Hi I have chronic severe small airways disease caused by long term asthma as well as widespread bronchiectasis FEV around 40 per cent expected. Peak flow 120. Sats pretty normal. I find life a bit of a struggle at times and really want to know if I'm just being weedy or how other people feel in same situation. I don't smoke or drink but do like having fun!
Am I being pathetic?: Hi I have chronic... - Lung Conditions C...
Am I being pathetic?

No Karen you are not being pathetic . Life has its ups and downs for most of us and there are different ways in which people cope with the downs and a sense of humour - which you apparently have - is one of them.
Keep smiling
You are in no way pathetic,in fact you are a very welcome addition to this site,we all support each other and your sense of humour will enlighten us all.do keep us posted in both good times and when you feel anxious............best wishes skisx
not being weedy at all, ups and downs are part of lung problems, my % is pretty bad, laughter is a good medicine, best of luck,
Hello Karen1912 .
My goodness why on earth do you think you're being "weedy"😀? We all feel like that at times. My FEV is about 35% now, and I struggle constantly. Everything is a battle. And some days seem far, far worse than others. So, no, you are not being weedy in the slightest.
Be kind to yourself and take good care.
Cas xx 🌸
such a nice photo and what a smile you are not weedy you are putting up with and living with a life changing condition but. All of us on HU have our problem it is a forum where we can share our highs and lows together, and most of all we share our fears and get help and support from one another. Your photo brightened my day I too was feeling a bit low, there you have it keep posting.
Now, as my old mum would have said. Sit down, dear and listen to your Gran,,, Then she would start recounting the story of her mum's way of dealing with bad stuff. First, she said, don't worry what anyone else thinks. The way you feel is the way YOU feel so just be however you want to be. And then think what you most enjoy and do it, eat it, drink it. Right now. She said it was a stiff whisky for gran but for her (my mum) it was nice cup of tea and a chocolate digestive. Me? I am more of a gin and tonic man so when I feel crap, and sometimes I do, that's what I do. Each to his or her own I say - COPD is a rotten thing to suffer but as I always answer to "how are you today?" - I got up didn't I? Mind you I m of for a g and t right now and I am actually feeling quite chipper today - hardly used the bluey! But I reckon gran would have said that was OK too. Mind you, just the one Mrs Wembley...