Hello l I had pluerisy in late Jan early Feb for about 3 weeks and it was absolutely awful. My chest and shoulders were so painful I had to sit with a hot water bottle between my shoulder blades most the day. Then as that started to clear I got a strain of flu.
It's now the end of March and I still get random stabbing between my collarbone shoulder area on my right side and a really tight sore chest randomly or when i over do it or get stressed it goes tight and stitch like pain, can take hours to go away sometimes.
I went to bed last night with the shoulder pain and woke up with chest pain. My ribs feel sore and so does my back.
All the pain is in the same areas as the pain when I had pleurisy but not as severe.
Anyone else had lingering pain?
My pleurisy has definitely cleared up as I was at gp late Feb and my chest was clear but that's when I was diagnosed with flu
Many thanks