Hello, everybody, and just let me say I've been so encouraged by the many kind replies I've had to all my posts. After the failed MRI, my doctor prescribed REAL pain meds. I know all about the dangers, but damn, they do help with the pain. We try the MRI again tomorrow. I will get all doped up and give it a go. Meanwhile, I went to a chiropractor. Never done that before, but as you have likely ascertained from previous posts, I'm somewhat desperate. He seemed to know his stuff, and I liked him. He worked on my body and said he could fix me but it would take time. Who knows? I'm still in pain. Hopefully, I can do the MRI and we can get to the bottom of this. If it takes surgery, so be it. I cannot go on like this. As I've mentioned before, for some reason I don't even notice my COPD anymore. I guess it has been overwhelmed by my sciatic pain. Or maybe it's just being kind to me and behaving itself. Please don't say, "Be careful with the opioids." I understand the dangers, but as I said, they blessedly help with the pain. Anyway, here in the USA to doctor is not going to continue prescribing them. So, it's off to the clinic tomorrow for the MRI, and hopefully a step in the right direction for getting this resolved. Blessings to all of you.
The latest on my battle with sciatica - Lung Conditions C...
The latest on my battle with sciatica

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Jump to repliesKeeping everything crossed for tomorrow challny and hope the MRI scan can be done. It may well show what’s causing the pain.
Good luck and wishing you well as always. Xxxx
That's good news challny glad your not in so much pain. Good luck with the mri and hope they can help you xx
Good luck with everything.
Thinking of you, challny. Hope the MRI is completed successfully and you get some answers. Glad the pain is less for now.
Thinking of you 🤞 I hope the MRI scan goes ok this time and shows what's going on so that it can start to be treated. It's good to know you've got some proper pain medication. These things do have horrible side effects but unfortunately sometimes it's necessary to take these things. I hope things will start to improve for you now.
Pleased to hear you have decent pain relief. Here’s hoping MRI goes ok take some deep breathes and think of something good, braver than I am!
Hi there challny and I'm sorry to hear your still in pain. Like other members have said,let's keep everything crossed for your 2nd attempt at MIT and that from this,the medics will know how to proceed to help you🙏.
Good luck with the mri, hope all goes well for you x
I feel sorry for you, the sciatic pain must be dreadful to cope with. I hope you find some answers and improve soon. xx
Afternoon challny
I’ve have bad arthritis of the lumbar part of the spine I take a 7 day 20 micro grams an hour patches of morphine 3 gaberpentin and 8 500/30 paracetamol codeine tablets a day it works great with out them I can’t walk I all so have Acute Intestinal pulmonary Emphysema
Asthma it does not play any of that up which is fantastic I’ve also been on Fentanyl patch they didn’t even touch the pain I have a lot more illnesses as well so I hope they get the pain sorted for you which I think they will I hope this as help you a bit more
Best of luck 👍🏻
Wow, Stephend that's a lot of meds you are on. I was only on gabapentin and a muscle relaxer for pain until I was unable to do the MRI, then they gave me hydrocodone 5-325. We will see if it carries me through today's test. Best to you. Did they ever do surgery for you?
No no the pain clinic said they could do nothing for my pain and sent me back to doctor he sorted the pain he told me there is a operation that they can do when I’m 75 I did laugh as I’m only 53 at the time the only good thing is my last doctor I had him for the last 35 years and he personally introduced me to him and he’s been there 10 years plus he looks after me well but honestly I have no pain and with out the meds I really could not walk it is a lot but take a lot more for other things but the pain I can only say it’s like being plugged in to the mains Believe me you try anything to get rid of the pain as long as they find something you’re happy with you tell them good luck
Hope the scan went well for you today.
Thanks you Ergendl I was able to complete the MRI, so I was pleased. But it almost didn't happen. Even with prescribed pain meds I still could not lie flat on my back. But they finally let me lie on my side and that worked. Hopefully with this information we can work toward a solution. Because the way it is now I cannot exercise at all, let alone sleep. I can walk around my house but that's about it. If they can't fix this I don't know what I will do. I hope you are well; it sounds that way.
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