droplet containment and leakage from and passing through the cover, is incomplete. We present a fluid dynamics study of the transmission of respiratory droplets through and around a face mask filter. By employing multiphase computational fluid dynamics in a fully coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian framework, we investigate the droplet dynamics induced by a mild coughing incident and examine the fluid dynamics phenomena affecting the mask efficiency. The model takes into account turbulent dispersion forces, droplet phase-change, evaporation, and breakup in addition to the droplet–droplet and droplet–air interactions. The model mimics real events by using data, which closely resemble cough experiments.
On respiratory droplets and face masks. - Lung Conditions C...
On respiratory droplets and face masks.

Interesting, I had been thinking about Carers, when mine goes home, she will take off the mask in the correct way, however she will also change her clothes. If you are wearing a top, that pulls off over your head, or replacing your top, with one that pulls down over your face, you will be moving all the infected droplets that may be on the uncovered face, all over your face again. Including nose/mouth/eye ares. So need to wash face as well as hands, when returning home from an outing. Or am I being illogical?
Question . . .is there an extra filter that slips into a fabric face mask ?
Can I use the disposable masks more than once just for going into the supermarket when there are no queues or crowding ?

They say no, I bought a couple of washable ones, so can wash and wear.
Thank you . Do you wash each time you use it ?
I think maybe one can safely quarantine a disposable mask for 72 hrs after use like the books in Waterstones ! Then re-use.

Think the clue is in the word disposable - would you use a tissue, let it dry out and then use it again? There are a lot of washable face coverings available that can be put in the washing machine. Buy a few and rotate them - they dry really quickly. You can always keep a Couple of disposable ones handy just in case. I have no intention of going out as I’m shielding so I will see how this develops. I have tried a variety of masks/face coverings but struggle with breathing due to my condition - I will keep trying different types until I find one I am comfortable with if I have to go out. Take care.
Thank you . . .I thought that maybe if I ironed anything it would destroy virus and bacteria. But have not tried that.
Best wishes for you as you spend your days at home even without a daily hour's walk outside in a non-frequented place . I hope you have good ways to enjoy
various occupations at home. You have my best wishes. 💐

I would avoid ironing. It would probably close the weave and make it even harder to breathe through. Hanging them up, perhaps in the sun for 3 days will allow any virus to die off. 3 masks in rotation would suffice for a week, using every day.

I’ve purchased several masks on Etsy. Some do have a slit, which enables you to add a filter. I use coffee filters cut to size. Others have three layers with filter material as the middle layer. I wash three masks at a time in hot, soapy water and hang to dry. 🎭
Ah . . .a coffee filter ! Thank you . . .
Yesterday I found a little mother and daughter sewing business who make and sell cotton masks .
I plan to do as you do. Thanks
Many thanks to all for these contributions to the conversation 're use of masks. As I live with my husband in sheltered flats. . .just going out to do washing in shared laundry means possibly running into a neighbour . Some have not understood about distancing . . .even some of their carers.
When they are the mask , they remember ! I will be using them also to leave the building to go for daily walk . However, when only trees and fresh air surround me , the mask is pushed off.
Special thoughts for any of you who are unable to get outside. 🌹🎀🌸