When I got on our bathroom scales last evening I was disappointed to see that I had lost a bit more weight. I have been told that weight loss is possible with bronchiectasis but don't know why. Possibly it is because coughing uses up a lot of calories. I do have awful coughing fits at times and also struggle with breathing problems when walking along hilly roads. Has anybody else lost weight because of this illness?
Loss of weight: When I got on our... - Lung Conditions C...
Loss of weight

On the contrary, I'm humongous.
Oh yes. I have always fought to keep weight on. My consiltants have always said that my body and immune system are going like a steam train looking for bugs.

It is hard going, isn't it? One specialist told me to eat normally and then eat more but there is a limit to what I can eat. Anyway, it is good to hear somebody else has a similar problem so thank you for replying
Hi Spanielblue
I can understand completely. Last year my weight was 34kg at its lowest, after much effort I have managed to gain about 6 kg, but then it goes down when I get a flare up of my conditions. I have Lpr and gallstones which doesn’t help.
For some people the supplement drinks like Ensure and Fortisip help, they come in milkshake form, fruit juice, even some savoury. so you could ask your GP, or as mentioned referral to a dietitian.
I have found little ways to increase calories without quantity, almond butter added to vegetables, olive oil drizzled over meals, mashed avocado with coconut yogurt, medjool dates with sliced banana...... also smoothies almond milk or dairy milk if you tolerate it, berries, banana, spoonful almond butter and some honey, blend it up.
If you eat dairy you could maybe add butter to foods, oatcakes and cheese , rice pudding made with cream....that is what several dieticians advised me, adding cream and butter. For me it wasn’t really suitable so I created my own diet.
If you find you get full quickly or have little appetite, then maybe smaller meals, or even snack type meals with foods you enjoy. I eat alone so it is easier for me to have food whatever time is right for me rather than set times. My vice is maple syrup. If you enjoy chocolate and it doesn’t cause issues then a few squares of your favourite would be a few more calories, you can get dairy free chocolate that tastes just as good, if you don’t eat dairy.
Sorry for long post, I have had digestive and weight problems for many years so it has become a bit of a hobby horse.
I hope you find something that works for you. I know it is easy to say, but try not to get too stressed about it. Just a few extra calories added gradually can make a difference.
Take care and best wishes. 🌼
No need to apologise for long post because I found it helpful. Even though my weight is checked for losses or gains, I haven't been referred to a dietician yet. Nobody has mentioned one in fact. I did try eating more chocolate and drinking lovely hot chocolate made with whole milk but after quite a short time found I had bowel trouble. I then found that my symptoms led to milk intolerance so, disappointingly, gave up the chocolate and now only having semi milk in coffee, tea etc. This causes no problems so thankful for that. I am glad you told me about the drinks because I didn't know about them. I had been buying Complan but because of the milk problem had to stay off it. A fruit juice, or possibly savoury, will be fine so will see what I can find out about them. Most doctors these days don't prescribe anything which can be bought over the counter so not hopeful there. Doesn't cost anything to ask though does it? Your dates with banana sounds good so will try that. Also, oat cakes with cheese My vice is Sainsbury's low fat hot cross buns. However, in view of what you said perhaps it would be better to not go for the low fat ones. I also make a piggy of myself with Tesco's Shake to Salt potato crisps. Thank you for your help.
Hi Spanielblue, Your not alone, I’ve been struggling for about 6weeks now, finally turning the corner after anti biotic, Steriods and nebulisering.
I’m eating normally but have lost a stone in weight. This happens to me every pulmonary crisis I hit. Good luck
Yes, I have lost weight due to Bx. When I get sick, my appetite goes way down. I am now getting over a bad case of the flu and was able to only eat very little. As a result, I've lost more weight (to the point that I'm under weight). My appetite has decreased over the years (I'm 70), so at this point, I try to eat protein bars and drink protein drinks to get my weight up.
Like one of the other response, eat small meals thru out the day (I don't like to feel stuffed, so I don't eat a lot at any one time). I do snack thru out the day.
Eat high calorie foods, but try to eat healthy as well.
Thank you for replying, Beth. I have never thought about eating protein bars so will look and see if there is anything I fancy. I am a similar age to yourself so I like to think that we do become little old things the older we get and weight loss isn't all to do with illness. As several people on here have mentioned dieticians I am going to bring the subject up when I next see the specialist. However, this won't be until the autumn. Recently, I have been seen about every three months but a big gap has been left between appointments this time. Flu does make you feel quite awful so pleased to hear the worst is over. I believe it is best just to keep eating what you fancy until you feel better again.
I have been losing weight and keeping off milk. Try oatly milk I find it lovely and creamy to drink. It has more fat and carb content than some other non dairy milks. It is also a more sustainable milk . I have bowel problems as well as bronchietasis and am also pre diabetic so food is a hobby for me too. Hope you have found some answers to help you. Take care. Anita x
Yet another helpful answer. Thank you Anita. I know nothing about oatly milk but will look it up now. I do like creamy foods so will probably suit me especially if it doesn't cause bowel problems. Yes, I have found some answers which have helped so very pleased I joined. It is comforting to have nice/understanding people to communicate with too. You take care as well.
I’ve been struggling to maintain my husband weight for years. He’s been seen by a dietician who recommended fortissip drinks and adding extra calories to foods. Avocadoes are calorific and very good for you and you can add olive oil dressing and even mayonnaise. Nuts too are very high in calories and good for you. I use organic full fat milk for all drinks , cereals and add it with butter to mashed potato etc. I basically give him anything he fancies to eat whether it be good or bad. He’s taken a liking to Coca Cola recently so I buy the original one full of sugar and he also likes original Lucozade. These strategies work because my husband is just about maintaining his weight which is very low but I’ve managed to put on a stone so now my clothes are all too tight!
Hope you have the same success!
Best wishes
yep , was 7.5 stone was eating well no gain then I was put on protein shakes 2 x day and then for other medical reasons I am on steroids each day I checked last week I have now weighing in at a nice rounded 9 st very please