Had to go back on third week of doxycycline yesterday ,I'm a bit confused, my gp told me to stop azithromycin while taking doxycycline, then yesterday my gp was away, spoke to his partner in the practice ,who gave me more doxycycline, he told me to carry on taking the azithromycin while taking the doxycycline, I told him other gp and chest nurse says dont take them togeather ,his answer was there are new rules now ,anyone else heard of this
Azithromycin and doxycycline - Lung Conditions C...
Azithromycin and doxycycline

As far as I know, it's always been that you take them together. But if I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will say so. You dould always ring the BLF helplie on 03000 030 555. available Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.

Good idea poems thank you I'll ring them now

Just rang ,I have to ring back In the morning
My consultant told me to stop Azithromycin if I had to use my doxycycline. And start them again when finished doxycycline.
I've always had the same advice as you Notto ,untill yesterday
Hi Alice. Not sure who is right but I was told to stop my maintenance antibiotics if I started on my emergency pack. Hope you get sorted soon xx
Alic, Why don't you contact your consultant via his Secretary. Explain the situation you are in and ask advice. Good luck, we have to take responsibility for ourselves particularly in circumstances like this.
Yeah I used to take both when I was them
I was told by a consultant to continue taking Azithromycin at same time as antibiotic Amoxicillin so I always do now with no problems.
I've always been told to stop Azith whilst on another antibiotic
I had to take them separately too recently. So best to get second opinion really. Xxx
Hi I have always been told to carry on with azithromycin whilst on other antibiotics
If I have any queries about medication I always consult our local pharmacist he seems to have more knowledge re medication than the Drs
I was told that in combo, some drugs can cause a long qt interval, which has something to do with your heartbeat. I am not a medical professional so I really dont know what I'm talking about but its what I've heard.
My daughter has always continued to take her maintenance Zith whilst having any treatment antibiotics, including a course of doxy earlier this year. There are no contraindications for taking both at the same time, it’s completely medically safe to take them in combination, so if you receive specialist care, you need to establish what the normal protocol is for your respiratory unit regarding azithromycin/macrolide maintenance therapy generally (as opposed to the GP’s view) and abide by that. Over the years we’ve experienced different doctors recommending different things when it comes to maintenance antibiotics depending on unit practice e.g. her old tertiary team always stopped her Zith during IVs, but her new team don’t.
Yes I too have been advised by respiratory consultant and bronchiectasis clinic to take both alongside steroids (Prednis) - it is preferable to try to come off Azith for the summer months if at all possible as it can have an effect on hearing however you really do need to investigate this thoroughly as many GPs really don't know much about the condition at all. Best wishes
BTS guidelines do not recommend taking steroids, oral (eg prednisolone) or inhaled, for bronchiectasis. They reckon there is no evidence to support that they bring any additional benefits.
A lot of medics, GPs in particular still prescribe prednisolone, typically alongside antibiotics for infections
Thank you santisuk for that info. I imagine that as damage was done six years by a trainee anaesthetist resulting in bleeding in the lungs during a mastectomy which took me many, many months to recover from plus pneumonia plus a few other things which resulted in continuous constant exacerbations which would take a month or more to recover from - the first relief from a constant round of illness was when I started on Azith - and had been treated for asthma for years with Pred and Amox which then ceased to work so switched to Doxy - with which this year I managed to stay well with for some eight months - a record for me - I guess it depends upon the severity of the illness. I no longer need to take any inhalers of any sort - just use of an acapella. so for me my treatment is keeping me going - and as I now have secondary cancer which requires doses of Pred I am pretty thankful for that.
I thought Charlie_G's response was really spot on , and yes many GPs and respiratory specialists have sparse knowledge on this subject I have found.
Hi Alice70, I too was advised that, I was told they can counter react with each other. Gp never gives me them, always amoxicillin.
I am on Doxycycline and Prednisone and Consultant at hospital told me to stop Azithromycin while taking this emergency pack then continue with Azithromycin.
Sheila x
It does sound a bit odd, my GP always tells me to take one or the other not both, I would be inclined to ask the chemist.