So after all my tests and diagnosing me with constrictive bronchiolitis that isn’t progressing caused by having chronic asthma as a young child the brompton have finally told me I may have something called dysfunctional breathing as my lung function is unchanged and I don’t react to nebulisers and have sent me to a physio to train me how to breath again, anyone else have experience with this, my symptoms are tight chest, really bad fatigue persistent wheeze that feels like I’m breathing through a straw
Dysfunctional breathing : So after all... - Lung Conditions C...
Dysfunctional breathing
No but felt like I have forgotten how to breathe at times, I really have to concentrate.
Not in the way you have, but when I went to Pulmonary Rehab I discovered I was hyperventilating on exertion and had to relearn how to breathe when making an effort. That's why I run a singing for lung health group now.
Yeah I read about it and my doc explained but you got hyperventilation syndrome and dysfunctional breathing usually the same thing but there’s different breathing patterns, don’t feel like I was breathing any different then before it’s like it just became difficult but well see how it all pans out a
Not heard of that Ricky but just want to wish you well. The Brompton is a great hospital and you’re in good hands. Xxxxx
I went to a respiratory physio who taught me how to breathe again (like a baby). I was hyperventilating and using only the top third of my lungs. Helped massively.
What sort of symptoms did you experience from this type of breathing?

I was getting headaches (not transferring co2 as efficiently as I could), breathlessness, air hunger (taking deep breaths every so often).
Don’t get me wrong I still get very breathless but I no longer tend to experience those symptoms described above.
Hi, I've been to the Brompton hospital and they tend to do testing fairly deeply and thoroughly. You may like to try "Power breath" a gadget available from Amazon for about £15.00 which will help to strengthen your breathing methods. It's adjustable to help you build up. I have some of the symptoms you mention but I do find nebulisers work for me. ( I take 4No sessions a day using Salbutamol, available on prescription only) I do feel continually tired & can drop off without notice, I wheeze especially in the mornings but that seems to clear once I've gotten rid of my mucus.
I hoe your new training helps but you are not alone on this site.
Already bought this I do use it and have had improvement in my lung capacity but this may be due to swimming and jogging as well, cheers
I used to breathe just using the top of my lungs too.....and reverse breathing, my stomach went in when I breathed in and out when I breathed out.
I had to learn to gentle belly breathe with relaxed shoulders and diaphragm.....belly out when I breathed in.....and using gentle nose breathing only to prevent hyperventilating.
Try putting one hand on your middle, one on your upper chest....the lower hand should move out when you gentle belly breathe in, not the top hand .
Meditation and relaxation have helped me with tense breathing too.
I find if I do deep big breaths through my mouth I can bring on the start of an asthma attack...I try and nose breathe at all times, but I can catch myself mouth breathing if I am not careful, and then hyperventilating and panicking .
My specialist referred me to physio for the same reason when i saw them they did nothing not even any breathing exercises i came home with some leaflets on breathing exercises and that was it lol my symptoms are excactly like yours even to the straws I saw a different specialist today who said i may have Asthma with my COPD ?and he is ringing me with a appointment to see the consultant the thing that baffles me is i was treated for years for Asthma so why would it go when COPD set in I hope you find a answer x
I guess when you gave an existing lung problem like us with reduced lung function they always look at the obvious it’s taken 7 months to refer me to a physio and jump to the conclusion I’m breathing very wrongly, yeah the physio I saw didn’t show me loads just gave me a piece of paper with some exercises as well aha
Hi,ricky did theu ever do a lung biopsy on u?
Nah they didn’t, only chest Ct and x rays
Singing exercises should help with reverse breathing, or exercises for diaphragmatic breathing.