Cant sleep because of anxiety - Lung Conditions C...

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Cant sleep because of anxiety

macnsyl profile image
16 Replies

Right now I am just finishing 14 days after returning to Canada from the United States(vacation). First let me say I believe my problem is more psychological than physical.

I am looking for anyone who experienced this and found a solution.

These are the points I will explain in my situation.

I have early stage 3 COPD and used my rescue pack twice in three weeks the first two weeks in January

Fev1 last was 60% May 2019

Started NAC on rec of pulmonologist early January

After the second set of rescue pack my symptoms changed.....breathing became more similar to what I imagine asthma is like. Amount of mucus has been reduced and is difficult to cough up. (NAC was supposed to make mucus easier to expel??)

I previously had full blowen panic attacks and occasional time It was difficult to fall asleep

I have used lorazipam or zipiclone to help me get to sleep

This has now been a long term problem but in the last two weeks it has affected my anxiety during the day because of not getting a decent sleep.(maybe 3 to four hours a night)

In bed trying to sleep my O2 level is between 94 to 96%. About the same on resting awake.

What Happens

With or without sleep drugs it is always the same. I relax and try to go to sleep. As your mind goes to that level of consciousness between sleep and awake by brain says wake up you are chocking. And so it goes


If you have had this problem how did you fix it

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macnsyl profile image
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16 Replies
knitter profile image

Just wondering if you had been tested for sleep apnea at all?

That could make you wake up during the night.

macnsyl profile image
macnsyl in reply to knitter

Forgot to say I am on a CPAP. Thanks

knitter profile image

A few more thoughts as I am reading a book on anxiety and breathing patterns at the moment .....have you tried meditating using your breath...just follow your breath gently without judgement .

I found it disturbing at first, but I had a very good teacher.

Gentle yoga and alternate nostril tube have videos on how to do that breath exercise ....very calming. Tai chi ?

Gentle nose breathing only at other times.

I have plenty of pillows at night as I can’t sleep on the flat now.

macnsyl profile image
macnsyl in reply to knitter

Thanks I will look it up. Only doing the usual belly breathing trying to relax. My problem is I think I follow my breathing to much. That is why I get anxious.

Spacecat1 profile image

Try and sleep with plenty of pillows. Agree with knitters tai chi is good. Breathe in through the nose out through pursed lips slowly. I do find that helps. My gp put me on Orphimorph for anxiety.

macnsyl profile image

Thanks for the reply. I do the pillows and breathing but I will find out more about tai chi. Did the medication help?

Caspiana profile image

Hello macnsyl ,

I'm sorry to hear about your sleep issues. I have two questions which I hope don't come across as rude or intrusive. One is, did you sleep well when you were on holiday for two weeks and how much exercise do you get daily?

Best wishes,

Cas xx 🙋🐕

macnsyl profile image
macnsyl in reply to Caspiana

Generally slept well with occasional bad nights. Walked every day and now doing the same.

Caspiana profile image

Very good, walking will help immensely I think. Walk every day for at least half an hour and increase over time. Walking in a pool is also great when the weather gets hot enough. It's less stress on your joints If you aren't used to regular exercise. If you are not already, try and get down to your ideal weight. Obviously I don't know , you may not need to lose weight at all. Generally, carrying extra weight makes breathing much harder and makes sleep apnea worse. Thus impeding sleep and increasing anxiety. It really is a vicious cycle.

Don't drink alcohol or caffeine after three pm. In fact if you can manage it cut out the alcohol all together if you do drink and just have one occasionally. Alcohol does not cause sleep apnea but alcohol relaxes our muscles including the muscles in our mouths and throat. With sleep apnea our muscles expand in our throats which stops air reaching the lungs. When we drink alcohol our muscles are VERY relaxed which makes it harder for us to wake up when our body tells us we need more air (blocked airway). Which causes panic when we do eventually wake up. Because less air is getting through to our lungs, it means that when we wake up we are more fatigued and anxious. I probably just wasted twenty minutes writing that because you may not even drink. 😂

I wish you well macnsyl . I hope things get better for you. Take care.

Cas xx 🙋🐕

macnsyl profile image
macnsyl in reply to Caspiana

Thanks. I have aptnia and have been on a CPAP for years. I know what you mean but this seems that I can not get to sleep because every time I come close my mind wakes me up. Anxiety! Seems like an auto reflex.other than that I do what you recommend now. Great answer though.

Crashteam73 profile image

I was given an inhaler once which dried up mucus, felt like hard bits in larynx all night so went back on clenil mofulite, honey might help, raise pillow drinking water, the first half of the night is worse sometimes wake up suddenly feels like stopped breathing in sleep, try sleep hypnosis videos on YouTube I listen to them on my phone

macnsyl profile image


Response profile image

Not an expert and if you're waking up because you can't breath then that's a medical issue however (and I have sleep issues myself) but one suggestion that works for me sometimes:

After lying in bed, in the dark, temperature of room low, and listening to low volume of chilling music (for me on Magic radio) - give yourself permission to ignore your head for 10 mins when you're trying to sleep., which should help you relax. Nothing is likely to happen in that time.

macnsyl profile image

I appreciate your help. I am a little congested but not significantly Seems to be more of a mental problem. Last night I tried some recommendations on meditating. It definitely helped. I got some sleep some.

Neville33 profile image

I also just returned from Florida to e excise at least an hr a day..helps with sleep and anxiety...Melantonin 10 mg if sleep gets bad... eat healthy and especially meditation to quiet my mind...

macnsyl profile image
macnsyl in reply to Neville33

Thanks for the reply. I have tried meditation it doesn't always work but it seems to help sometimes. I will try melatonin I did years ago and didn't see much effect. On your recommendation I'll try it again. Thank you

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