Rhyming.: A bit of rhyming nonsense Can... - Lung Conditions C...

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A bit of rhyming nonsense

Can liven up your day

That is what they tell me

They chase the blues away

It costs me very little

So no one has to pay

And if I can I'll keep it up

At the rate of one a day.

60 Replies
Jaybird19 profile image

Naughty naughty

Do keep it up Don, i do need my laugh a day

Especially today

Been awake since 3,30 as network rail decided to do annular track maintenance on track in a cutting just behind my house

This involving flood lighting to match Blackpool and multiple machines drilling. cutting metal and whatever heavy machines then can find . Do finish about 5,30 /6.00 but i have given up long before that.

I shall probably fall asleep at midday.

in reply toJaybird19

It's not naughty now I've amended it. 😉 There must have been a lot of people sharing your sleepless night. Pity they didn't organise an all night party for you all at the expense of network rail.

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to

What a great idea!

majji profile image
majji in reply to

Drat Cap'n, I managed to miss your original version and now am trying to consider just what you changed - however I am sure it was all entirely innocent! Had it been our SirSki I may not have been able to use that word ;-) please keep delivering our wonderful medicine in your daily dosage - there would be far less smiley faces on this lovely site without your wonderful contributions - DON'S ODE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTORS AWAY!

in reply tomajji

I'll tell you what the original line was if you promise to keep it to yourself.

'As the Bishop used to say'. Quite innocent as you say, when taken out of context.

majji profile image
majji in reply to

Oh dearie me - I had imagined much worse that that Cap'n xx

Oldspark profile image
Oldspark in reply toJaybird19

I generally wake up about two-three thirty am until I had this disease I did not know there was such a time????

Is it the steroids? is it lack of oxygen? or is it my body telling me to pee???

Does any body else have this problem and blurry vision?

I am getting fed up with it. Mus n't grumble, a lot worse off than me

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply toOldspark

Reckon i have about 4-5 sleep before i wake usually but yhis time extreme noise and light was the problem

Think it might be form of slight anxiety. Would love to sleep more rather than nodding off at other times.

sassy59 profile image

Well done Don, you keep going. Xxxx😘

pegbl profile image

Yes please Don, they say laughter is one of the best medicines so your daily input is at the top of everyone's prescription 👌 👍 🤣 Xxx

Whitechinchilla profile image

No DON,t ever stop Don.x

I need my medication on a regular basis 😂🤣

SquirrelsHolt profile image

Morning Mr.D and I agree with all your replies,that we almost see you as part of our daily medication!! See,you've made yourself far too popular and it's your own fault,lol😂!!

HungryHufflepuff profile image

Definitely a part of my day 😊

Izb1 profile image

Yep have to agree with all the folks on here, you are part of our daily fix x

skischool profile image

So our dear Don has become a dealer in words that make us smile

And we are just his addicts who for his fix would walk a mile

What then of little Midge where does she fit in all of this

Security of course just in case anyone should take the p**s

Those words come in various packages,some are big and some are small

But we are happy to spend a fortune so that we can have them all. :)

majji profile image
majji in reply toskischool

Nice one SirSki ;-)

JANET127 profile image


Jaybird19 profile image

The best line is missing now you have amended it.

You were not asked to do that, were you.?

No, no, I didn't want to upset skischool . See if people can guess what the original was.😉

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

Never edit an original Master Po and it is impossible to upset me unless you either vote for the buffoon with wild hair or become a Manchester United supporter. :) x

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply toskischool


skischool profile image
skischool in reply toYatzy

How did i know that statement would provoke a reaction from a red Penny lol :) xx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply toskischool

Guaranteed! Hope you noticed that we won the local derby....and beat Jose’s new team 🎉;-) ;-)

skischool profile image
skischool in reply toYatzy

Yes congratulations my dear,that's two victories that your dressing room prima donners have had over our poor ex manager lol :) enough of this football banter there are many matches to watch. xx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply toskischool

Yes, plenty at the mo :-) :-) You must be making quids!

AND I booked a telephone call with our surgery cos a bit poorly, and who phoned me back....our part-time gp who is now on the red’s medical team....he didn’t suggest a trial!!! No magic cure either!! xx

skischool profile image
skischool in reply toYatzy

Given the way your players fall over and the injury list he must be a very busy man. :) put you feet up and watch the footie my dear friend and get well soon. xx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply toskischool

Agreed! And thanks....come Christmas, we’ll have all those free games on Amazon Prime, though picture not so good here, I’ll cope though ;-)

How’re you feeling by now? Or should I be writing a rhyme?? Oh dear....

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I’d like to know

How are you?? ;-) xx

skischool profile image
skischool in reply toYatzy

One swallow does not a summer make

I really could do with a break

From chicken soup and all things thin

I need to get a proper dinner in

But things can only get much better

And then i will soon be back and in fine fetter. :) xx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply toskischool

Crikey! You’re as good as our Don, running them up at the drop of a hat. How tedious for you though....thought things might have moved on a bit by now for you as it happens I’m making a chicken soup here, to try and perk things up. At the risk of catching my lurgy, you n Scruffs could motor over....got a good blender....and some tuna! :-) xx

skischool profile image
skischool in reply toYatzy

I would love to pop over but would probably need a canoe this evening,but the wind would save me paddling,best stay on the settee if front of the box i reckon and stop hijacking Don's post. :) xx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply toskischool

Ok, probably you’re right.

And sorry, Don, but you have livened up my crokey, miserable, wheezy day. Thanks both xx xx

in reply toskischool

I hope that people notice

That skischool will always roam

Pinching other people’s threads

And rarely starts his own. 🙄xx

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to

Apologi s Don, I meant to send the post about liquidised food to Skis.

My only excuse is I’m currently trying to get established on morphine.

Head feels full of marshmallow.

I wantto give up,husband says CARRY ON??

Hope you all have a good day

in reply toOshgosh

I'm sure everybody realised it was for Skis as I did. The poor lads difficulty is well know and he gets a lot of well deserved sympathy. Not from me, but from others. (only joking.) 😉 You must do as your husband says you would be much missed. I hope it gives some relief. xx

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to

Sorry not making much sense today. I meant I want to give up taking the morphine.,not everything else.

I really don’t like the side effects.

Ona positive note I,I saw a palliative care consultant yesterday about symptom control.

She said the starting dose of liquid morphine should be 1 ml,not 2.5 as advised by GP and keyworker .!,,

So I was having 5 mgm 6 hourly,instead of 2mgms.

So have started without morphine again.

Onwards and upwards

in reply toOshgosh

It's me that was confused, I rattle on too much. I hope you find the best dose to give you relief, onward and upwards is the way to go. You have my complete admiration. 😘

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to

Hi,Don.onwards and upwards has come off the rails!

Problem is,I’m prescribed morphine for shortness of breath,chest and lung pain ( due to lupus. NSIP),but also last week I twisted my back again,painful!

Problem is cocodamol works better for my twisted back than morphine,even though apparently it shouldn’t!,

I saw a palliative care consultant on. Tuesday,she was good, I gained loads of information from her.

Only problem is,my twisted back doesn’t agree with her advice.yesterday after a long conversation with my husband, I went back on the morphine.

It helped the SOB,But didn’t help the twisted back.

Had an unsettled night. So, now back on the cocodamol,writing dates/ times on the box,so that I don’t accidentally take too many.

I’m going to the sports physio this morning,then to my lovely hairdresser.

I had to cancel last week and went on the cancellation list.

He rang me yesterday,said he’d seen my name on the list, offered me 2 dates,so picked today,thought. I’d get it done ASAP.

Sorry to ramble on,have had such a bad night.

Hope your poem today is entertaining. Take care

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply toskischool

If you liquidise the components of your dinner- SEPERARATELY. Then arrange it on a plate. Nice bit of garnish after you’ve warmed it up a bit- you might enjoy it?

I know it sounds silly,but I tried it when I had a gum problem.

It means you are eating stuff with separate tastes.instead of everything mushed together.

I hop you are doing ok Skis and that they are helping you.

majji profile image
majji in reply toskischool

Oh I quite liked Man U when my son was aged 3 or 4 or was it 7 - he was extremely proud of his Ryan Giggs kit I recall and yes SirSki again spot on about that wild haired buffoon - this is not what this country used to stand for and it saddens me so much . . .

SORRELHIPPO profile image

I love the way that your poems always trigger a memory for me, I need them triggering these days, otherwise I just motor through my days in a haze.

Patsy164 profile image

Me too Don I look forward to your posts xx

Lyd12 profile image

Anyone remember this one -

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat

Please put a penny in the old man's hat.

If you haven't a penny, a ha'penny will do -

If you have a ha'penny, well, God Bless You!

in reply toLyd12

Oh yes! That must be the Daddy of them all! 😃

Lyd12 profile image
Lyd12 in reply toLyd12

Last line amendment - if you haven't a ha'penny, well, God Bless You!

in reply toLyd12

The strange thing is, I’ve never known or heard of anyone having a goose for Christmas in recent times. It shows how old that rhyme must be.

Lyd12 profile image
Lyd12 in reply to

Browsing among parodies of the old long poem Christmas Day. The Workhouse, I came across this -

was Christmas day in the harem, the eunuchs were standing round

While hundreds of beautiful women lay stretched out on the ground

When in strolled the bold bad Sultan, and gazed at his marble halls

He asked "what do you want for Christmas, boys?"

And the eunuchs answered:

Daresay you can find something to rhyme there, Don!

in reply toLyd12

🤣 Whilst puzzling about that Iris I suddenly realised that 'goose' has another somewhat naughty meaning, which is in the COED. Now that brings back memories of some of the Christmas office parties I went to in the past. 😉

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

My son and daughter-in-law have goose every year, Don! They're blooming expensive and not much meat on them. We've tried to talk them into having a turkey. Maybe this year?!! xx Moy

in reply toMoyB

Well goose was the traditional bird until Ebenezer Scrooge decided to give the Cratchits the much more expensive turkey. We have Charles Dickens to blame for most of the commercialisation of Christmas. xx

Shirleyj profile image

Cheers me up daily 😊😊x

watergazer profile image

So true

Oldspark profile image

here's one for you Don:

He always smiled

A very silly poem


Ernie Stammers

No matter where you are he would always smile, but he smiles no more

In the street, he would always greet, with a wave and smile, but he smiles no more.

In the town never a frown, but a wave and smile, but he smiles no more.

Why doesn’t he smile anymore?

Didn’t you know someone said?

It’s because he is dead.

Thanks for that Ernie. I think I'll leave some instructions for my undertaker after reading that. 😎

Oldspark profile image
Oldspark in reply to

Sorry Don I did say some of my stories and poems are a bit dark, Most of them are by the way, it helped me get through my depression, I Know that sounds strange, but my therapist said to write it down. sorry

in reply toOldspark

I reckon that your therapist worked on the principle that if you made everybody else miserable you wouldn't feel out of place. Anyway, now you've got your depression out of the way you can work on the happy stuff. 😁

Oldspark profile image
Oldspark in reply to

I must admit Don that have been really low at time's, this P.F. doesn't help,

Before I was bad with the breathing thingy, I taught my grandchildren how to swim and snorkel, I used to do a lot of scuba diving, I think that's what pulls me down now, not being able to do the things I used to do.

Stil I have the love of a good woman and my wife!! Lol.🙄 I wrote a story for my granddaughter about a mermaid, called Marmelade, so now I call her Mermalade, it's about helping others and accepting help, but under the sea.

So good stuff does come out of me sometimes.

Keep up the good work.


in reply toOldspark

It seems to be that you spend too much time thinking about your ailments and the things that you can no longer do, Ernie. That's all in the past, gone, finished, forgotten. Once you have satisfied yourself that your medical needs are correctly taken care of it's best to just follow the advice you have received then forget it. Start concentrating on your new life and set new challenges for yourself. Don't let your good wife pamper you too much. Stewth! I'm on a rant now, I'd better go and lie down for a while. 😅

Oldspark profile image
Oldspark in reply to

Thanks Don I know where I am going wrong, but it is difficult to concentrate on the positive side sometimes. But I am getting there it's only been a year but three weeks since I got the oxygen tanks and the rest of the equipment. I feel better in my head but my body keeps say Ahe you rest up a bit.

You take care.

in reply toOldspark

Well that is good. We have people there to help with our bodily ails but our heads are mainly left up to us to deal with. 🙂

Pole profile image

Good happy to hear it as really does cheer up a dull day 😀😀

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