I had surgery for a pulmonary avm 18 months ago. I lost my mid right lung lobe. I've healed well and now work on a ward in an nhs hospital. Work have assessed me as high risk but I don't think I am and want to keep working. Am I high risk?
Lung surgery, high risk for covid 19? - Lung Conditions C...
Lung surgery, high risk for covid 19?

Sorry to be blunt but of course you are because you are already missing part of the machinery that oxygenates you and keeps you alive,take their advice and listen to what they are saying.
Best wishes and keep well x
Yes of course and you have been professionally assessed as such.
well if work has assessed you as high risk ..... NHS and all ........... why would anything we say convince you otherwise!
I would say that even though you’ve had the operation you are relying on 2/3 rd of you right lung. So it is compromised. The virus is a respiratory virus that is brutal on lungs in particular. Do you want to take that chance?
Excellent replies from folk on here so it’s now down to you Flocat. Stay safe xxxxx
From what you have posted,yes you are compromised. Take care.
I’m not a Dr. so I can only tell you what I think. First of all, what was the reason you had to have your mid right lung lobe?
If it was because of COPD? If it was than Yes, I would consider you to be high risk.
Work has now said that all high risk nhs staff can continue to go to work, and they will ensure we are in a low risk area. So happy. The nhs fixed me two years ago with my lung surgery and now I can continue to work for them ☺☺☺ thanks for all your replies, and stay safe xxx
Lol sorry, as an i shouldnt laugh but that sounds like the good old nhs occy health at work again! Considering their business is looking after the ill, they are really bad at looking after the health of their own staff or caring when they become ill ,in my experience.
My line manager laughed when occy health 'advised' i needed to to go on light duties . He said , they are aware you work in the ed? There is no such thing as light duties!!! My career kind of came to an end not long after.
I really hope that is the case.for you, but please be careful, you know hospitals, oh can you just do this, just this once and so on! It is easy to get in that trap however good intentions are ,especially under pressure, and too few resources,
Saying that, i still miss it, and still feel privileged and lucky to have done a job i loved, amd wish i was still able to do it, especially when i see how badly standards have fallen, in recent years.
Most people are doing an amazing job i am sure up and down the country.
Best of luck, take care, and check in with someone if things become a challenge or you are concerned your health is being put at risk. I hope you work wirh a lovely and supportive team.
Love and hugs cxx