Hi I'm new with copd ,just wondering if anyone gets pains in upper back and ribs
New : Hi I'm new with copd ,just... - Lung Conditions C...
I do sometimes.with me I have panic attacks so my chest becomes tight and my back and chest can be sore. Also had a hema thorax think that's how you spell it not sure though. It was pain all the way accross chest was quite painful saw my consultant who said not to worry but if it keeps happening to go back.touch wood only had a couple in lastv2 years. Speak to your respertory nurse or gp. Or ring 111 for help and advice.
Yes I do especially if I have been doing household jobs such as ironing or making a meal. At times it has been constant but most of the time it is intermittent an usually eases with paracetamol and resting. I suspect it is intercostal muscle pain linked to increased breathlessness and activity.
Thank you
A spot on reply.
Basically it is all to do with muscles that are not ordinarily used, get short of breath and start gasping for breath and it results in these pains. Try to use pursed lip breathing, only using your diaphragm. Practice makes perfect, I even use pursed lip breathing when asleep, all through practice.
Thank you
Thanks but I have never found pursed lip breathing to ease the pain even though it's something I practice and do when 'active'. I have had it today while ironing and cooking even though I was not breathless.
Out of curiosity, how do you know it's something you do when you are asleep?
I get told off by my partner for blowing in her face, it wakes her up. I seldom sleep on my back, usually on my side.
When I was first diagnosed I had pain in my upper back couldn't sit back comfortable but it did go away try and pace yourself I find if I do part of a task take a rest and go back at it it's much better than doing it all at once I also try not to overdo it you will get there good luck
I do regularly, I find strangely enough that gentle stretching of the area eases the pain. I do some stretching as an exercise daily too. I find it helps 'my' breathing but if trying check with appropriate people, I imagine it won't be suitable for some others.
Hope you find an answer.
Take care.
Hi Colliesam,
Yes I have pain in the upper back that can spread down. It is worse in the evening. I use a heat pad that I bought from Lidls - 90 sec.s in microwave. It really helps.
Hi colliesam . . . . . I have copd . . New on this site this year.
suffer on daily basis with upper back and ribs. Just finished work it’s cup of tea and pain killers. Your using your muscles more to breathe so back and ribs will hurt. I’m fine when resting . . . . Another thing we have to contend with 🥴
I have had pain in my upper back on the right side, partially behind the shoulder blade but it is related to acid reflux. It took a long time to connect the two as it didn’t seem likely.
Yes quit alot just have to make sure its not an infection starting xx
Hello..First I was getting very tight uncomfortable chest and now pain inbetween my shoulder blades!! Been to doctors one says it from coughing.( I dont cough) and other doc says it copd..I not pulled anything it copd I know that iv had it few months now.
I do in my upper back x