a few weeks ago I used my rescue meds (prednisolone and doxycycline) and always feel better after the course 😌. I have used these meds ones or twice a year, for a few years now .
when I went to pick my meds from chemist there was no rescue pack, so when I asked for the second time at GP receptionist to order the rescue medication! then I was eventually told that the GP has stopped prescribing medication, no reason!!🙁. I need to phone and make an appointment with GP and/or111 this is a joke😠 as when I’m having a problem I have difficulty talking and breathing 😮💨,
I looked up on nice guide lines but could not find anything stopping the rescue pack for copd!
So it looks like it will be 999 and by the time I get assistance, I would have stopped breathing ⚰️