Think I'm having an exacerbation and can' t remember how to take my medication.
W hen taking rescue meds do I take an... - Lung Conditions C...
W hen taking rescue meds do I take antibiotics first followed by steriods or both at the same time?

If I feel I get flare up I take antibiotics first than steorids. When I was in hospital and got both they didn't told me what to take first. Just take them. Better if you have eaten something before, better for your stomach. You take care and hope that you feel better again soon. πΉπΉπΉ
Thanks so much for the speedy response. It's hopeless trying to get a reply from a medical practitioner, no wonder A &E is always so busy!
It depends if you think you have an infection or not IE fever, yucky sputum. There are non infection exacerbations needing mild steroids as well as infection exacerbations needing antibiotics as well as steroids.
Whichever meds you take be sure to inform your surgery so it's on your records and you get replacement emergency meds. If it's an infection then 7 days of abs may not be enough.
Usually, if you've lung problems you can get a same day appointment. It only takes two minutes to listen to your lungs. P
The rescue pack is for infection antibiotics or non infection steroids or a combination of both.
Have you not been given a management plan.
Typical plan which can be used.
Just to add it will probably be advantageous to take your oral steroids first thing in the morning with one of the side effects can be insomnia.
I take steroids as soon as I wake in the morning, that's providing I got any sleep ha ha!. Then ABs at ten, two and six o clock with a biscuit or two.
Take abs 2h away from any antiacid..x
Take everything together..because the steroids will help to lower the inflammation so the antibiotics can get in there to do their work.
Follow advice on the box or notice.
Steroids work better 30mn before food first thing in the morning but if you have a fragile tummy take it with your breakfast.
I find antibiotics are better taken with food because they usually upset my stomach.
Do drink a lot of liquid. 2 litres a day.
Take care.
in UK, it tells you on the box and on the leaflet. Steroids are usually first thing, all together.
ABs depends on which type, but are usually 3 times a day.
The leaflets tell you how you should take them - with food, before food or whatever.
Note while taking some ABs you should suspend taking statins .
If you mean which do you start first, you need to be clearer about your question - but think someone answered above..
Hi, For standby meds I always take antibiotic first then the steroids, if they have given you amoxicilin (Check spelling) they may not be enough, I always find that chrorithymicin (Checheck spelling) works far better for chest infection. Don't despair go back for a different antibiotic if the Amoxicilin doesn't clear it.
I just open my mouth up and pour them all in .. when I was in the hospital for an exacerbation a few weeks ago they gave me everything all in a wee tub.. name .. date of birth .. that was that .. xx
I take my first one when I get up and take the steriods with mey breakfast. Never on an empty stomach. Hope this helps Bandittabby