Hi trying to find out what has happened to my stomach in the past few weeks ,I think now it is possible after taking d3 for six weeks at the dosage of 25000 twice a week for six weeks which my gp prescribed, have finished the corse now ,but since then my stomache has been in bits ,has this happens to anyone else, much appreciate any replies
D3: Hi trying to find out what has... - Lung Conditions C...

I still think you need to speak to gp or respiratory nurse.
Didn't they tell you to take a daily maintenance dose of D3
I’ve been taking D3+K2, it’s 3000iu of D3. I take it 3 times a week and am currently taking a break from it as it made my stomach feel like it’s on fire. In the past I’ve taken a lesser dose of D3 and still had stomach pains from it 🙁
My stomach seems to be easily offended though.
Hi, I'm sorry that you are having a few problems at the moment. I can't say whether or not they are medication related but I do think that you would be best to book a check up with your GP to discuss your concerns with him/her. Best wishes.
Hi...I am having stomach pelvis pain for about 2 months now. Im 68. Doctors kept saying I was constipated until a cat scan showed different. The silent killer in women...ovarian cancer. I have a mass on my right ovary...2 smaller on my left. Is yours ok? or have you had a hysterectomy? Janet127
Yes Janet I had full hysterectomy in 1993 ,so it is not that,I'm almost sure now it is the d3 I was taking
Janet, what is your next step? Surgery’? I hope it is contained. Please update us.
Hope everything is ok with your ovaries ,janet , I had what was called a mass ,everything for me was benign ,not sure buy your post if yours is cancerous hopefully not ,best wishes
That's a big amount 25 000 twice a week.
Were you really deficient?
Or do you mean 2500 twice a week.💕X
Hi kitty my gp tested me for d deficiency, I was short of the vitimin so he prescribed 25,000 twice a week fifty thousand altogeather fo six weeks ,haven't got the box now ,but I think it said iu,s dont no what that is in mg,s ,I did have a shock when I saw the amount, apparently that is the correct amount when short
Hi Alice .......Ok yea will be right .
I was put on a lot when mine was really low but think only around 50, 000 a couple weeks can't remember now may have been more then a maitainance dose daily.
Don't remeber it causing me stomach problems but made feel jittery and weird and not myself quite shaky .it does even at lower amounts not sure why but I've read it's a hormone not just a vitamin and best taken with something with a bit of fat content.
6 weeks at that amount you must have been very low.
Apart from the stomach hopefully it's helped.
Your doc should test again to see if your numbers have gone up.
Maybe your tummy troubles are something else .💕X
Hi Alice
I've just finished a five week course of vitamin d at the same doseage as you and I didn't notice any stomach problems. I was advised to take it with a full meal though, so maybe that helped. It was called a booster dose and I now have to take a daily 'over-the-counter' supplement. I have to speak to my consultant again though, because he didn't say how much this should be.
Hope you feel better soon.
Best wishes
Hope you get some answers with your GP. Do let us know how you get on.
Wouldn't you better off by sitting in the sun for 10 minutes?
I had a similar experience last year with antibiotics.I lost a stone and my digestive system was destroyed!! I still havent completely regained my appetite.I am extremely sensitive to medication.Even a couple of Paracetamols make me feel sick! I have Vitamin D drops and have been ok with them.I also take Omega3 and garlic oil.This needs investigation!
I've taken azi for ten months now ,my chest consultant says it is not the azithromycin because they didn't effect my stomach until recently, but I was wondering if it could be a build up,ainge will you let me no were you get the drops from
These are the drops I get.I buy them from Holland and Barrett. You take 4 to 10 drops a day. I take mine with a meal.You can put them in
a drink or straight into your mouth.
I had to take a very high dose for eight weeks and now have to take a daily over the counter vit D. I can’t remember if they affected my stomach as I have stomach problems and maybe didn’t put it down to vit D. I noticed a definite improvement in my nails after a while. I would see your GP just to make sure. xx
I take D3 drops. No artificial ingredients, fillers or E numbers which may be what upsets some people's gut and not the actual vitamin.
I've not had any problems with these.
Thank you titian ,were did you get your drops
I bought them from Amazon. They are called Zoomavit and cost about £15. It states they are suitable for babies and adults, so amount differs with regard to age and individual need. I usually take 5 to 6 drops each day as 1 drop = 400 iu. Therefore I'm taking about 2000+iu daily.
There are 2140 drops in the bottle and I've been using them for a year and the bottle is still half full.
I was looking for D3 that wasn't a tablet/capsule filled with chemicals, fillers etc and the drops are only enhanced with coconut oil, plus this is such an easy way to take it. It's also GMO free and suitable for vegetarians.
Now I'm searching for a K2-MK7 drops as prefer supplements in this form.