I am starting Pulmonary Rehabilitation next week after a delay of several months because of illnesses and various operations. My doctors have finally signed me off to start it but I must admit to wondering a bit if it is safe for me to do. I am about 5 stone overweight and I haven’t exercised for years. I should really have asked the doctors at the time but for some reason I didn’t think of it. To go or not to go, that is the question. Have any puddin’s out there done PR?
PR To do or not: I am starting... - Lung Conditions C...
PR To do or not

Sorry. Can't help. Bit of lightweight me !
Yes you definatly should go. As the doc has signed you off to do it go for it.The staff will not let you overdo things I was overweight when I did it and was fine nobody pushes you beyond your capabilitys and what you get out of it is well worth going for, I think it will help you in lots of ways Good luck if you do decide to go ahead and let us know how you progress Best wishes xx
Thanks for that. I had better heave this poor old body out of this nice comfortable chair. I will leave you with the words of a gallant Briton. "I'm just going outside. I may be some time".
Love from Bobby xxxx
You will be fine - there are usually lovely ladies to help you You'll be in your element and the time will fly by and before you know you will have done your hour of exercising and be sat down for a cup of tea and a listen to the talks.
I am having an assessment mid July and I cannot wait for it. I read somewhere that they had a trampoline BUT they have had that one for a start I carry a lot of padding which wont shift.
Bobby, the PR guys will assess your suitability and you will usually need to complete a 6 minute walk with an oximeter attached to your finger. It is not a race so just pace yourself to suit your fitness. I had just got over a chest infection when I started ( but it came back ) .
I am a great advocate of PR and took all the lessons and advice back home with me. I now exercise properly 4 days out of 7 and I feel and actually look much better. My wife says same.
You will enjoy it, I had a good bunch of people and we had a good laugh too. ... Good Luck.....