Hi all ,I am on my fifth week of taking Azithromycin 250mg three times a week ,although my chest is feeling a little better , ,i feel as if an increase to everyday would benefit me more ,bearing in mind I think I'm on lower dose 250mg Mon, wenes ,and fri .What I'm asking is does anyone on here take them every day, I think that is what I need
Azithromycin: Hi all ,I am on my fifth... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi Alice, most people take 3 times per week. I took 500mg.
Thanks Littleton, I can see now mainly three time a week
Iam on the same dose for 3 months now I don’t think they do anything iam still struggling with wheezing phlegm on my chest and have had 2 infections in the last month ?
Oh dear sorry to hear that ,I was originally given azithromycin a year ago ,because of all the infections I was getting I couldn't get the chance to start them so I gave up on them ,what I did this time was after taking doxycycline for five weeks had another sputum test done as soon as that test was clear I started on azithromycin ,been on them four weeks now my chest feeling some what better
I've been on same dose as you for about 2 years. They are very good, you shouldn't get as many infections, if you do have an infection you will need to get sputum test done through the doctors and be prescribed with appropriate anti biotics
Thanks for your reply Shirley, I'll stick to three times a week ,see how I go
Hi Alice, I take Azithromycin and they have saved my life. I was so ill when I first went on them but they do work by keeping infections at bay. They are not an antibiotic to clear any existing infections they should just make you stronger when it comes to fighting infection. Three times per week is the only dose I have ever taken and they really do work, just give them time. If you are not feeling well at the moment and need to see a doctor please ring them now. We are approaching the worst time in the year for the doctors, do not wait until GPs are all shut for the holidays. Take care and I hope this info has helped. Merry Christmas and I do hope you keep well. Maximonkey
Thanks maximonkey ,I do feel a bit better thinking back I will finish my fourth week Friday,hasn't done anything for my breathing though ,maybe the more weeks I take them the better

Hi Alice, give them time to get into your system. If your breathing does not improve tell your GP or consultant next time you see them and they will see if you need new inhalers. The Azith on their own will only help you to keep free of infections they will not help your breathing. Good luck, take care and have a lovely Christmas. Maximonkey
Thanks maximonkey ,I'll stick with it as chest is better than it was ,just had my inhalers changed from foster, spiriva to trimbow, I believe this is the same as foster and spiriva

Merry Christmas Alice, I hope you feel better soon. The new inhalers should help. Take care Maximonkey
Thank you maximonkey ,merry Xmas to you ,and a happy deathly new year
Hi I’ve been taking it three times a week for 3 years. Personally I have been so much better taking them. They are talking about reducing them in the summer months. I take carbocisteine which makes the secretions easier to cough up . Good luck
I'll stick to three times a week ,see how I go ,thanks for your reply
I was taking it seven days a week for two years, have had a slight hearing loss. My consultant has now reduced to three times a week for nine months of the year. consultant says that research now shows that the same results are obtained from taking three or seven days a week. Even with a small hearing loss I would not want to stop taking them, they have stopped me from getting the infections that I had before I started them.
Better that I stick to three times a week ,thanks for your reply
Hello Alice,
I've been taking azithromycin for a while now, three days a week and they've stopped me getting an infection so far. I couldn't be without them.
Good luck to you.
Think they are working for me now joan thank you

That's great, Alice, have a lovely Christmas!
Thank you ,same to you ,and a happy healthy new year
You could speak to your doctor about increasing the drug to 250mg daily. It might be worth trying for a while to see if it brings about an improvement.
I'll stay as I am for now Bella think they are working thank you