Hi everyone my name is Sharon I had a wake up call with my partner the other day he has copd I had to phone for a ambulance for him as he was struggling to breathe in hospital we were told that he had pneumonia just wanted to say hi and thank you all for the support you gave him I enjoy all your posts & jokes, take care every one
Hello: Hi everyone my name is Sharon I... - Lung Conditions C...

No need for thanks, have a good night and take care of yourselves 🤗 Bernadette xx
Hi sharon, pleasure to meet you, enjoy the boating week, and please keep him indoors on his toes. We need the info lol Jane
Hi Sharon, it’s very nice to meet you 😊Have a wonderful time together on your great sailing adventure ⛵️ I’m loving being along for the ride vicariously and experiencing the sights and food too. Thank you for sharing your trip with us.
Hope your partner feels well soon.
Good to meet you Sharon. Love the tales of the trips to the Norfolk Broads. Very nostalgic. My father had a boatyard at Wayford Bridge. So all familiar.
Thanks for introducing yourself.
Kate x
Nice to meet you Sharon and hoping you’re having a wonderful holiday.
It’s scary seeing someone you care about struggling but great news that 2greys is doing so well now.
Enjoy your break. Xxx 😘🥰
Hope he has a speedy recovery you take care also
Hi Sharon. Hope 2greys is feeling better, And able to continue on your break on the Norfolk Broads, Make sure he keeps wrapped up. These mornings and evening are starting to get pretty chilly. Take Care both of you Brian
Morning Sharon, Feel like you know us all. I saw a Post from 2 Gs, saying he is feeling a lot Better, No Doubt with your Love & Care, behind every Good Man is a Great Woman.. Thanks for Joining us Hun. Carolina. XXX
I hope things are improving x
Hi Sharon, lovely to meet you, hope 2g gets back on his feet soon, give him our best x
So sorry to hear about your husband . I myself have mild copd and had a scare 6weeks ago, I suddenly got severe pain up my side and had to go in Ambulance it turned out to be pleurisy/pneumonia the doctors said, I wasn’t admitted and given antibiotics . 6 weeks on I am off work again due to chest infection , I had the shivers and bits of blood in my mucus I am on the mend was wondering are pleurisy/pneumonia two different illnesses? Or is that a silly question ? Hope your hubby recovers xx
Nice of you to post Sharon as we hear of you from time to time. You are very lucky to have him as your husband just as I’m sure he is to have you . You send like a great team or should I say ‘crew’. Enjoy your holiday on the broads
Take care
Well well well,i missed this post Sharon and you finally get a word in edgeways,for every would be superman there is always a trusty sidekick guarding their invincibility cloak and super powers war chest.you are that person and he is very lucky to have you as his partner in life.welcome to the site.
Ski's and Scruff's x
Oh missed this I do hope your partner is feeling better