hello to all. I am sitting looking out of the window into bright sunshine, dry road and no wind. Shame is is spoilt by all the news of C flu. We had an epidemic in 1958 called the Asian Flu but the one before was far worse was the Spanish. Some of us may remember them. We were a lot younger of course, but we managed to cope with it and most of us will cope with that of today. We do need to follow the NHS Englands advice though. Make sure you wash your hands well, especially in between the fingers. Like two of my friends, I live alone. We have made arrangements to ring each other daily if and when we are isolated. I heard this morning that deliveries of groceries will be left on the doorstep in bags. Wonder if we will be charged for those? But what about those who do not have home deliveries how will they cope? The economy will be badly hit. have notice prices already going up. I think might have to invest in a daily newspaper as a stand by. See some greedy bright spark is selling loo rolls for £50 each on ebay. Wonder if he had any takers. now going to sit and view the world again, clocks go back next weekend so things may be a little different with the warmer weather. All take care. Cheers
a sunny day: hello to all. I am... - Lung Conditions C...
a sunny day

You can go out for walks or into the garden if you have one, and enjoy the sunshine spooks, keeping about 2 metre distance away from other people.
You could even arrange to meet your friend out standing 2 meters away from each other ha ha
I am wandering if I should pet a neighbours cat when he visits me in my garden, not knowing who has petted him before, sad. guess I could if I wore disposable glove oh dear.

Hello Bkin. i do have a largish garden, but the problem of carrying the 02 around is not on my agenda at present. besides too cold. I live about 100 yards from the cliff top and the wind comes from the sea at a rate of knots and it can near enough cut you in half. The sea today is a little choppy and not looking her best. The wind is beginning to get up , the sun is hiding behind some rather grey clouds, so now I will head for the chair, put up feet and relax. wishing you all what is left of it a happy St. Paddys' day. cheers.
This is a really interesting historical perspective and yes, "we managed to cope with it and most of us will cope with that of today." I wish the sun was shining in Chicago today. Wet snow and dreary conditions are making it pretty depressing. Take care and thank you for posting.
hello tbeth. sorry your day was dismal and not bright as mine. But dismal will change into something better soon, then we will all be complaining about the heat, the dryness and the noise and dust when we have the doors and windows open. I live in the S.E. coast of the UK where we do not often have snow. plenty of rain though have to say this last year, I am lucky as I have not lost my home as so many others in the UK due to the flooding. I am so much better off than millions of other people. one thing is for sure, should I have to go into isolation, the best thing is I will not have to put up with a friends most irriating grandaugther, cheers
Need more positive attitudes as yours sad the news doesn’t give us positivity
Hello Yasyass. That is the trouble - the news being so depressing but- at least we know what is going on - well to a point we do. I would rather know what I need to face -so could be somewhat prepared. I looked after my father who had senile dementia. we had some vry bad days, but then the good day would arrive and believe me, it was a bloody good day. There were not many but those stood out. You have to look on the positive side or you are wasting what time you have left. I booked a mini break for the end of June, before all this started I am positive I will get my monies worth . Living alone you have to be posititive. I am ow positive I will head to the kitchen for the cup of coffee I was going to have two hours ago. Cheers,