I am not sure what to do. I am trying to self isolate and not go out. My husband is young and fit (30 yesrs my junior) he has no incone and cant claim benifits. There are jobs going in supermarkets should he try for one or is it putting me at risk.
Should my husband try to get work or ... - Lung Conditions C...
Should my husband try to get work or not at the moment

Many people will still have a partner at work,otherwise the country would grind to a stand still,if you both follow government and public health advice and take the necessary precautions i think it would be doable and both increase your income and his self esteem.
Good luck whatever you decide.
Ski's and Scruff's
Hi hopetorun. Sorry to pry, but if he has no income, and cannot claim benefits, how does he manage to live at present, without working?

I look after him. He did work before Christmas for a few weeks now his money has run out. So i dont know if he should try in the current situation.
Oh, I see. Well I'd say that if you're self-isolating then it's probably safest, for your protection, that he doesn't, if he can afford not to. Although I think work is important, so from his point of view - for his self-respect and his future - it's best for him if he does. Bit garbled - I hope it makes sense!
If you are both sensible and careful, is possible. Just takes planning and thought. Wish you both luck.
I wouldn't in his position - if you can afford to keep supporting him, that is. Whilst we're all being strongly advised to work from home if at all possible and even against having friends and family to visit, I can't see that working in a supermarket and coming home to you is the best plan.
As others say, of course the country would grind to a halt if no one went to work, but plenty of people whose partners aren't vulnerable are working. And of course it would help his self esteem to get a job, but does that have to be right now? I think anyone with a vulnerable person in the household shouldn't be going anywhere unless absolutely necessary.
I feel there may be an element of judgement, against an unemployed guy whose wife is 30 years older and financially supporting him, in some of these replies, and understandably some people who are having to put themselves and families at risk by working will be resentful of those who can afford not to work, but we're in an exceptional social situation here, so let's not judge the OP's partner.
Hopetorun, if you are supporting him by going out to work yourself, my opinion would change dramatically, but somehow I suspect that's not the case! If finances are very tight, though, have a look at the range of support offered by government, mortgage lenders etc, and see if there's anything you or he can claim now that special measures are being taken.
If you want to talk in private about what your income is, why he can't claim anything and whether you're struggling, PM me, I'm an ex-advice worker and can imagine it might be hard to get any advice from CAB etc right now, they must be overwhelmed!
Hi Hopetorun i cannot go into work next week once my sick note runs out (ive been off stress related) was looking forward going back however im in vulnerable catagory, asthma & Bronchiectasis my employer said to work from home until June. My husband is still going to work as hes a delivery driver & is very much needed at work as he also runs the depot. We have taken extra precautions in the home & up to now all is fine. Good luck
I am sure your partner would like to work , but the risk of him getting ill and you is not advised. Many pensioners over 70 are physically well but isolation is the only way to prevent others infecting them. What you choose is upto you , but if you can manage till June in your present circumstances then maybe thats the best choice for yourselves. Best Wishes both .
Thank you
I am also in the vulnerable category therefore am at home but my partner is a chef in a care home therefore has to go to work.
I think you need to weigh up the risks. Most people are going to have contact with someone in their respective jobs whether it be other staff or customers or general public.
I am concerned for my children going to nursery next week, I am working from home and need to be on the ball with the role that I do. Am not sure if I should keep my two children home for next three months or not...
It is a worrying time for all, but we need to be sensible and practical about things.
Having forums like this helps us make good, informed decision about the real issues we are all facing day to day.
I do hope you make the safest decision for yourselves.
Best of luckπ
Thank you