Lung Conditions Community Forum

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28 Replies

Many of us are unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of innefficient or negligent behaviour on the part of our GPs and their practices. Unfortunately, we are so often reluctant to insist on better or to begin the official complaints process because we are afraid that the GP and the practice will either strike us off or behave in an even worse way towards us. That we will be ‘marked’.

Here is a true story for you.

One of my friends had a knee replacement in February which went wrong. Since then there has been an escalating horror of fluid on her lungs and in the pleural space, five different scans, a suspected mass in one of her breasts, a hysteroscopy and a biopsy in both the lining of her lung and the lung itself.

Every one of these procedures has been subject to cancellations, misreadings and loss of notes. She is still waiting for the biopsy in her lung three months after it being ordered because they keep cancelling it.

Obviously these are all failings on the part of two different hospitals, not the GP.

She has been keeping a record of all of this since it appeared that the knee wasn’t right, at my suggestion. Little did we know how important this would be or to what an extent the issues would multiply.

Two months ago she asked her GP practice for all of the letters and records since February. She was told that it would take 28 days. After 28 days they said they had no record of the request. Last week she rang. They said that GP had gone on holiday with them. On the following monday they said that GP did not have them,the person who knew where they were was on holiday. My friend tried to speak to the practice manager who kept avoiding her. Finally she was told that the records had been on the reception desk all along. When she opened them there were only 3 letters and nothing about the lung problems or hysteroscopy.

I told her to stop messing and start the complaints process. She was very scared to do so but decided that in the face of such dangerous inefficiency she had no choice.

She emailed the practice manager informing them that the email was the official beginning of the complaints process and why

Ten minutes later the Practice Manager phoned, please would she put this on hold and they would have the complete records by 1pm. And they were!


Funny how they had said that this takes 28 days when they finally managed it in 2 hours.

They are terrified of the complaints process because they are constantly being assessed.

So don’t be afraid. If your GP surgery are messing you about Put Your Foot Down!

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28 Replies
RoadRunner44 profile image

Your post inspires confidence Littlepom. It's dreadful that we have to take such steps, and it is a big step for most people.

HungryHufflepuff profile image

I’m sitting here trying to find words other than oh my goodness! Your poor friend. It feels like one of those nightmares where you wake up from your dream, only to later realise that you didn’t actually wake up, you’re still in your nightmare. She’s fortunate to have you as a friend and your knowledge to support her.

My parents tried to make a complaint after a series of errors in my dad’s care. He had open heart surgery which went well and in fact the surgeon several times visited my dad in the hospital because he was so amazed by his recovery and progress. But when my dad was moved to a general ward it all rapidly horribly went wrong. I don’t want to go into the story. But my parents who don’t really complain about anything felt compelled to do so, because it was so awful. But they didn’t really know how to go about the complaints procedure, and didn’t really get anywhere, and along the way got confronted with the most ridiculous responses, which were just insulting. It was too late to undo the harm that had been done, they just wanted an apology, a recognition of the repeated failure of care, and possibly to prevent the same thing happening to someone else. But I guess an apology would have been an admission of guilt, so it was never forthcoming.

in reply toHungryHufflepuff

I'm so sorry. Another terrible story. Jess Philipps the MP for Yardley has just written a book called Truth to Power which describes how the powerful in any situation seek to stone wall and belittle the complainants. And how to work round it. When she was 27 her Mum took on ICI over a drug which was being given to women for misduagnosed angina. They tried evetything against her but she won compo for thousands of women. How brave.

Patsy164 profile image

Thanks Littlepom I will keep that in mind as you never know when you are going to be in a position to do so. Thanks for sharing x

sassy59 profile image

Thank you for telling your friends story Littlepom. Such gross inefficiency is abhorrent and I’m glad the threat of the complaints procedure paid off. It shouldn’t have to be like that though. Very poor.

Hope your friend recovers and that you are keeping well. Xxxx

in reply tosassy59

Thankyou Sassy. Hopefully she has her biopsy today if they don't cancel it again. She is one of my 3 closest friends who are all going through diagnoses, cancer. It is you guys who are keeping me going.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Thinking of you and your dear friends. Bless you all. Xxxx

in reply to

If not for your help and guidance Littlepom I would never had asked for my hospital records to see what was being said. As you said they only have 28 days to get them to you and were done it that time. That done I have a better new doctor relationship after putting them down in front of him and been referred for a new Consultant urgently. Will post when I know more. Got all my results real quick by doing this. Thanks for your support and help Maz

in reply to

It's so good to hear that. Well done. I hope that taking control is going to improve things all round for you. That is the marvellous thing about this forum . We try to help each other with ideas of how to go forward. Support each other through the battles and give quiet hugs when it all gets too much. Please let us know how it goes on.

in reply to

I will and thanks again Maz

We're keeping you going? Blimy LP, YOU are my inspiration. :-)

hypercat54 profile image

Thank you for that. We witnessed the hospital here being ridiculous with our father so when our mother was in we knew the pitfalls and she got much better treatment. They only do it once coz next time you know! Never will any of my family (or friends) have to suffer like my dad did x

It'sheartening that you have found a way to call them to account. It's just so exhausting though isnt it.

Whitechinchilla profile image

Well said Littlepom and great advice from you to your friend.

We all need a friend like you.😉😉

Izb1 profile image

Thank you for sharing LP, it inspires confindence, which alot of people on here need. I think fighting Mums corner made me a little bolshie but seem to be lacking a little when it comes to myself. I hope your friend had her biopsy and she is ok x

in reply toIzb1

We are always better at fighting someone else,s corner than our own. Jess Phillips says that this is because we are programmed by those in power to regard our own issues as of little importance.

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to

Ha! That sounds about right x

Echoblue profile image

Well done and for also for supporting your friend. I put in a formal complaint to my local hospital (even GP advised me to do it) as a Consultant and asthma nurse specialist had been obstructive in my care. Sadly despite an appeal they just did serious fluffing (technical term!) and back covering and all they could come up with was “no recollection of the conversation” etc! They offered a face to face meeting to discuss the issues but to be honest I don’t want anything more to do with them.

I praised clinicians who had been great, so it was a balanced and factual complaint.

The reason I put in the complaint ........ I can only hope that going forward the Respiratory Consultant and asthma nurse specialist think twice before telling another asthmatic in clinic that they shouldn’t go to A&E when their peak flow repeatedly dives from 450 to under 200!

in reply toEchoblue

Well done you. The tactic that they used to evade you was exactly the same that my friends practice used about her request for her notes. This is why I suggested that my friend keep a record of everything. They can’t wriggle out of that. The offer a face to face because they know that they are in the position of power and reckon (probably rightly) that face to face they can intimidate you into backing down and not taking it to the next stage or that you will be so daunted by the prospect that you will drop the issue.

This is no reflection on you but rather a severe indictment of the position that these people put us in by the abuse of their power.

Taking on those with more power than us is terrifying. That is why I suggest that everybody reads Truth to Power by Jess Philipps. I am half way through and it is enlightening and empowering for people like us.

Echoblue profile image
Echoblue in reply to

Thanks Littlepom. I will definitely read that.

I took it to appeal and that certainly made them squirm as I made mincemeat of their whitewash initial response. I would have loved to have seen their faces when they first read my response ...... threw facts galore at them. That was the point at which they “had no record of”, “couldn’t recollect” or just “denied all knowledge of”. If I have at least made them squirm a little and think twice I will leave it at that.

I have no desire to take it any further from that level as I have nothing further to gain. I did at least get an apology for their very poor communication with me which was something.

The only thing that will make me enter that hospital now is an ambulance if I am unconscious or unable to speak.

Other than that I will be using other hospitals. Thankfully I have more than one within an hour of where I live to go to. Even the specialist centre I go to have said to me that particular local hospital’s Respiratory dept is “broken!” (Their words!) as all their Consultants have left and those that have been made up to Consultant do not have the experience or expertise to be in that position! A real indictment for one clinician to say of another!

I can’t change the world, but I equally felt I had to stand up and be counted for the sake of those that wouldn’t have the nouse to ignore the advice and go to A&E! Ended up in resus with potential dire consequences had I listened to the Consultant who despite her protestations now was crystal clear in what she said to me as I questioned her about her comment at the time. Scary x

in reply toEchoblue

Wow! Respect! You were so brave and I am sure that hospital’s respiratory dept is no loss to you. I think that if you read the book you will be very pleased with yourself because you seem to have identified and gone through all of the stages that she recommends for yourself. Onwards and upwards. I hope that you get a new good consultant and that they fulfill their duty of care towards you much better than that last one.

Jaknite profile image

sad but i have the same story, ok, mine went away to think on his career, never saw him, he was short on meds , had untrained staff, yes he did, taking bloods , untrained female daughter his, blw did all the pips,, and we all lost, dirty rooms , stupid old nurse to, o then letter on the post, long one , dc ,,,, as been struck OFF , and to top it of, alf on the desk have GONE , why, as he took em on as family friends, mmm, the others at the desk are as bad, as i went on facebook and saw them o so pally, so hoilday r struck of , wasnt for lung clinic going mad at my treatment on no meds short meds, they got my meds by 5 pm same day to me, 2 years went on, now letter hes struck of, well , word hear u can run cant hide on social media and he wont either , think more to come out soon

in reply toJaknite

Oh dear how terrible for you and all of the other patients that he let down. I do hope that you will have a new efficient doctor now.

Jaknite profile image
Jaknite in reply to

well for now, a medical practise as took over, but its not done yet, his nephew as took his place on that rest my case, ive moved to other one,

shouty profile image

My GP practice are excellent & care of Bronchectsis Consultant & Nurses brilliant BUT my notes seemed to be rather sketchy at the hospital till they some pages about me in someone else's folder. They didn't hide the fact & I know people are only human but still 😕

Lol1944 profile image

Very well done. It is not only a cash injection that is required for all parts of the nuts. There must be responsibility and accountability at all levels.

Ergendl profile image

I had to follow the complaints process all the way to the Health Service Ombudsman after problems with aftercare following a knee replacement. It took years, and although most of my complaints were upheld, the hospital just ignored them. This was in 2004 to 2009. I had to start legal proceedings before the NHS complaints procedure had finished as their prevaricating would have made me run out of time to lodge proceedings in court. I was belittled throughout, the administrative blunders of the other sides were appalling, and I got no redress, not even an apology from the hospital. However, the consultant who oversaw everything (and ordered me not to proceed early on), no longer works for that NHS Trust.

in reply toErgendl

It just keeps happening doesn’t it and those in power use the same tactics of evasion, belittling and refusing to be called to account in an attempt to intimidate or simply wear out the complainant so that they drop the issue. When I went on television in 2015 because the QE in Bham had illegally refused to admit me with pneumonia and and empyema even though my consultant was there they tried every trick in the book. They silenced my consultant and my GP, both of whom were told not to talk to the BBC. They called the TV presenter ( who had known me for many years) and told him that I was a confused old woman who did not know what I was doing. When he didn’t pull the programme they went over his head to his producer who stood by him. One hour before the programme went out the head of the health trust called me and asked me to admit that I was wrong that they had refused to admit me and to ask the BBC to stop the article. It went out, on every local bulletin on that day. Following that my consultant and my GP were reassured that I would be admitted in future but no letter to me or apology until my MP got involved when they suddenly wrote apologising. It is still difficult to get admitted for IV etc because of ‘lack of beds’ but at least now there is a system of home IVs.

Sickeningly, trying to find the people to make the official complaint to is like looking for a mouse in long grass and fog. Then those who should support you, GPs and consultants are also too cowed to back you up.

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