Hi I’m new so this is my first post. Two years ago I was diagnosed with fibrotic NSIP and take immuno depressant medication (Mycophenolate mofetil) . This leaves me very vulnerable to infections and so I avoid crowds and air conditioned buildings, planes, trains etc. I am looking for advice on a face mask which would give me more freedom to travel. Does anybody have experience of such a product?
Breathing mask to help prevent infection - Lung Conditions C...
Breathing mask to help prevent infection

It seems the evidence says a mask is only useful for putting a barrier between your mouth and nose from unconsciously touching them with contaminating hands or fingers. Other than that, their only use would be to stop you from infecting others:
Thanks for replying. It was a long shot but the advice you gave is very important and I do try to follow it. Unfortunately my last plane journey ended with my being admitted to intensive care abroad and I'm sure that it was caused by the aircon on the plane. No more flying for me unfortunately.
Have a look at the Cambridge mask. It is specialy designed to keep infection out. Of course 2greys’advice on not touching your mouth, nose and particularly eyes is very important. Hand gel always in pocket and take a look at First Defense and Nasal Guard cold and flu blocker.

Thanks for the information. I looked at the reviews for the Cambridge mask and opinion was very divided. The main problems seemed to be with the fitting but I've decided to order one anyway and try for myself.
I am flying to USA in July so think I may get one for myself. See how it goes.
Hi, i am also told i have fibrotic NSIP and due to necretising scleritis in eye with high doses of steroids which unfortunately does not seem to control it with reduction I have been told i will start the drug azathioprine to dampen down immune system and will also be vulnerable to infections. The leaflet i have been given is quite scary reading with bad side effects and it seems to be a form of chemotheraphy used for a number of different illnesses. I would be interested if you could let me know how this drug you are taking is working for you and are there many bad side effects. Thank you.
I think all drugs have lists of very scary side effects. Touch wood the one that I'm taking and have been taking for 2 years has not really produced any, except for the suppression of my immune system leading to a couple of bouts of pneumonia. The problem is that the drug isn't a cure it just helps to slow the progression of the disease and there's no way of measuring how it might have progressed without the medication. I hope that it proves successful for you. I'll just carry on taking it and try to keep away from viruses and bacteria.
Thank you for your reply. As i have the scleritus problem which is probably an autoimmune cause i realise they are trying to dampen down the immunity which sounds like what they are also doing with you, it made me think that as you are receiving different drugs to the ones they say they will start me on, mainly to get me off all the steroids i am taking that maybe they could try these. Anyway i will ask as i am not too happy about about side effects of ones they say i will be taking and at least you have given me the opportunity of asking about different treatments and thanks again for that.