Had a weird dream last night. I was in a hospital bed when I suddenly became aware that the man in the corner bed was Skis. He was quite ill. I went for a shower but could only find a room with a bath - no basin. Didn't want a bath and couldn't wash or clean my teeth. Came back to the ward and Skis was sitting up, dressed, talking to the woman in the next bed (who I think was Cas) about going home. Now what on earth was that all about? Glad Skis got better in my dream and hope he is ok! xx Moy
Weird Dream!: Had a weird dream last... - Lung Conditions C...
Weird Dream!

Spooky stuff MoyB and i promise never to go walkabout and disturb your sleep again,home now after an exhausting night on the ward and Cas says good morning or おはようございます
Ohayōgozaimasu as they say in Japan? xx
Haha! Love the Japanese! Very clever of you. I'm pleased to know you're not still drifting around in my head - it was all very weird. It made me wonder if you were ok, and it seems as though you are. Good! Have you got any further than chicken soup? Have the medics come up with any plan for you? xxMoy
We are still working on it my love and wotsit cheesy puffs go down a treat. so there is hope for me yet. xx
Glad to hear you're having a varied diet🥜 sorry I couldn't find a cheesy wot it but the peanut looks similar! Xx Moy
I hate cheesy wotsits but I’m glad you’re managing some solids. I’ve got some leftover roast potatoes in the fridge, oozing oil and probably a thousand calories each. Interested? I’ll post them.
Some wotsit facts for you....independent.co.uk/life-styl...
Dear Comino,your link was about as nutritious and rewarding as the said cheesy wotsits and sadly didn't work but i imagine that many animals would be delighted to be offered a packet of Walkers finest gourmet food xx
Never mind how about some interesting reading amazon.co.uk/Cheesy-Wotsits... xx
At £8.99 a bargain and i must check if it is available to download to my reborn kindle,maybe even an audible edition exists? xx
Not very 'PC' but may make you smile...thedailymash.co.uk/news/hea...
How strange! But doesn’t it just show how much we all think about and worry about each other. Hooray for cheesy wotsits, reputed since ancient times for their restorative properties.
Oh! my, Skis has invaded your dreams, bad enough that he invades our worrying thoughts, what are we to do with him, all is ok though as Cas was with him, she will bring him back to his own wonderland. As HH says its nice that we think and worry about each other x
Pity you didn’t think to take a photo of Skis , you’re the only one who knows what he looks like. How about a written description? 🙂

Funnily enough I thought about that myself. I remember red and white striped pj's and a mop of thick black hair swept back off his face! Come on, Skis, how about a photo? Lol!
My phone camera packed up the last time i tried to take a selfie,i think it wants me to remain a mystery and spare the ladies blushes and before anybody cracks a funny i was aiming at my face xx
P.s the brown curly mop swept back is now a rather grey and flat mop combed forward to cover the receding bit.
Brilliant! Xx Moy