I have copd and pa.IAm 74.does anyone know why a geriatric doctor would come to see me?
Geriatric doctor.: I have copd and pa... - Lung Conditions C...
Geriatric doctor.

I don’t think there is a specific age at which people are said to be geriatric- maybe different in different circumstances- think pregnancy. It seems now that there is a trend to attach a “title” to all GP’s. I was recently seen (well heard- telephone appointment) by a GP for the vulnerable and frail. I’m neither, but I took it to be the luck of the draw. Maybe at sometime in the future I’ll have an appointment with the paediatrician 😁
😂😂😂 Oh Bless you 😂😂😂
I really needed a good laugh today after being treated like an “old lady” (63), who doesn’t really understand medications and their effects 🤨, by a young doctor this morning. We’ve all been there!
I recently asked to see a specialist because my hands were shaking so. I was a bit disconcerted to be seen by a geriatrician. I think they should rename the speciality. It makes one feel really decrepit/ probably ga-ga and with one and a half feet in the grave. My gentleman was very nice and did not treat me as if I were ga-ga. He reassured me that I did not have Parkinson's.
Our daughter was classed as a geriatric mum to be at 37. I thought it was ridiculous at the time and still do. Not keen on the term geriatric. Xx
When I had my third child at 31, they classed me as a geriatric mother 😄😄
Could it mean that the doctor is past retirement age?
A geriatric doctor specialises in elderly peoples medicine, like a paediatrician specialises in childrens medicine.
There is also a Frailty doctor and i didn't feel old and frail till they told me I am.
Unless it wasn’t a respiratory specific visit, then perhaps he/she had come to assess you for whatever reason 🤔
Guess it depends on whether you have any other health conditions. You should ask a GP why, and what age a person is now considered “geriatric”, and if that age and term is different for men and women. Could not find a universal age definition for “geriatric”.
So irritating when someone sticks a label on you, that you feel does not describe you, however, the Oxford Dictionary definition is :
adjective -
relating to old people, especially with regard to their healthcare.
"a geriatric hospital"
noun -
an old person who is receiving special care.
"a rest home for geriatrics"
And NHS website, under, Geriatric Medicine, says “Geriatricians provide comprehensive medical care to older people.”, so if you didn’t feel “old” before, I certainly hope you don’t now! Wishing you a good day 👍