I am 51 year old male, I have had pneumonia 3 times in the last 5 years. Would I be more at risk with this corona virus. Is there anything I can do or take to boost my immune system? Do lungs recover completely from pneumonia or are they always weakened? I have had the NHS pneumonia jab and always have the flu jab ( but dont qualify for the free one)
Pneumonia : I am 51 year old male, I... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi nickent68 don’t worry your not the only one concerned the whole world is. Can I just ask have you been diagnosed with anything or you just been unlucky to have contacted pneumonia 3 times. Take care xxx
No, I have not been diagnosed with anything to my knowledge, I just thought that I now get pneumonia really easy as it was three consecutive years. Would like to know if the damage done repairs over time or I will always be vulnerable? Thank you x
Try not to worry. You, and we just need to take extra precautions. Wash hands loads, soap and warm water. Avoid social contacts like hugs & hand shaking - in my town people are waggling elbows together instead of shaking hands!
I too have had 5 bouts of pneumonia in under 2 years but none since the jab. Flu jab is only 10 squid so worth every penny.
The pneumonia you had probably left a little scarring but then so do a few childhood diseases like measles.
Do take all the precautions suggested by WHO, The World Health Organisation and keep your immune system tip top so you can fight any bugs.
I cant answer your question Nickent68 but I can give you some personal experience.
I had double pneumonia plus respiratory failure in 2015, then again twice in 2018, that time with type 2 respiratory failure which is retention of carbon dioxide. I have severe copd, asthma and bronchiectasis and my respiratory physiotherapist told me very emphatically that you never get back to where you were before pneumonia (she was speaking of people with lung condition, copd etc, so not necessarily applicable to you).
But with a great deal of work - daily exercise, weights twice a week - I am better now than before 2018. No-one more surprised than myself and I am 23 years older than you! So I would say it can sometimes be possible. But there are many forms of pneumonia and they probably react differently.
As Peege says above, I wouldnt worry too much. Just follow the coronavirus information which is good health hygiene for normal times not just in crises. I already had a very stringent handwashing regime and avoidance of touching my face; avoidance of close contact - I always hug my family, friends, never kiss them. Ive educated them all about keeping away if they are sick. All this is my regular routine probably like many here regardless of coronavirus. I keep distance from people when out at e.g. supermarket, always sit in the back row of cinema so people cant breathe over me from behind. I also avoid pollutants like cleaning products, car fumes as far as possible.
If I were you, I would want to ask my GP why I was so prone to getting pneumonia and maybe get some investigation - I say that as you've answered Christina that you don't have a diagnosis. Good luck.
Hi Nickent68. I have been attending a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Course for the last few weeks. It is an excellent mix of appropriate exercises for lung problem and the latter part is all about educating us about healthy living.
As you ask about the effects of having pneumonia on your lungs I can tell you what was told at today's session. The Leading nurse said that each time you have an infection of any kind it leaves the lungs a little more damaged.
However, I would agree completely with all the contents of O2Trees response to you. Exercise, a healthy diet all contribute to our well being. We have to take responsibility for helping ourselves to be as well as we can be.
Do you have any idea why you seem susceptable to contracting pneumonia? Do you have any other health problems that weakens your immune system? I suggest you have a long chat to your GP about your health. Get the answers you need and do all you can to ensure you have a happy and healthier life.
Best wishes, Chrys
Many thanks to all that have given advice, you all make a lot of sense.