Twice recently I've needed to see medical professionals who have had no access to my medical records.
Firstly, the respiratory nurse at the medical centre where I see my doctor. As she only had records of my initial lung function test from over two years ago (I've had several test at the hospital since that one) she might as well have been wearing a blind fold. She was lovely but I had to tell her about my lung conditions, the progress of my illness etc. I've seen my consultant since and requested copies of any future tests to be sent to her.
Secondly, this weekend I had to visit A&E with a possibly cracked rib.(Another long story). Again the staff were lovely and treated me very well. (Fortunately the rib shows no sign of fracture but is causing a lot of pain,) I had taken with me a list of my medication and a copy of the consultant's letter stating my two lung conditions. I'm glad I did as A & E can only access A&E records.
The last time I visited them was four years ago before being diagnosed with lung problems and osteoporosis. So again they were working in the dark.
I think it would be a good idea if those of us with chronic conditions could opt in to a note sharing scheme. If we did, signing forms to say we want our notes about our chronic conditions open to any NHS doctor, I'm sure it could be made possible on the computer records. It would save a lot of time for us and the doctors. I am able to explain my condition but not everyone can. What if my rib had been broken and caused a collapsed lung? Maybe I would not be so able.
What do others here think?