A Message from Jimmy 123....... - Lung Conditions C...

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A Message from Jimmy 123.......

huggs profile image
99 Replies

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for not getting on sooner, but the internet and power has been going on and off all day.

Jimmy phoned me this afternoon to say that he is now on the mend, although not 100% yet, and still a bit to go. However on saying that he had me in stitches to the extent I couldn't stop coughing!! His infection is clearing up, and his mother is also much improved from what she was. Of course this has delighted Jimmy and given him a much needed boost and is very relieved.

I told him about the post that medow, posted about him and all the replies so he has asked me to thank you all very much for your concern, and hopes to be back online very soon. He hopes within the next couple of days, and will thank you himself I am sure. He was very touched by everyone's worrying about him.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs :) xxx

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huggs profile image
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99 Replies

More good news MB, so chuffed Jimmy is on the mend and his mom, glad to see he's still got his sense of humour making u laugh and cough :) :) xx BB2 xx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

hi sonia, many thanks for your concern, thankfully things are slightly better now,,

i think it was really a long lasting hangover from coughalots new year party :D and the draught from that kilt :D but i never told the doctor that!!!,,,,,,,,,or she might have wanted to go next year :D

were on the mend now sonia, hope you are well

lots of love jimmy xxx :)

in reply tojimmyw123

Whoop, our wee Jimmy is back, u take it slowly and take care and wear some thermal pants under that Kilt from now on :) :) missed u. Love x Sonia xx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

och thanks sonia,:)

:D :D that reminds me of the old one "whats worn under the kilt" "nothing, its all in good working order :D " ,,, thats a lie for a start :D

many years ago when i was married i was a t.v. aerial rigger, up all the high roofs in the winter, honestly :D i wore women's tights under my jeans, kept my wee legs warm,,,,,,

and my wife said "what happens if you fall of a roof and finish up in hospital!!!! ,,, no blinkin answer to that one!!! :D ,,, and that really is true :D

now at present i have 6 pairs of long johns under the kilt :D ,, no more infections for me :D :D ,, and a warm bum :D

keep smiling sonia xxx,, im off to kip now, done in now lol :D jimmy

peege profile image
peege in reply tojimmyw123

Good to see you indomitable Young Jimmy :D

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply topeege

och missed your post peege, so sorry , anyway thanks for the "young" bit :D

now i just need to look up "abominable" :D :D [was that the right word :D ]

many thanks peege jimmy :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi again Sonia,

Don't listen to Jimmy and what he wears under his kilt. He certainly has a covering, but this is what it is. lol hee hee hee.

hugs from Huggs xxx :p :)


jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tohuggs

:D :D tartan paint,, itll go with my tartan face tonight [this morning lol :D ] jimmy xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to


Yes, its good Jimmy is on the mend, and so is his mum. His foot is still giving him a lot of bother though.

Take care, and apologies for the late reply.

hugs from Huggs xxx :) :p

hufferpuffer profile image

Im so glad Jimmy is on the mend, and his wonderful sense of humour is in tact, yeay found thecapitals

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tohufferpuffer

hi huffer,

yes were on the mend now, slow but sure, :)

i'm still coughing and spluttering very well though :D

so glad you found the capitals :D

all the very best huffer jimmy :)

Jolyn profile image

Oh, that's lovely news....he's been very much missed. xxx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply toJolyn

hi jolyn , thank you so much, im getting there now, and things are looking better now,

thanks for the kind thoughts jolyn, lots of love jimmy xxx :)

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply tojimmyw123

Lovely to have you back Jimmy xxx

i_am_iamnins_nin profile image

Brilliant news for Jimmy and his mum. Glad they are on the mend.

Nin xx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply toi_am_iamnins_nin

hi Nin,

yes were all a bit better now,my brother awaiting scan results, i am waiting scan results, sister better, and the old mother is slowly gaining her strength back, so were on the up and up now,

many thanks Nin love jimmy xxx :)

jimmyw123 profile image

many thanks for updating for me huggs, i am now trying to catch up with things, slow but sure, i shall now check a few back posts then catch up on things,,

im sure huggs would have mentioned the situation, but things are a bit better now.

i thank you so much huggs :) and to all the members who pm,,d me

you are all so lovely and thoughtful, i do hope you all keep well during this rough period. i thank you all most sincerely.


:D when i said i was getting a little better now, :D and "going round the corner now"

i didnt mean , as you put it,,,, :D "going round the bend now " lol :D

what would we do without you huggs :D many, many thanks love jimmy xxxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tojimmyw123

Hi Jimmy,

You are more than welcome for posting for you, mind you after making me cough so much??? LOL

When I said in my post that you were touched by peoples concern over you, I didn't really mean, in your head of course. :d Its also great to hear that you are further round the bend each day,, emm , er sorry, I mean of course the corner. :p :)

Seriously, glad to have you back Jimmy, and hope your foot can be sorted out soon.

Take care,

love and hugs,

Huggs xxx :) :)

Come back soon Jimmy am missing you and hope you soon feel better and can come back in. Take care sweetheart x

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

thanks cough, haven't been at my best today, [been a lot worse though :) ] i think its just the remnants of these last infections, never mind, new day tomorrow,..your much appreciated cough ,you talk a lot of sense, but have a great humour as well, you take care now lots of love jimmy xxxx

in reply tojimmyw123

Me talk sense Jimmy? Oh dear will have to watch that :d Will you be my new bezzie mate please? xx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

:D :D definitely cough , welle throw huggs out the window :D new best mates now :D

your a good lass cough :) ,, jimmy xxx :)

in reply tojimmyw123

Aw bless you Jimmy! I know, we can be bf/gf so we can still keep Huggs as our bezzie mate :d She will only sulk otherwise :p x

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

:D :D we cant have her going in the huff [sulk :D ] cough :D ,, shes a godsend, no question about that :) , love jimmy xxx

in reply tojimmyw123

:d :) xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tojimmyw123

Hi Jimmy, Would you two like a room? LOL :P Such a lovely pair of love birds twitting away, oops sorry, I mean tweeting away. LOL :p

hugs from Huggs xxxxx :)

in reply tojimmyw123

Jimmy do something - Huggs has tracked us down and is being all silly and goofy :d You know what she's like when she is being silly :d Can't you bop her on the head or something? :p xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi coughalot,

Jimmy is a wee bit too far away to bop me, and he knows that we on the west coast are buffeting them on the east coast from the worst of the storms, so I don't think he would want to bop his buffer!! :p

Have you seen the photo of him in his kilt, and showing his knees off, as that will have you getting up here at high speed. ?

As I type a spy camera is on your tail, and the border is ready to be closed as soon as you are sighted, or maybe even cited. lol I am babbling rubbish now. I cannot even blame the storms and lack of sleep now for rubbish I type out. Put it down to the sighting of a yellow ball in the sky. I am not sure if it is an alien or something called the sun, as it was here for a while yesterday too.

Going out soon to see an elderly neighbour in a care home, so if you don't hear from me for a while it means they have kept me.!! :p

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

in reply tohuggs

Omg! Am sending out the chopper loaded with mines and a purdy gun. That will stop you :) :d xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Okay, no border closure, but come and visit me instead, and we can go to the care home together, and you can stay a while too. Me no likeee violence and mines and guns!!

I better have a guard with me when I go out.

I have to go now,

hugs from Huggs xxxx :p

in reply tohuggs

Ok Huggs peace is declared - pity coz that chopper pilot was gorgeous :d

Will come to the care home with you as long as there is a nettle patch :d xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Okay, so glad peace has broken out, but no nettles at care home, only a very prickly person who I am visiting. Sorry, I know that doesn't sound nice, but unfortunately she is quite difficult, but should be getting out very soon as she has broken her arm, and I think they need the bed for me!! I think they will be able to find one for you too. lol

Going offline now, :d

hugs from Huggs xxxx :)

Anyone reading this thread will think we are nuts!! LOL

in reply tohuggs

:d depends who reads it Huggs :) xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

HI Coughalot,

Yes, I suppose so :p . So they will know then!

Just managed to escape, so have booked you in under your user name, which took a bit of explanation. LOL :d

hugs from Huggs xx :)

in reply tohuggs

Ha ha I bet it did! :d :p x

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Coughalot,

Me no sulkie, me no want to stand between such a lovey dovey pair of em, em ee love birds, yes that's what I mean! Couldn't think of a word there for a minute.!!! :p :d ha ha ha

hugs from Huggs xxxx :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tojimmyw123

Oh dear Jimmy,

You are in a worse state than I thought!! Are you sure you are taking your pills? I mean to say, Cough talking sense!! I am worried now. lol Only joking Cough. xxx

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

in reply tohuggs

Argh don't worry Jimmy have sent the chopper and purdy gun after Huggs - leave her to me :d :) xx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

:D :D :D no worries , were all best friends on eer lol :D :D

have you seen me!! :D im the only man who wears his ribs on the outside ,,,instead of the inside :D

jimmy :D xxxxxxx [the kisses are for robert :D :D ]

hope you realise im only kidding lol :D :D , all good fun :D

in reply tojimmyw123

So's wheres my kisses Jimmy? And Huggs? Not good enough want them now! :d :p xx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

:D :D did you not see the "robert" bit :D :D

xxxx to cough

xxxx to huggs

:D :D :D lots of love to you both , jimmy xxxxxxxxxxxx :D

in reply tojimmyw123

Robert???? Confused... x

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi coughalot,

Me too!! :p Me thinks Jimmy thinks we are fighting over him, but don't know how he would get that idea.!! lol

Don't know who Robert is either!! ha ha

hugs from Huggs xx :)

in reply tohuggs

Glad it's not just me Huggs :d x

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

im kidding you both on,,i put that on to wind you both up

:D :D

i'm no gay guy ...just a happy chappy :D ,,, jimmy xxxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tojimmyw123

Hi Jimmy,

Och I know that!! After all, I have seen a photo of you and your secret young wife together, or is it ????? :d

You didn't say it was your wife right enough, but you looked well in anyway. lol

hugs from Huggs xxxx :)

Hope you get some sleep tonight. xxx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tohuggs

oh i forgot about that :D :D

prince jimmy :D ha ha

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tojimmyw123

I thought you had!! LOL :d

Prince James, I think sounds better.

Maybe meet you at Balmoral later in the year! ha ha

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

"bob" my boyfriend :D :D ha ha,,, i cant believe i posted that :D :D jimmy xxxxx :D

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tojimmyw123

I can Jimmy, nothing you post surprises me. :d

You have given me lots of ammunition now. lol

You have Bob, and of course good old Harry too. :p

hugs from Huggs xxxx :)

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tohuggs

:D :D :D my goodness :D the ammo i've given away today, me thinks i,ll suffer :D :D

how to get into trouble without even trying :D

love harry,,,,,sorry jimmy xxxx :D :D see your getting me all mixed up now :D :D

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tojimmyw123

HI Jimmy,

:d Keep calm now. ;) Who is Robert anyway? lol

I am missing something here! Don't feel the need to answer that. ha ha

See Coughalot, he is giving us equal kisses now, he must be worried we are at loggerheads over him and he doesn't realise you are in a care home up here. lol

Only kidding Jimmy, the order of the posts are confusing, as they are not in the right order. Mind you, it probably doesn't make a lot of difference. :p

Hope you are feeling better tonight,

take care,

hugs from Huggs xxxx :)

in reply tohuggs

No she's right Jimmy - I am the difficult old woman in the care home Huggs has been visiting :d I am moving though coz I demand a nettle patch :p Is there room at yours please? :) x

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Jimmy,

This is coughalots room mate, so you had better watch out, as I think she is heading your way now. :p :d


hugs from Huggs xxx :)

in reply tohuggs

Silly Huggs - I am veggie :p xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

You haven't to eat it!!! Its a live animal and is your room mate, and not your next meal. Oh dear, I fear for you now, and think you should stay put. :p

Make do with these thistles and thorns along with the hedgehog and you will soon feel at home. :d


hugs from Huggs xxx :)

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tohuggs

oops i didn't see these other posts :D :D

they'll be "coming to take us away ha ha" :D

the men in the white coats are getting closer and closer, yes im included too :D

lots of love :D :D jimmy xxxxxxxxxxxxx :D

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tojimmyw123

Hi Jimmy,

You didn't see the other posts??? Oh dearie me, you mean you have been replying to something you didn't know you were replying to. lol :p :d Welcome to the Squirrel Nutter's club. lol

The white van should be approaching you within the next 5 minutes Jimmy, and you'll be squirrelled away somewhere. :p

Good luck,

I have evaded them so far, but did escape from a care home today. :p

hugs from Huggs xxxx :)

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tohuggs

its not the white van :D its the men in the white coats :D :D

we used to call it the "the wee yelly van" is coming to take you away ha ha,,

oops there's someone at the door , i can see through the frosted glass window ,.......

oh its two men in white coats,,, och i didnt think i would be first :D :D jimmmy xxx :D

in reply tojimmyw123

They are coming to take me away ha ha they are coming to take me away and I will be so happy to see those nice young man in their clean white coats they are coming to take me awaaaaaaaaaaaay. xx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

:D :D caught me off gaurd :D :D i've just seen it on the joke bit :D :D jimmy xxx

in reply tohuggs

Arrrrgh hate thorns you 'orrible person you :d I demand nettles so me and Jimmy can have a nettle dance round the care home :)

Still don't get the 'bob' bit Jimmy - am I being thick?? x

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

this,ll be a new craze now,,, the nettle dance, :D :D you do it in your bare feet :D [thats why its called the nettle dance :D ]

oh come on cough :D :D you new fine i was joking [bob, robert] ,,, or are you winding me up :D :D

they'll be making a new film about us ,,",three flew over the cuckoos nest :D :D "

jimmy xxx :)

in reply tojimmyw123

That was so sad and wasn't Jack Nicholson great in the part? I loved the bit best when the big Indian wrenched up the sink, chucked it through the window and made his escape. Lovely jubbley.

I felt exactly the same way with that wonderful speech Princess Di's brother made at her funeral didn't you? I was not a Di fan but don't like the royals and it certainly made them squirm. I was sat watching it laughing in delight yelling 'You tell 'em. :d Bev xx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

sorry cough i'm too slow on this computer, yes that was a great film, jack nicholson is a great actor, its been a while since i saw it, , but it was quite moving but funny at the same time :)

aye the big indian didnt half rip out the sink,,,,, love jimmy xxx :)

in reply tojimmyw123

Don't apologise Jimmy please. I used to be a copy typist so am naturally quite fast. I don't expect others to be. I can rattle it out at great speed when I want. Trouble is my brain doesn't work that fast any more! :d xx

Brilliant news Jimmy,we've all been worried about you,pleased to hear about your Mother as well.Take it easy now,don't rush at doing the Highland fling!

Love & Hugs Wens xxxx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

thanks a lot wendels , the old mother is getting better each day now,

i wont rush at the highland fling :D not today anyway :D but who knows, maybe tomorrow lol :D

love and hugs to you wens,you take care now

jimmy xxxx :)

mustcarryon profile image

Thanks hugs for keeping us informed about jimmy. I'm so glad that he is on the mend, and also his mom. If you speak to him would you mind telling him that I'm struggling to solve all these crimes on my own.


huggs profile image
huggs in reply tomustcarryon


Sorry about the lateness of my reply, and I have told Jimmy your message, so he was laughing his head off. LOL Hopefully he will be back for longer soon. He is still struggling with his foot.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tomustcarryon

welle soon be back to normal m/c/o , not the best today, but will soon be raring to go and solve these horrific crimes,,, :D

keep saving the intelligence , dont tell anyone, then welle soon solve the case together :D , off course it must be kept top secret :D lots of love jimmy xxx :)

Dedalus profile image

Thats really wonderful news - brilliant progress. Thanks for letting us know and all best wishes to Jimmy x

huggs profile image
huggs in reply toDedalus

You are welcome Dedalus,

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply toDedalus

hi dedalus , yip, were still here battling it out :)

[you'd think it was a boxing match lol :D ]

many thanks for your kind wishes ded. , lots of kind thoughts , love jimmy xxx :)

Nice to hear you are on the mend Jimmy,missing your numerous posts. Joyce xx

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply to

its always lovely to hear from you joyce, at the moment it seems , up one day down the next,,,, tomorrows due an "up" day :) [i hope ] you take care now, i send my love jimmy xxx :)

in reply tojimmyw123

Saw a message on my phone last night whilst putting it on charge.wanted to respond this morning but couldn't find it till now. Looking forward to spring when I hope you will share some pics with us of the bulbs in bloom in your. Wishing you well. X


Nanaeal profile image

Oh hugs you are great keeping us all up today's. I don't know were I'm going wrong didn't see meadows post Obviously not using the site properly. I'll keep trying

huggs profile image
huggs in reply toNanaeal

Hi Nanaeal,

You are welcome and its no trouble. Sorry for late reply, various reasons for that. Don't worry about missing medows post, as we all have missed many. I am so busy replying now, that I am missing a lot of them. If you want to read medow's post, it is spelt the way I have, so if you go to her profile and posts you should find it okay.

I have found that there are sometimes gaps of several hours between one post and the next so maybe the weather has been affecting the forum as well.

hugs from Huggs xxxx :)

Nanaeal profile image
Nanaeal in reply tohuggs

Hi Hugs many thanks. Hope your having a good day. I'm quite pleased with my self. I've been out in the sun for a walk. Going to have a spot of lunch then do some knitting. Xoxoxo

huggs profile image
huggs in reply toNanaeal

Hi Nanaeal,

You are welcome, and I have just remembered that you have just recently returned from a lovely holiday, so will be playing catch up!! I am doing that myself and haven't been on holiday so its easy to miss posts and things like that. It has been very stormy where I am so between power cuts, internet connection going down and appointments, and not being 100 % I have found myself in the position of playing catch up too. I feel like I am chasing my tail the whole time. LOL

Glad you managed a little walk, today. Did you say, "sun"? Is that a bright yellow ball in the sky? If it is then we had it too for about 15 minutes this morning.

Enjoy your knitting.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply toNanaeal

i agree with you nan , dont know what i would do without huggs,s cheek :D ,,

seriously though nan, she does far too much, but she really is a tonic [dont tell her i said that :D ]

lots of love jimmy xxx :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tojimmyw123

Hi Jimmy :)

Thank you for that, but tonic of what? lol


hugs from Huggs xxxx :)

juney_99_antique profile image

Hello Jimmy, so glad you are feeling better! Have missed your humour very much and I know you will improve as your humour will see to that! I am just sitting watching birds feeding frenzy outside! Sitting as just getting over chest infection so have plenty of time! They cheer me up no end! So, so pleased that your health is improving. Take care. Juney

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tojuney_99_antique

Hi juney99,

Jimmy isn't getting online as much as he would like, so I am thanking some people on his behalf, but I am sure he will be back soon and on top form.

Take your time getting over your chest infection as they take a lot out of you. I love watching and feeding the birds too, and feed them several times a day in this weather, making sure that the little ones get their share.

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tojuney_99_antique

hi juney, good to hear from you, i know well how you will have felt with that infection, i hope your on the mend now.

i also watched the lady next door feeding the birds today,,, but she was breast feeding them !! ? :D only kidding juney :D

, in fact i'm trying to buck myself up at the moment,, never mind juney, we'll both make it, spring is not too far off ,

lots of love jimmy xxx :)

p.s i feed the birds also, their so hungry at this time , it seems a shame for them , but they survive and will soon be thinking of nesting, its getting a wee bitty lighter each night now,,jimmy x

katieoxo60 profile image

Glad to see you back Jimmy and fighting fit from the sounds of your jokes. Stay warm and take care in this cold weather up your way xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tokatieoxo60

Hi Katie,

Jimmy isn't online as much as he would like, but when he gets back on again, I am sure he will thank you himself, as he is very, very appreciative of all the messages.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tokatieoxo60

hi katie, this is the first on the computer today, many, many thanks for your kind wishes, my eyes are even watering as i print,, not crying lol :D but blinken feel like crying though :D

i hope you are well katie, , the forecast doesn't look so good , it's supposed to be 14 below up here tomorrow night [its being so cheery that keeps me going lol :D ]

but seriously we all need to be very careful this couple of months,,, but we will survive,,, lots of love jimmy xxx :)

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply tojimmyw123

Sorry no reply I have just got back on line after a modern technology downer. But I will catch up soon with everyone now my computer is recovered. Shame they can't put us right in such a small time. It is very cold so take care and will speak to you again soon xx :)

sassy59 profile image

Great news Huggs that Jimmy is on the mend and his mother too. Thanks for the update and what a great friend you are. Take care xxxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tosassy59

Hi Sassy,

You are welcome, and its no bother at all. Thanks for you kind words, but its what we all do here. You take care too.

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tosassy59

hi sassy , yes huggs has been a godsend to us all, we know she doesn't keep too well at times herself, i think she deserves a medal for her thoughtfulness and kindness

lots of love sas, jimmy xx :)

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply tojimmyw123

Take care jimmy. xxxxxxxxx :) lots of love to you.

butter-fly profile image

Thanks Huggs. It's good to see Jimmy posting again.

Keep well Jimmy!

huggs profile image
huggs in reply tobutter-fly

Hi Sara,

You are welcome, and its good to see our cheeky, cheery Jimmy posting again, but he isn't online as much as he would like to be, which is why I am thanking you on his behalf, but I am sure he will be thanking you all again himself soon.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :) Apologies for the late reply.

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tobutter-fly

don't know what we would do without her sara, [sent p,m update ] love jimmy xxx

juney_99_antique profile image

Hi Jimmy, there you go already! Laugh of the morning! So pleased you are feeling better! Love, Juney

jimmyw123 profile image
jimmyw123 in reply tojuney_99_antique

nice to hear from you juney, i hope that last infection you had is under wraps now, its a bad time of year for the likes of us lot :)

i still feel the effects yet, but getting there, slow but sure,, never mind juney, it'll soon be spring , lets all look forward to that :) ,

lots of love jimmy xxx :)

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