Hi ,some weeks ago my gp tested my d3 through blood sample,results came back a bit under doctor gave me 25,000units of d3 two tablets per week ,which I finish taking today ,can anyone recommend me a good maintenance dose ,and of what units or mg
D3: Hi ,some weeks ago my gp tested my... - Lung Conditions C...

They are supposed to test you now to find out if the levels have gone up. Then put on a maintenace dose of 1600 per day and test again after 3 months. Mine did this. I was 23 to begin with and have maintained at 111. Only 3 colds started since 2015 and fought them off with coldzyme. Better get on the case to get the GP to do the procedure properly.

I never thought of that little pom ,good advice thank you
Totally agree with Littlepom, go back to the gp and check what your level is now. I am great believer in d3 and take 1000iu per day x
Thanks Izb ,it is a good idea to get it checked agian ,never though of that before
Sorry for late reply. There should be follow up bloods to see if the low Vit D returned. Mine did after a first course like yours,
Lack of Vit D can mimic OA and cause a lot of pain, which is worse if you have that condition also.
Best natural supply of Vit D is the sun, wear short short sleeved cloths and get as much sun as possible. You can talk to pharmacy about Adcal or something like that, but a follow up blood test at some stage would be good.