Im tempting fate here ( even though i dont believe in fate ) but since january this year and being in azithromycin ( one perday ) ive not had 1 infection or exasabation ( usually after christmas and new year i get 1 or 2 of these before the weather starts to get warmer ) im starting to look over my shoulder so to speak , i used to be a fast runner but i doubt i could outrun a cold even at my fittest .I'm wondering if anyone else does this ? I dont let it spoil my appreciation at not having a chest infection so kudos to my specialist for suggesting i try this drug ,i hope everyone is enjoying this milder weather and managing to get some nice clean fresh air into your lungs ,have a nice day everyone 😀
Azithromycin : Im tempting fate here... - Lung Conditions C...

The picture gave me a laugh, thank you. Well I picked up a bug from somewhere and had to use my rescue pack, but this weather makes it easier to deal with.

Glad you enjoyed the photo don , sorry to hear about you having to break open the rescue pack have a good day m8

I have had an infection and used my rescue pack glad to say so far I haven't had another one. Love pic have a great day and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
Pete uses Azithromycin but still got clobbered with a bad chest. He’s doing better and now using the antibiotic again plus Nystatin for thrush.
You stay well and thanks for the picture. Good to have a laugh. Xxx
Ive just finished a weeks course of nystatin ,its the steroid inhalers i believe , it was my dentist who noticed the thrush ,yuk
Hi soulboy got fingers and ties crossed for you. Hope this keeps you well for a long time. I'm still battling the last lung infection on to 3rd course of antibiotics now. Never heard of this drug so best of luck. Your such a positive person. Be well and loved your photo Mx

Sorry to hear about your persistent chest infection , hope its on the mend ,take care of yourself ,dave
Hi Hun, been on these AB's for about 2 years now, Yes they are the best AB's, have kept chest infections at bay, though have had a long exacerbation recently without any Chest Infection, I took the rescue Meds.. Hope that has Sunk in !!! xxx
They are doing the trick for me, i seem to get exasperations without infection to.
I have been on azithromicin since last November and done so well have managed to give up taking presnisolone . Hope you keep well
I've been on the same antibiotics for a couple if years now and they have made a big difference, I'm always frightened to say I'm well, I don't want to tempt fate.
Glad they are working for you too x
Good to know they are doing the trick for you and they actually work