Anyone taking Azithromycin 3x weekly any side affect due to tinnitus? I’m wondering if they are the cause of mine.
Azithromycin: Anyone taking... - Lung Conditions C...

Yes. I was prescribed it for Obliterative bronchiolitis. I was sceptical because it seems to work for OB that is neutrophilic but not for the fibrotic phenotype of OB, which I am sure is what I have. The consultant at RBH said: “We have very few tools in the tool box for OB, let’s use what we have.” So I agreed. Was on it last year for about nine months but then I got very mild tinnitus and also found out that it can cause deafness. I am deaf already, felt I couldn't risk it worsening so stopped taking Azithromycin. It had no positive affect on my condition, PFTs were showing a steady slow deterioration. I shall have to break the news to my local consultant when I see him next.
I do hope there is another medication for you to feel better.Thank you for your response.
Hi Darcy,
I've been taking azithromycin 3 xs a week for OB and bronchiectasis. I was getting flare ups frequently and my lung function was worsening. Since starting the regular antibiotic my flare ups have stopped (not straight away I'll admit, I had one soon after starting ) and my lung function has become stable at 30%,
My hearing has been affected but as I'm 67 that's partly due to age partly the azithromycin.
In my case I don't want to risk changing my medication as it does seem to be helping my lungs.
I have hearing aids, they are only for some sounds so there's plenty of wiggle room before I am totally deaf. My choice was hearing or breathing, I chose breathing.
I think I may have thought differently if I was younger and knew my hearing loss was only from the medication.
It's a lot to think about but at least with this forum you get input from real people not a drug company who want to sell their wares.
Good luck xx
I know this had made me feel like I’ve got new lungs since taking it and it’s only been a few weeks , persistent coughs hardly there mucus has also nearly vanished. I just hope it’s going to be ok for me as my quality of life for the last 4 yrs had been every other month infection after infection so 🤞
Pete takes Azithromycin three times a week and has suffered some hearing loss but not tinnitus. I took Amitryptalene some years ago for one week and have tinnitus as a result. Xxxx
That’s interesting I took Amitryptalen for nerve pain for a few months and that may have caused my tinnitus🤔 Going back to Azithromycin I’m hoping I can stay on it as I feel like I’ve got new lungs.
I take it three times a week and have tinnitus. I never thought about it being linked to the meds but I never had it before I started them. It's a hissing I hear it's annoying at times I keep thinking that my oxygen bottle is on lol. But it helps me breath so I will put up with it..
Regards Eian
Yes i take it every day now it used to be 3x weekly however due to my bronchiectasis worsening my consultant upped my dosage. I am 51 & have had tests dine for loss of hearing but i had no idea it could be connected to Azithromycin. I have more recently experienced strange noises its like a hissing noise. I am going to mention this to my consultant when i next see him.
I take azith three times a week, and now wear a hearing aid. It has meant that I haven’t had an infection for eighteen months, which is important to me. I don’t know how much longer the consultant will allow me to be on it though, it’s been about five years now, so don’t know if it’s still effective.
Hi Croydonia, I have been taking them for 7 years now and my consultant told me I will take it for my lifetime. It works very well so why would anyone stop taking thrm. Tinnitus is a side effect but hey it is a small price to pay to stay well. My hearing aids are effective and invisible, so why worry. Maximonkey
I have been taking Azithromycin for Emphysema and COPD for 3 years and I have needed to use hearing aids for the first time in the last 12 months and was told there is a connection but as others have said since using this antibiotic along with other meds and inhalers I have not had a serious infection or flare up of my condition. I am 72 and hearing loss may have been part of getting older in any case. Best of luck.
Hi darcy, yes my tinnitus has been caused by the Azith. However, as my doc said better deaf than dead. Apparently, it is well known that any antibiotics name that ends in mycin cause tinnitus. I have hearing aids now which help and I must admit I do not suffer daily with tinnitus, so I cannot complain. I would not stop taking Azith for anything.