I've read a few different scenarios where a person feels like they can never get a deep breath, that they feel like they're suffocating all of the time, and no matter what test that are done on them, it always shows no problems. Then eventually, people look at you like you're crazy. They say that you have anxiety and that's what's causing it. Well yeah duh you have anxiety, but it's the breathing problem that's causing the anxiety. It would drive anyone crazy, and unless you experience it, you have no idea how miserable it can be. There are so few people that have this problem, that it's looked over. Unless it's a problem that happens a lot, and isn't something rare, the medical field will help you. If it's something rare, you are going to have a hard time, and the medical field is going to depress you even more. Not trying to down the medical staff; I know there are some good ones out there, and I respect you very much.
My husband is 33 years old, and for the past 10 years, he hasn't been able to breath. When I say "not being able to breath," I mean can't get a satisfying breath. He feels like he's suffocating all of the time. Every now and then, he can get a satisfying breath. He says he can get a satisfying breath about 8% of the time, sometimes not even that. He maybe has 5 good days out of the year. Here's something crazy: About 6 years ago I wanted so much to feel what he was feeling just so I would know what it was like, and somehow, my wish came true. It lasted for one day. I couldn't get a good breath to save my life. It makes you focus so much on it, that you can't help it. Then all of a sudden, you can get a breath, then it goes away again. And I'm like "what in the world is this?" But the next day, I was fine, and it hasn't happened ever since. I've never had anything happen so explainable. I was able to see what he felt for an entire day. But enough about me.
My husband's had many tests run, and they all come back fine. CT scans, MRI's, Asthma tests, pulmonary tests, gastro tests. He sees a neurologist, he does't have MS. Blood work is fine. He doesn't have COPD or anything like that. ( I was so certain at one point that it was GERD (stomach problem) but it's not. I've only been able to find one link to his unexplainable breathing situation or "dyspnea" Snuff. You always hear about smoking causing breathing problems, but never snuff or chewing tobacco. Snuff has a lot more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes. He quit dipping for a year one time and in a matter of 9 months, he could breath again. He got so excited that he just started dipping again. (Smart right?) That goes to show you just how smart us humans can be sometimes huh?
It wasn't 6 months down the road, and his breathing shut off again. I kept trying to tell him to stop, but he wouldn't listen, then things went south, and we parted ways, but we found our way back to one another again. He struggled for years trying to quit; he was so heavily addicted. His breathing never went back to good again. He quit 7 months ago, and his breathing hasn't gotten any better. We've had heart scans done, he even had a heart cath at one point, and it's all clear. The heart can really mess with your breathing. I figured the nicotine was raising his heart rate which was causing the suffocating breathing. And the stress of quitting something so heart stressing as nicotine, really made his heart do some crazy stuff. Also he has stomach issues, so if he has GERD on top of that, then that could be a good concoction for not being able to take a satifying breath. He's also caught colds and stuff from our kids which has slowed his recovery rate down. I try to factor all of these things in for him, but he just won't believe me any more. I told him that it took longer than 7 months years ago when he quit to get better, and it's like, he won't believe it? He won't take any kind of nerve medication either. He never has took any and he never will. I told him it would at least help him deal with the stress up until the point that we need him to reach to see if it will get better again, but he won't do it. He just says I'm trying to drug him so I won't have to deal with him. I know it isn't really him saying it, it's his condition that he has no control over. Feeling suffocated and not being able to do anything for years isn't comprehend-able unless you have it. I understand that.
In this time that we're waiting to see if quitting snuff will do the trick, he can't stay calm. It's such a chaotic home again. Me teaching school doesn't help, because I bring home little sicknesses all of the time. And the stress of school and not being able to help my husband, really doesn't help. He stays in a constant miserable state and always talks about dreadful things and suicide. When I'm not feeling well some days, I get so tired of hearing the dreadfulness and I get a little short with him, and then a war starts. It's so easy to tip the scale. He's agreed to stay quit for an entire year to see if it works. Because of COVID-19, I'm no longer around anyone, therefore, I won't be bringing home any other sicknesses, so hopefully once all sicknesses is out of the air at our home, it will allow him to repair and we can see if this very off the wall cause (snuff) does the trick again. I just hope he can keep it together for another 5 months. Does anyone else out there have any other solutions that aren't the typical ones? Because the typical ones have all been tested.
Here's what I've found on my journey to finding a solution to unexplained dyspnea:
It could be GERD
It could be heart
It could be asthma
Allergy to nicotine (After quitting, takes months and months for results)
It could be a mix
But it could also be something up with your lungs that the CT scan isn't detecting. I looked on the MYO Clinic website and there are so many tests that they can run on you for breathing problems. The doctor or Respiratory specialist won't even mention them. They'll run the basic stuff on you, and that's it, and send you on your way, while they go home and feel great. So do your research on all of the tests that they can do. If one respiratory specialist isn't doing much, switch. It's all in how willing you are to find a solution. Don't give up guys, and I won't either. Anything I find, I will post.
To all of you that can't find a solution and have to live everyday in suffocating misery, I'm truly sorry.