I am a mother of a wonderful son who is 41 years of age. I pushed him to take the first job he was offered on leaving school which was a small family run firm who made indoor sports equipment. Now 25 years l8tr he has been told he cannot go back to work ever . He has been diagnosed with interstitial lung disease. They say it's too risky to do an open lung biopsy to determine the cause. So he now is too poorly to do anything. In all honesty his works have offered him a good compromise. But in August he goes on the list for a double lung transplant. I am feeling so low....
Hello you all: I am a mother of a... - Lung Conditions C...
Hello you all
That's a lot to take in roseyjane fir you and your son. Is there nothing he can do at work? It's awful to have such life changing health problems and l do feel for you as a mother.
Maybe you could call the BLF helpline on 03000 030 555. They have some good people who can help you. Xxxxxx
Thanks sassy59. He can't return to his job because it's glues and paints and to be honest he would struggle doing any kind of work as he gets very breathless . He uses his oxygen a lot. His wife has begun training to be a chemist and Andy now sees to the two boys. It gives him a purpose to get up in the morning he says
So sorry to hear that your son is so ill , just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and your son. When your told you can't work again it's a major blow. I hope he manages to get the transplant πΉπΉ
Thanks very much. I remember the day he was told he couldn't return and that was the thing that upset him the most.
So sorry for you all. I friend of my Son had a lung transplant about two years ago similar age to your son. All went extremely well!!! Such great results. A new life for this person that has two small children. It is so nice to see a remarkable fantastic change. Good luck with everything. Xxx
Wow thank you I will tell Andy.
((((Hugs)))) Hidden , for both you and your son.
So sorry To read that your sons condition will stop him from working. I'm thinking of you both x
Most of us have to stop work when we have such awful illnesses, I had a lung removed after being a homecare worker for a long time so that left me doing nothing as bending and pulling about was not an option, and I went from a monthly pay to statuatory sick pay which was Β£6 per day, well to say my finances took a hit was an understatement so bills that I had needed to be paid off with the mimimum, and although I have a partner we have always just split everything down the middle at least the financial worry is a bit less for both of you, because that can be a big problem, but your son needs to find other things to occupy his days, maybe he should write or take up tapestry, my son loved it ! Start small and find a craft he can do slowly, we are all good at something and don't realise until we try. Don't get down, keep your chins up and hopefully he will get his transplant and life will be a bit better for him, read the posts here and post when you feel the need they are a great bunch and can really lit your spirits, take care xx
Thank you so much for replying. He has been drawing again. I also suggested he wrote to his sons about his life growing up. I myself have written a book about my life as one of 11 children, and lots of photos
He makes lots of jokes about his illness which really makes life easier because I know he doesn't mind talking about it.
He really is a superstar.
Thanks again

Good for him, it is always good to have something to do, even reading is good to take the mind somewhere else, but crafting is better .... fingers crossed for quick op for him, keep us all posted xxxxx
A warm welcome Roseyjane. Hope your son doesn't have to wait too long for a lung transplant. All best wishes x
Thankyou. Wythenshawe say there s roughly a waiting time of 240 days from signing on the register. Don't know but it must be an average wait I suppose.