Should I go to my doctors surgery, it's for my COPD check, help
Doctor : Should I go to my doctors... - Lung Conditions C...

I would ring the surgery.ours are saying unless urgent to ring first to see if they have enough staff on duty. Hubby had to cancel diabetes check up nurse off sick
I’m due an annual check too but it will have to wait. Im by no means panicking, but I see no point in joining the multitudes with colds & possibly flu which besides the virus, I don’t want either.
I have a cold , but have no recuse pack
I’ve phoned & explained why I won’t be attending but have all the necessary rescue meds to hand.
If you phone your surgery they may well issue a repeat that way. Some do some like to check you over first, depends how well or not you’ve been.
you don't necessarily need a rescue pack for a cold, its only if it turns into a chest infection. Give the surgery a call and ask for telephone appointment, the doctor can action prescription for you to pick up or to be sent to your nominated pharmacy.
Quite a few surgeries are doing checks over the 'phone and not calling people in for the bloods etc, unless worried. Mine allows for an urgent email question, if 'phones are blocked all the time.
Thank you
My sergery has texed not to cum I am house bound anyway so happy to chat on phone . Have loads of meds . Just to say to all the selfish people out there who now want their groceries delivered. I have no friends & family . So I & my cat starve. If all slots full .
Yes they are greedy only thinking of themselves, I would deliver to you if I could hugs to you keep safe x
I had to go to GP for my annual diabetic review. I really didn't want to expose myself to other people's illnesses because I am elderly and have compromised immune system due to Chronic Leukemia but I told myself not to be silly. Sitting there waiting and a youngish man came in (not English) and said he wanted to register as he had no GP. They went through all the information and told him to come back tomorrow with photo id and completed forms. Then he said "No, no, not tomorrow I have to see doctor today, I am very ill with fever and very unwell" . OMG! They told him he had no business to be there and to go home and dial 111 for help and information.
I was glad to see that they went round with disinfectant wipes on the counter and door handles.