I have IPF. I have been having panic attacks, at shower time or bath time, leading to severe shortness of breath. The Doctor, via the respiratory nurse has prescribed morphine, is anyone taking this, if so, when do you take it. When you are breathless or before going into a situation where you may or will become breathless. It may sound like a silly question but I don't want to take it willy nilly. my istruction was 1ml up to four times a day. I don't want to take any more than I need to. I am also on oxygen as required 24/7.
some advice required: I have IPF. I... - Lung Conditions C...
some advice required

I take it 2ml up to four times daily when going in a shower about half a hour before I go into shower so it gives you time to calm yourself down but everybody is different 1m is not much to take of oramorph my respiratory nurse to take 2and half ml four times daily but as I say everybody is different try I to start if not enough take little bit more till you get the right one for you
I usually take some about 15/20 minutes before I have a shower
Hi, my uses slow release patches. They’re brilliant for a low level constant release. Prevents the panic attacks but doesn’t seem to make her sleepy or any other adverse effects. Best wishes
Thank you, sounds like a better idea.
It’s made a huge difference to her, so much better than oramorph. 1 morphine patch lasts 7 days. Arthritic fingers don’t allow for correct oramorph dosing so they prescribed this instead 12 months ago. The patch is a lot easier, it’s about 1 inch square and goes on the shoulder area. She wears it in the shower etc. Good luck, I have no idea why they’re not offered automatically.
You can also use your oxygen in shower found that information on here when my husband had severe COPD. Just take care to not get water into nose. Sadly my lovely hubby lost his battle over a year ago.
Thanks Marjorie, Sorry to hear about your husband, I already wear my oxygen and have what I call my top up stroller on standby. My problem was anxiety panic attacks because of a bad previous experience in the shower. I have overcome this now with the help of the good people on this forum and a little help from my respiratory nurse and doctor
Hello John, 👋
The steamy shower is terribly for people with lung disease. I used to leave the door open and have a fan in the shower it helped me get air and made the shortness of breath just a bit more manageable. I'm sure you already have your oxygen in the shower too. I hope you have a chair your can sit down on in the shower room and after you get out. A towel robe helps too with drying yourself without too much exertion. Best wishes to you,
Cas xx 🙋🐕
Morning Hun, Some great advice here. I too have my Oxygen on in the Shower, Window open slightly, It is a Wet Room so bigger than most Bathrooms, I also have a Towelling Bathrobe to step into, saves the Exertion of drying. as for Oramorph, I did have a Bad reaction to it, I probably took too much, maybe I should ask for Patches. Have a Relaxed Sunday. Stay well. XXX C.
i take 2.6 ml every 4 hours when needed i did start on 1ml sometimes i only take 2 lots.
I too have this problem its very frightening because no one tells about it, i had, a nurse visit ne last week she said it was do to tackycardia she gave me some tablets Lorazepan half a one to put under my tongue about twenty minutes before any action for example standing up sitting up eating going to the toilet1 or 2 constipaion is a real problem. I have an ekectric bed
My best postion legs the as high as i can get them, sleep like a baby. Opposite to sitting well up the bed.
My post is only advice not an order. Oramorfh works as well but difficult to manage when. You have the shakes and it doesn't last as long as lorazepam.
Thank you, I will bear that in mind.
I take 1/2 tab of Lorazapem an hour or so before going into the shower. It has made all the difference. Prior to this I have tried CBT and meditation but without success. Also my wife stands alongside and soaps my back to kick start the event. The less I need to raise my arms and wash soap all over myself the less I get breathless. I have suffered ythe worst of my many panic attacks while in a shower and I therefore appraoch such times with great care.
Morphine makes me very sick so unable to use it.