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105 Replies

hi everyone just wanted to say hi and to let you know I'm still ticking I'm just trying deal with the extream heat it's averaging high 03 s at night and high 40s during day . We've a had a few fires but nothing serious. I've spent every night outside because I'm struggling to find air inside

cooking a hot beef Currys my Dutch friend who takes to me to my appointments. I envy you guys with the weather. I may be quiet at moment the but I'm struggling a bit to concentrate. Be back to full steam soon. Wishing you all well. David

105 Replies
Wonderboy6 profile image

Weather is so sluggish, having to fight for every single breath, wish we could have a huge storm, at least it might clear the air a bit.

in reply toWonderboy6

I would give anything for a little shower or a thunderstorm like the witch on wizard of oz I'm melting I'm melting 😂😂🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵

Wonderboy6 profile image
Wonderboy6 in reply to

Likewise, cut my food intake, only knocking back mostly salads 🥗 boring but can have mackerel or cold 🥶 sausage meats, salami, parma ham, even ⚫️ black pudding. Haha.l

in reply toWonderboy6

Salads are ok buddy blackpudding you little tinker my favourite food that I can't get and you mention it now I'm going to be dreaming of it

Wonderboy6 profile image
Wonderboy6 in reply to

I just ❤️ 😍 my food, I enjoy preparing, cooking and eating all of it. Used to enjoy cooking for others, but now I'm old and crochety, I say bugger it, get your own cooking 🍳 done, really, really mean and nasty, yeah,yeah. Hahaha 😆 😂

Wonderboy6 profile image
Wonderboy6 in reply toWonderboy6

Good night, my fantastic friend who puts up with a silly old fart. Have a restful night.

in reply toWonderboy6

Good night buddy who torments me with black pudding 😂😂 have a good sleep buddy catch you tomorrow

peege profile image

Thanks for letting us know Dave, I'm sure many of us are thinking of you. Very best wishes Peege 🙏

in reply topeege

Thank you the heat is usually good for my breathing but it's a mixture of heat and humidity too much

Maricopa profile image

Yes! The heat is harsh. Been weeks of 105 Fahrenheit at my house. Ugh🔥

in reply toMaricopa

It's horrible when you have no Aircon and couldn't afford to run it if you did have it I just can't escape 🥵🥵😂

Maricopa profile image
Maricopa in reply to

Oh that would be unbearable. I’d be sitting in a cool tub. Yikes.

in reply toMaricopa

I've got a big bag of ice hanging in front of my fan right in front of me getting some cold air but lots of nice ice cold droplets of water hitting me. I'm high enough not to be overlooked so sat in my boxers 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂

Maricopa profile image
Maricopa in reply to

Gotta do anything to beat this heat. I’m 65 in a tank & underwear. Now that should just be illegal! I won’t be answering my door! 🤣🤣😂😂

in reply toMaricopa

In honesty someone did knock my door and I played possum and didn't answer 😂😂 in the words of John Wayne a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and I'm doing it 😂😂😂

SORRELHIPPO profile image
SORRELHIPPO in reply to

The other day, I had to do a quick scuttle back to the bedroom, to find something to throw on, as was heading to the front door (postie I think) and realised i had on a pair of very thin short pyjama bottoms and nothing else. I would definitely have frightened the horses😱

in reply toSORRELHIPPO

Think the postman would have thought it was Christmas 😂😂😂

teddyd profile image

Hello. Delighted you are still ticking 🥰🥰

in reply toteddyd

Hi hope you are well. I envy you back in the UK right now and would love some cooler temperatures 😂😂😂

Suzie42 profile image

Yes i bet you could do with some light relief. You need the right heat and humid is not our friend. A nice dry heat is best. Wishing sone rain to come your way soon Dave and some cooler temps at least. Although the curry would heat you up 😅 Its a shame you can't take a dip in the sea any more 🏊‍♂️

in reply toSuzie42

I know I would love to go to the beach and just have a nice swim but apparently it's like getting into your bath tub at the moment 🤣 I'm cooling down a fair bit using my ice bag and fan routine and because I have marble flooring it doesn't matter if it gets wet 😂😂👍🏼

Suzie42 profile image
Suzie42 in reply to

Great, keep it up Dave

in reply toSuzie42

The extremes you have to go to 😂😂 normally this time of year it's nice and hot but not extreme heat and at night a nice cooling breeze but global warming as killed all of that we start a hosepipe ban on the 24th never had one before on the island

Suzie42 profile image
Suzie42 in reply to

Gosh things must be bad. Good luck with it 🤞

in reply toSuzie42


sassy59 profile image

You just take care Dave and come on when you can. Your weather sounds awful to me so take it easy. Wishing you well too, Carole xxx💕

in reply tosassy59

It's never been like this before everyone is complaining about the heat at night and the Greeks usually use the Aircon but like the UK can't afford the electric

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

That sounds miserable. I feel for you and your neighbours. Xx👍🥵

in reply tosassy59

It's bad globally everything is increasing except finances to buy food and pay bills

helenlw7 profile image

Good to hear from you Dave. I really don’t know how you’re coping in the heat over there. We had about a minute of light rain here when I was sat in the garden - it was lovely.

in reply tohelenlw7

I would give anything for some rain right now I would be outside butt naked 😂😂😂

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

Maaaaaaate! That's my thing, dancing in the rain!😂😂😂 xx

in reply toleo60

Like the song take me dancing naked in the rain 😂😂😂😂😂😂

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

Yes!! Good song that,and dancing in the rain, naked or not is just amazing (better naked!). My mum was a good witch and she was known for her rain dancing, especially in 1976!! Xx

in reply toleo60

Could seriously do with some here right now . If you can send me some let me know when to expect it I'll have my shower gel and sponge outside ready 😁😁😁

helenlw7 profile image

We’ll do would I if I didn’t want to scare the neighbours!

in reply tohelenlw7


leo60 profile image

I don't know how you are coping in that heat. If I was you, I would put water and ice on your marble floor, lie down and do snow angels for as long as it took to cool me down! Hope you manage some sleep my friend xx

in reply toleo60

I tried the egg test this afternoon on my marble flooring it cooked 🤣🤣🤣🤣

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

Cripes !! I thought marble was supposed to stay cool 🤷‍♀️ I don’t know what to suggest Davey , I couldn’t cope with it at all. I hope it’s cooler now and you get a little sleep xx

in reply toleo60

Marble is supposed to but with the sun on it it gets buddy hot 🥵🥵

djbctla profile image

Hi DavidMy mother always put her feet into a basin of cold water to cool down, as I now do myself.

Try it and see, it can’t do any harm.

If u are allowed to, drink Dioralyte, or similar type of drink, (ask the Chemist) in water cooled in the fridge.

Best wishes


in reply todjbctla

I have not had cold water come through the taps in the past couple of weeks it's always warm even left running. I'll ask pharmacy about diorylite thank you

Hazel1010 profile image

All the best wishes x x

in reply toHazel1010

Thank you

Badbessie profile image

I think most are on tick over at the moment and desperate for a storm to clear the air.

in reply toBadbessie

Sooner the better 😂😂

Spoticus profile image

Hope it starts to cool down for you soon, thought it was unbearable here when we got to 38 . Feel for you xx

in reply toSpoticus

I would feel for myself but my hands keep slipping off 😂😂😂

Spoticus profile image
Spoticus in reply to


in reply toSpoticus

Like the witch in wizard of oz says I'm melting I'm melting I'm melting 😂😂😂

Biofreak profile image

Hi Davey. Have you tried a hand held fan? I've found it helpful in the hot hot weather recently. However in temperatures like the ones you're enduring I'm not sure if it would help. Just a suggestion. It's cooler where I live now so I hope it cools down a bit for you to make your life a bit more comfortable.

in reply toBiofreak

A good thunderstorm and heavy rain for the day would be a good send

Ergendl profile image

My husband and I found putting wrapped freezer blocks on our pressure points helped the day we were caravaning just 15 miles from Coningsby the day it reached 43 C

in reply toErgendl

I'll try it thanks for the information

Loopylorre profile image

Hope you manage ok, it’s weird weather here, although we have rain it’s still very humid, could do with a good thunderstorm ⛈ & clear the air properly, stay cool, hope it improves for you soon 😊🤞🏻⛈

in reply toLoopylorre

I want rain please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

ghousrider profile image

HI good morning glad you got it hot where you are it starting to go cold & damp here on morning its staring to take my breathing now had heat checked yesterday saynit fine going back to drs toady ay ten i asked for second apinyan they did not like at the drs last night i had no help in 12 ths aprt from that can you send some sunshine over here for this afternoon thanks matey speak soon 👍

Izb1 profile image

Oh my word I could not manage in that constant heat and humidity, I do not know how you are managing Dave. The drop in temperature here has been welcome and Im enjoying being cool for a change. I do hope the rain heads your way and gives you a little respite. Take good care x

in reply toIzb1

In honesty I don't know how I'm coping but yet again I don't have much choice 😞😂😂😂

watergazer profile image

👋. Take care in the heat. Xx

in reply towatergazer

I'll try 😂😂

Digger0 profile image

Glad to hear from you. Take care

in reply toDigger0

Keep trying 👍🏼👍🏼😂

Sutton5 profile image

Wow What a heat!, It’s horrible trying to get a breathe in they conditions, too hot, your doing amazing writing the post Davieboy1963 Keep ticking

in reply toSutton5

I'll keep ticking right up to my last tock 😊😊😂

We’re with you Daveyboy. Take it easy in the heat.

in reply to

I'm hoping we get even one night of rain I'll sit outside naked all night

Mind those spiders ! 😀😀

in reply to

Think they've already been there I am covered in cobwebs 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

in reply to

Oh dear, that won’t do 😀

in reply to

Ah well 😂😂😂😂

in reply to

Hello,Maybe the water has cooled down and it’s time for a swim. By the way we’ve got a grapevine, down the garden, sadly neglected. If we can get it going, would the leaves be alright for moussaka ?

By the way your body will decide what will be, not the doctors, keep on going …….

in reply to

Don't use grape vin for moussaka your thinking of domadis vin leaves stuffed with mince tomato and onion

in reply to

Oh, how silly of me, 👀, of course. It looks as if I need another recipe 😀.

in reply to

You can make domadis with cabbage leaves instead of vin leaves. Boil some whole cabbage leaves partially. Fry mince onion and chopped garlic add a tin of drained chop tomato scoop into leaves and make a parcel. Put into a saucepan just cover the top of them with water and cook for fifteen minutes but add a little vinegar before finishing off . Drain and serve

in reply to

Thanks that’s brilliant. Hope you’ve managed to cool down a bit.

in reply to

Not much 😂😂 it's heating up again and it's still thundering 😂😂😂

in reply to

Don’t know where you are, but rain is forecast in a lot of locations in Greece. I just hope it comes your way.

in reply to

I'm on Rhodes and we had a whole ten minutes of rain and even that was warm and now the sun's back out and everywhere is dry 😂😂😂😂

in reply to

That won’t do will it !

in reply to

That's Rhodes for you 😂😂😂

in reply to

Looked at a few forecasts, some say rain later and a little rain tomorrow in Rhodes. We got some very fine rain here yesterday, but it’s not really proper rain. It’s very humid here. Nothing like the temperatures in Greece though, but uncomfortable. Could you try lukewarm or cold showers, iced drinks, cold flannels. There might be a breeze coming off the sea ? 👀 Could you put some ice in a flannel to keep yourself cool ? Have you got shutters, if so are you keeping them shut ? In Italy these used to be closed in the hot weather. Keep the fan going and I hope the night there will be cooler. We’re thinking of you.

in reply to

I'm not letting it get to me 😂 soon be winter . One thing I've learnt is I never listen to weather men or Google their as accurate as Mary Poppins being a man 😂😂😂

in reply to

Certainly the weathermen here haven’t been very accurate lately 👀

in reply to

Their never accurate here like winter time they said that it was going to rain bit snowed from one end of the island to the other both sides except our village and no one can understand why our village had no snow what so ever

in reply to

We do have freak weather, it has even been known to rain on one pavement and not on the other in local towns. It’s raining today, but fine weather is predicted again tomorrow. People were happy to have a hot summer, but you can have enough of a good thing. Our South African daisies and Australian bottle brush have been doing well, but our hydrangeas have wilted. The rain followed the hosepipe ban, predictably !We live in Eastbourne, and we get more sun here than Torquay, so tropical plants are on the agenda. 🌵

Keep going Daveyboy.

in reply to

When I was a kid I can remember the top of the street covered in snow and the bottom of the street was bone dry . But unfortunately since the industrial revolution we've caused so much damage to the environment we would a miracle to happen to repair the damage. If we all moved to Mars give mankind a few years we would screw that planet up aswell

in reply to

Unhappily this global warming has changed the weather in Europe. While I was in Rome, in winter, many years ago the Italians were so amazed to have a fall of snow that they went outside at midnight and played with their children in it. In the summer you were guaranteed sunshine every day from March until the Autumn, now rainy weather is not unusual. Climate change is affecting us all. Hopefully now it is apparent, something will be done about it. Yep, mankind is very good at mucking things up 👀

in reply to

I can remember when I was a kid we used to have proper seasons certain plants and flowers came up with each season now your lucky if the flowers and plants grow 👍🏼😁

in reply to

Like most things, we will have to adapt. I might get my wish and have bougainvillea in the garden one day, if it gets much warmer. Too hot and I reckon cacti will be popular 😀

in reply to

Next year you will be able to grow coconuts and bananas aswell 🤣😂😂 because next year you will get the heat again

in reply to

We’ll get the monkeys moving in next ! We’re waiting for the parakeets, they’ve got them in Regents Park, won’t be long before they move down here. Hope you are managing in the heat. Look after yourself.

in reply to

The monkey's have started they sent the pox first then they will come 😂😂😂

in reply to

It didn’t come from monkeys, goodness knows why they called it monkey pox. Time to look at the view with a nice cool drink and maybe a chat with some Greek friends. We’re thinking of you.

in reply to

I know they always come up with some stupid name like chickenpox didn't come from chickens 😂 another hour or two and I'll be sat outside hopefully in cooler air and I'll have my JD at my side

in reply to

That’s the ticket !

Stratos20 profile image

Oh hello to you too Davey. Keep on trucking. Thinking of you and wishing you well. Diane 😊

in reply toStratos20

It's a good night tonight a nice welcome cool breeze

Digger0 profile image

Morning Daveyboy. Wednesday now and drizzle in Derbyshire!

in reply toDigger0

Just had horendous thunderstorm no lightening and no rain crazy weather here can smell the electric in the air

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to


in reply toDigger0

Climate so screwed up

Stoneferry8 profile image

💨sending you a cool breeze. X

in reply toStoneferry8

Thank you so much I'm in serious need of it 😂👍🏼👍🏼

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