Hi everyone. Does anyone get acid reflux in the morning? With ipf? I used to get it now & again but now much more frequent. What gets rid of it if anything
Ipf acid reflux: Hi everyone. Does... - Lung Conditions C...
Ipf acid reflux

Hello, I suffer with bronchiectasis and have reflux. My consultant said I should continue taking Omaprazole tablets. I have been on them now for about 4 years and they have controlled the acid reflux . A new doctor suggested I try taking a lower dose. I was happy to try. I went fro m20mg to 10 mg. I lasted a day as the reflux came back with force. The doctor said I should stay on the higher dose which I did and am still on it. It's my understanding that both bronchiectasis and COPD sufferers often have this reflux problem. Maybe you will have further confirmation and help from other members on the forum. Hope you feel better soon.
I used to get it all the time but have been on Omaprazole for a few years now this keeps it in check
On the odd occasion I have had to get up in the middle of the night and I have taken Gaviscon I think that’s what its called it does the trick anyway
It was explained to me by a Doctor that people with lung issues that have a cough, that is ongoing can open up the valve that stops the reflux. However it is not uncommon to get an hiatus hernia which will also cause more reflux! But then it can also be the reflux has caused the damage to the lungs plus affect the valve? If that makes sense.
I have been on Omeprazole for nearly 40 years!
Be Well
Sadly you’re not alone! I get it too, take Omeprazole higher dose. If I don’t take it, I wake in the night feeling nauseas and occasionally I’m slightly sick, so do go to your GP and insist on Omeprazole because so many of us take with excellent results. All the best.
I have sarcoid pulmonary fibrosis. On diagnosis an x ray showed a hiatus hernia. I was taking omeprazole already because of heartburn getting slowly worse. Still on 20 mg twice a day and no problems for 3years or so.
After many years I have just realised that the scarring on my lungs was due to acid reflux. I used to get reflux so bad it felt as if there was a big lump in my chest but when I first saw the chest consultant he didn’t mention that acid reflux could be the reason for the scarring which was therefore recorded as cause unknown....
Greetings Looseloafers,
I have IPF amongst other lung and gut diseases and have had reflux and IPF for 5 years.
first came the IPF and then the reflux. I take an anti reflux medication every morning along with all the other medications (6)and it settles the symptom. If I don't take the medication I vomit as soon as I have food. I think in the scheme of things it's no big deal. Management is the key to all ilnness especially a terminal condition like IPF.