How on earth do I slooow down and accept that I’m 75 not 35 to help with my breathlessness? I’m finding it so hard !!!
Age: How on earth do I slooow down and... - Lung Conditions C...

Don’t think of it as slowing down, just pace yourself. Xxxx
Hi there Looseloafers ....@sassy59 has the right approach, nothing needs to be rushed just well planned to allow for a little/lot longer to do things maybe? Being active is the game changer...They say "use it or loose it"!!! Hope you have a good weekend.
I find that a look in the mirror usually works for me. 🙄

I wonder who i'm looking at when i look in the mirror , i'm sure it's not me , just some old man.


That did make me laugh you certainly got a sense of humour

Tell me about it! With mild copd, borderline under active thyroid, along with chronic back pain I crawl along now, and I am 10 years younger than you!
I always used to rush everywhere at the speed of light and now I am unrecognisable. Old age isn't for sissies x
Just as well you ain’t no sissy eh Bev! Have a good weekend. Xxx😘😀👍
Old age sucks big time x
I don't advise you to try the alternative. 🙄


Always thought 96 had a ring to it so I’m giving it my best shot 😂😂😂
Hi Looseloafer, its difficult for a while but you will get used to it. Instead of doing everything in a day and being whacked for the next two, try spacing it out, and plan more time for yourself, its taken a couple of years but have managed to slow down quite a bit and dk have my lazy days now x
Also try some singing exercises to control your breathing better when you get breathless. My breathlessness around my COPD diagnosis was caused by hyperventilating or overbreathing on exercise. It was identified on a PR course and the physios helped me correct it. All the best.
I found that moving house to a different part of the country has helped! At 75 and 76 we finally feel retired. Hardly think that is a sensible solution though!! Good luck xx
Quite so!
Long ago I read 'your children will always remember you read them a bedtime story, not that you ironed their pyjamas'. And it's still a good way to think when getting older and breathless. Choose what you feel like doing at the time, not what you think you have to do.
Housework etc will always be there so it can wait while you spend time enjoying your garden, reading your book etc etc . The Spanish 'Manyana' sounds good and I'm really great at procrastination.
Suppose you haven't got kids? x
Hi Hypercat, That was just an example of alternative thinking: basically with or without children don't put too much pressure on yourself to feel you have to do things right away.There is always tomorrow so, if it's possible, enjoy "me' time in whatever way you choose.
I practise the art of 'putting off" every day, very stress free👍
The trouble is I put things off so much they never get done. Then they become urgent which is very stressful! x
You should use lighter darts and aim for the lower numbers. 😉x

Not me mate! I aim high for the 20's as you can score more 😊😘💖 x
You’d always score with me Pussycat 😂😘

Purr purr 😘💖💖 xx
Simples - I get to the foot of the stairs and reach for the adaptor on the oxygen machine!
I know how you feel I'm 72.but sometimes act like 42 till after 1 hour doing the gardening I realise I'm not 42 anymore. x
I know exactly how you feel haha 😄😄